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Friday, December 4, 2009

Monday Musings - Christmas prep

The start of the "Christmas party/wrapping up the year" season has begun for us! We had our first party on Saturday night. Our tree went up at the end of November but unfortunately I didn't take any photos of us putting it up - it was so nice to see Anya so excited! We have even been playing carols. I always swore I would have a "mummy tree" and a "kiddie tree" but I was very self controlled and let Anya decorate, including one of her decorations we made together and I didn't even move any after she went to bed! ha ha .....I may have directed the placements just a little ;) My Christmas shopping is 3/4 done! yipeeeeee. I hope you had a lovely weekend.

***Last day to enter the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway***