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Monday, May 9, 2011

Back Tribal Tattoos

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  • xPismo
    Jul 14, 11:36 PM
    s/mac community/all the Intel vendors/wh

    You have been assimilated.

    Apple == Dell == IBM == Gateway == Lenovo == ...

    Apple existed pre RISC, and they will exist post IBM chips. Your fears are unfounded. Well engineered hardware with well engineered software, add a dash of the SJ RDF and things will stay groooooovy.

    Back Tribal Tattoos. upper ack tribal tattoo.
  • upper ack tribal tattoo.

  • Full of Win
    Apr 25, 02:14 PM
    Look out Apple...the chattel are beginning to rise. I hope these power-hungry thugs (Apple) get taken to the cleaners. Sad that Apple now views our location as a resource to be exploited.

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  • noire anqa
    Mar 26, 07:25 AM
    Oracle's acquisition of Sun was just... bad. I have nothing good to say about that.

    I loved ReiserFS (v3 anyway). I was using it in beta on Slackware about as early as I could.

    And for my unnecessary griping about HFS+, I've never had a problem with it the whole time I've used Macs (so, about 6 years now). ZFS would be cool though.

    I'm not sure about that .. my hfs+ partitions always seem to get corrupted more often than any linux box i've ever owned. I hate to say it, but probably even more than any windows box i've owned.

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Mar 31, 02:23 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later.

    John Gruber's take:

    Can't say I disagree.

    John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.

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  • Tribal back tattoos for girls

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 6, 11:12 AM
    I still don't think this means new MacBook Airs in June. Can anyone really see Apple releasing new hardware before Lion is released?

    I can they have before. Drop in OS kits.

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  • LillieDesigns
    Jul 27, 12:14 PM
    i think it's safe to assume that Apple will be making an effort to differentiate the Macbooks and the MBP. As of right now, other than the video card, and backlit keyboard, there doesnt seem like a solid reason to fork over an extra 800-1200 bucks. i expect Apple to use the core2 for this purpose. put merom only in the mbp, and force the power-hungry users to upgrade to the pro model.

    this would be smart because as of right now the mac book pro doesnt WOW me over the macbook. Do you think the "core 3" will also have the same pin structure as the 2's?

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  • Tribal Tattoos – Full Back

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 27, 02:15 PM
    Remember that the G5 is 64 bit. While the consumer apps may not be too directly affected at first, (speed increases, but nothing else), as more memory is required, 32 bit will hit a brick wall at 4GiB, whereas 64 bit can go along happily to 2,305,843,009,200,000,000GiB.

    Realistically, it will take some time to get to that level, but with the last G5 supporting 16GiB, 32 then 64 wouldn't be too far off. within 10 years, I'm sure 1TiB will start to become common.

    But with only 2 RAM slots in most current Macs (apart from obviously the Power Mac G5 which has 64-bit processor anyway), getting past 4GB is basically impossible/ ridiculously expensive at the moment.

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  • Megadooomer
    Mar 22, 01:18 PM
    Except the biggest spec is missing from it: compatible with the Apple App Store. Sorry, specs are not the end all and be all of device popularity. What good are specs if few developers write the device?

    Absolutely. Have you read the developers comments on the SDK? I downloaded it to try and compile a simple game, which I had already written in Flash/AiR. It runs AiR/Flash, so simple right? NO! You have to jump through a million hoops, (Flash>Flex (which just got switched toFlash-Builder with the new CS5 Workflow, SDK compiler, install VMWare, re-install simulator...)

    My first game in iOS was prototyped in an evening, 3-5 hours max. I spent 3 WEEKS trying to get things straight in the Playbook SDK and the thing still won't run right.

    This is rediculous. Apple provided a sleek, fun SDK to use. Blackberry relied on Adobe, a 3rd party notoriously terrible at providing a simple, consistent user experience. Flash still barely runs on most platforms.The processes are esoteric and convoluted. Android still has far fewer good, independently developed games, and it already runs on millions of devices for developers to cater to. The Playbook will fall flat entering the market at this point and in this way. It will run almost nothing except perhaps for enterprise/data-base Flex applications, which the IPad can already run fine, in addition to running a million other Apps, including Ereading/News updates. Developers will forget about it, consumers will lose interest, and it will be forgotten before the bugs are even ironed out. RIP Playbook, nice gimmick with the free game.

