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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lorenzen Wright Memorial Live Stream

The investigation into Lorenzen Wright hasn't really given family members, friends, or fans the answer they've been looking for since last Wednesday. Everybody wants to know what happened to Lorenzen!! Although we haven't gotten an answer yet, I'm almost positive we'll know something soon. Today is the public memorial for the slain father, son, friend, brother and NBA player. I'm sure it will be a HUGE turn out, in fact I know it will.  They even had tickets for certain individuals attending the service, probably to keep the groupies away.

Really fast, I'll try to catch you all up a little on the investigation thus far.

- The ex-wife's story about him leaving her home at 2 a.m. is conflicting with the 12 a.m. 911 call placed from Wright's cell phone
- Sherra Wright's (the ex-wife) neighbors reported that they saw a fire from her back yard the night that Lorenzen went missing
- Sherra's divorce attorney is no longer speaking on her behalf and has advised her to seek a defense attorney

As I said before, I won't put my two cents out about what I think happened because this is an extremely sensitive subject. I will say this tho.... Last week I went to the crime scene with my sister and a friend to place flowers where they found his body. It was such an eerie feeling walking the path that he walked before he left this life. I kept shaking and wondering the whole time how he got ALLLLLLLLLL the way back where they found his body. Was he running, did he go willingly, was he tricked some kind of way? I don't know and probably never will. One thing I can say is that whoever did that is evil and they will be held accountable rather it's in THIS life or the next. You can watch the live stream of the memorial here.

R.I.P. Lorenzen!!