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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Superman Knocked Down the Shot Clock with Dunk

Orlando Magic's Dwight Howard stopped the Eastern Conference final against the Cleveland Cavaliers for eight minutes after knocking down the 24-second shot clock above the basket with a super dunk on Wednesday night.

After grabbing the ball from a rebound, Dwight Howard went up underneath and slammed it through with his hands and pulled on the rim for Magic's first basket. The 24-second stanchion, a 5-foot-tall appendage that has cameras mounted to its top, then fell slowly backward.

Dwight Howard is Superman
A maintenance man tried to fix it but couldn't figure out the damage Howard had done. The shot clock at the opposite end was turned off and two portable units were brought in and placed on both baselines. A tape measure was then brought out to check if "Superman" had pulled the rim lower than its required 10 feet.

Orlando Magic broke Lebron James' Cleveland Cavaliers unbeatable during playoffs records with 107-106; 30 points and 13 rebounds come from Dwight Howard.

Dwight 'Superman' Howard super dunk