    PS what is with this old "walled garden" argument? Can you connect a camera, or a midi keyboard or a guitar to your Android tablet? Can it play a version of Doom written by Carmack? Can it consistently read and annotate any PDF? The "walled garden" thing is a myth. You can jailbreak and load anything, the only difference is you *may* void the warranty, which is only a problem because AppleCare is generally so awesome compared to other companies that people are afraid of endangering it.

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  • puuukeey
    Nov 28, 10:39 PM

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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 8, 09:01 AM
    The trouble is .. I find the TDP numbers for Sandy Bridge very misleading. For example the previous i7 2.66Ghz dual core had a TDP of 35W and the current i7 2.2Ghz quad core has a TDP of 45W. Theoretically, it should only use 10W more when doing CPU intensive task, but according to anandtech who measured the task, the i7 Sandy Bridge Quad core was using almost 40W more when running cinebench.


    It just doesn't make any sense. Going by those figures, if the i7 dual core was 35W, the i7 Sandy Bridge quad core would be around 70W.

    Not sure how this relates to potential MacBook Air Sandy Bridge processors, but keep in mind.. there must be a reason why Samsung went for the ULV processor in their 13" laptop instead of the LV one.

    CPU isn't the only thing that changed. AMD 6750M (~30W) has higher TDP than NVidia GT 330M (~23W). I had to put ~ because their TDPs are not officially stated by AMD or NVidia so it's just based on previous GPUs and their TDPs. The point is that AMD 6750M has higher TDP.

    There is also another thing. TDP is not the maximum power draw. Maximum power dissipation is usually 20-30% more than the actual TDP. While MPD is rarely achieved as it requires maximum voltage and temperature, it can (nearly) be achieved with heavy benchmarking applications.

    For example, the combined TDP from quad core SB and AMD 6750M is 75W. If we use 20% extra as the MPD, that is 90W, just from the CPU and GPU! Of course those parts are not using 90W in that test because things like screen, HD, RAM etc need power too. As the MPD is usually in percents, it can explain why the difference is so big in watts.

    40W sounds a bit too much to explain with MPD though. IIRC the GT 330M is underclocked but I'm not 100% sure. You have a valid point that the SBs may be using more power than their predecessors. To make this more accurate, we should compare them with C2Ds though ;)

    I guess we will have to wait and see, but an ULV in 13" would be more than a disappointment.

    Back Tribal Tattoos. Upper Back Tribal Tattoo
  • Upper Back Tribal Tattoo

  • radiohead14
    Apr 6, 11:00 AM
    Can we also expect, ?

    -Backlit keys
    -Brighter display, colors, and IPS

    i wonder if apple could get samsung's PLS display actually. those look better than IPS

    I LOL'd. I owned iPad 1 for a year, and while it's nice, it's a FAR, FAR cry from the productivity capabilities of the current gen MBA.

    Like it or not, iPad is SEVERELY CRIPPLED for content creation (i.e. real work), but excels at content CONSUMPTION. That's factual and completely undebatable. Everyone knows this.

    So, no, it's not "something better". It's a more viable choice for entertainment and consumption. That's it.

    don't tell that to the kids who hang out at the ipad forum section.. they'll stone you =)

    What is the obsession with back-lit keys?

    Do you actually look at the keyboard when you're typing?

    well speaking only for myself.. i suck at typing, so having this feature at night helps. and being an owner of 2 MB Pros, i've been spoiled by the backlit keys

    Back Tribal Tattoos. upper ack tribal tattoos
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  • Lynxpoint
    Aug 6, 07:18 PM
    I find it amusing how optimistic Mac users are. Every once in a while Apple has an event where they really wow with product releases, but seems like 9 out of 10 people are predicting amazing releases. By the way, I'm not criticizing in any way, and being optimistic is good.

    I'm predicting Steve will annouce his retirement :eek: :p

    Probably about as likely as some of the wish lists we've seen, haha.

    That being said, I "wish" that apple would wow the world with something that would make people say "why didn't we do it like that all along?".

    Back Tribal Tattoos. Back Top
  • Back Top

  • bcharna
    Aug 5, 10:17 PM
    EVERYONE is missing something that MUST be updated A.S.A.P.!

    AirPort Base Stations!

    Express and especially the Extreme. The Extreme is YEARS old!!
    :eek: :eek:

    Back Tribal Tattoos. Tribal Tattoos for Flaunting
  • Tribal Tattoos for Flaunting

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 05:07 PM
    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    Android has taken fanboyism to epic new proportions. You can't go anywhere on the Web these days without the Android Brigade screaming at you about how awesome, "free" and "open" it is and how you should get on board. Just post the comment "ANDROID FTW!!!" on Engadget and watch the upvotes ensue. And while they're celebrating their epic market share gains, they are referring to iOS users as "sheep." Riiiight.

    I thought the Apple vs Microsoft holy war was bad (and we have at least one pro MS astroturfer on this Apple-oriented site), but Google seriously has a mindlock on some of these people. (I'm not referring to all Android users, mind you, only the ranting/raving types (which seem to be the majority these days).

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  • GermanSuplex
    Jun 17, 02:01 PM
    Why did Apple/RadioShack even bother? Even the manager told me the whole process was screwed up.

    This is what I'm wondering. Why bother if this is how its going to be? I've seen several different outcomes to one situation: People trying to get an iPhone. My name was written on a piece of blank paper (apparantly I was the first one at my store to ask for the iPhone 4). The guy called me back an hour and a half or so later for my address and the make/model of the phone I wanted. I've gotten no further updates, no pin, etc.


    I just received an email from Radio Shack, an advertisement email with a 10% off coupon. Nothing about the iPhone though.

    **Just called the store, and supposedly out of three stores in my area I was the only one who asked for a reservation before they were cut off. My reservation was supposedly successful. The guy said that the outlook is good that I'll get one on launch day, but it isn't definite. We'll see, I guess.

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  • the vj
    Mar 25, 10:44 PM
    Wait until the first revision comes up! as always, the desperates install the new OS that come full of bugs and then complains starts "I lost all my data".

    Just my 2cents.

    Not to mention that this sort of upgrades just make you buying a new machine to run the system as it should.

    Back Tribal Tattoos. Japanese Tribal Tattoo
  • Japanese Tribal Tattoo

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 7, 11:22 AM
    Assuming they're released, they'd probably bring the Apple Store back online around 2:00pm.

    (They traditionally take it down during a keynote...)

    The store is down.

    Back Tribal Tattoos. Retail Temporary Tattoos
  • Retail Temporary Tattoos

  • shawnce
    Jul 20, 05:56 PM
    and ECC memory
    and dual GigE network ports

    Current PowerMacs have both of these... it supports ECC and has dual GigE

    Back Tribal Tattoos. Tribal tattoos
  • Tribal tattoos

  • rovex
    Mar 22, 12:49 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Aug 27, 02:58 AM
    I already have those stats, I want to see them drop in a high-end Conroe (~3GHz) so I would know that I could feasibly upgrade my 2GHz Core Duo in the future. It's possible, isn't it? I mean, the G5's were really hot, and the iMac enclosure could handle that, wouldn't the new Intel ones be able to handle the Conroe Extremes?

    See Apple???
    Yet another potential customer for iMac Ultra. We Want C2DE + X1900 and a 23" screen!

    It has been demonstrated an iMac can take large amounts of heat. I should expect (With almost certainty) that iMac will get at least 2.4 Conroe, which should be quite a significant increase on its own, and possibly higher. 2.4 on the low end 17" model, 2.66 in 20" and the option of 2.93 or 3.2 in iMac Ultra! (Then Apple can gift me with one for coming up with such a great idea)
    X1800's for the 17 and 20 inches, and X1900 for the 23".
    Sounds good to me.
    Extra space due to 23" could be used for the cooling of the twin fires of CPU and GPU.

    Aug 7, 03:34 PM
    It looks like the improvements to Universal Access (http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/universalaccess/) alone will encourage me to upgrade. Finally better TTS voices! I just purchased two voices from Cepstral (http://www.cepstral.com/). I wonder if Apple will provide voices with an accent. I have grown fond of the British accented “Millie” voice. Luckely, I think the lybrary extensions that Cepstral offers are UB.

    Mar 22, 02:04 PM
    well, if you are going to tell people their posts make them look stupid, perhaps you should consider your own, and read a dictionary before throwing around three syllable words. Your use of the word "eloquent" is incorrect. "eloquent" is not a word that applies to a software operating system.

    Eloquent: The quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing; the practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness; fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking in public.

    As in; "your post was not eloquent".


    Apr 20, 02:51 PM
    Apple filed similar suits again HTC and Nokia last spring. You'll notice that the ITC is not favoring Apple's claims.

    Apr 27, 02:57 PM
    EDIT: They probably DO want the controversy to continue! If I was in his shoes I would be eating it up. Every story on a right-wing birther makes the centerists even more alienated from the right.

    I think it's definitely a political 'win' for him... that much is for sure. Just one of the many reasons I've been saying to let the issue die for a long time, although I always thought the best way to do it would be for him to just release the damn thing. Then he does it, and this crap happens.

    do you even know who generated the PDF? Perhaps the state of Hawaii set up an editable blank form for their use?

    Probably someone in Hawaii originally.

    could be you 2 are using different version of Illustrator or have different settings on them.
    I have only played with Illustrator/ photohop ect but I would not be surprised that it could automatically being doing that when you open the file trying to detected Text and signatures and giving you the ability to remove/move them easily for editing purposes.

    Hell I while I was working I scanned in a document and used software to pull of my signature and save it so i could easily attached it to other documents I was emailing out. Mind you some security got embeded in the file when I was putting it on other PDFs.

    could be any number of reasons.

    Naw, it's far more likely that I'm a liar.

    You said you opened the file in Indesign which is what sparked my interest, because that's something you can't technically do. We've already established long ago that you're untrustworthy, so it's fair to be suspicious.

    Sure there are. Been designing since before you were born. This file does not have layers. It has objects within one group. A document created in 1961 will have been scanned, possible inadvertently split into sections as it's not even a linked group or even a compound path. MattSepata is correct to some extent, but I doubt it's been OCRed. Just a crappily-made PDF... which hasn't even been security-locked.

    Nice try, but no cookie, Sherlock.

    WTF are you talking about? I'm not 'trying' anything. You're just pointing out how ignorant and blinded by bias you really are by your attacks on me. I specifically made the post so that someone could explain it to the rest of us, after specifically explaining I thought there was almost certainly a reasonable explanation. You see what you want to see, nothing more. Amazing that anyone ever wonders why conservatives never stay around these parts, your level of debate is at rock bottom. Amusing, but sad as always, Blue.

    To help 5P understand: Government can not do anything right, not even scan a document and make a lousy secured PDF :p:p

    ;) Clearly.

    Is there an explanation for why it matters to you and all the birthers who buy into this nonsense? I'd love to know which right-wing website had instructions for birthers wanting to "test" the image in Illustrator. It's pretty obvious you were following some fringe-website instructions. I highly doubt you just "happened" to open it in Illustrator and then do whatever. I mean, you aren't a graphic designer.

    Buy into what nonsense? What did I BUY into? I simply asked so that I would know. I guess asking logical questions makes you a raging bible-thumping birther neo con. ;) Also, Inever said I 'happened' top open it in Illustrator. I saw it on Drudge, and thought to myself... 'no way, they wouldn't make that big of a mistake' meaning, give the birthers such obvious ammunition... so I tested it myself. Thanks for pointing out your same sick desire to twist everything I say just like Lee and Blue.