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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Artist Spotlight - J.O. (SC)

Jamal Otijele is a young rapper from Woodruff, South Carolina. Born on June 13th, 1990, this remarkable young man has been destined for greatness from the start. "I was born in Nigeria. Due to different family situations, we moved a pretty good amount of times while I was growing up. For a kid, it was definitely rough trying to adjust to different environments and then getting uprooted. Music was always where I could turn to. I mean, I was never a big time drug dealer and I never killed anybody. I knew a lot of people that had it a lot worse than I did, but life wasn't very easy for me. My parents were VERY far from rich and I saw a lot at an early age, and it all affected the way I walk, talk, and act today." Jamal's music reflects the things that impacted him most throughout life: hip-hop, poverty, love, and the hope for something more. He also strives to maintain lyricism within his songs. "I completely understand that all songs don't call for complex patterns and punch-lines, but all the emcees I looked up to my whole life were able to express themselves in a way that excited me. They made me want to really spit, and I wanna be able to carry that torch." When asked about what he wants to do with his talent and his future, he replies "Honestly, all I want is to be happy. I understand that God has given me a great talent and I want to use it to make a better life for myself and my family. I fell in love with music hard. It's not just a hobby for me. So years from now, not only do I wanna be a rich rapper, but I want to be able to help inspire anybody else with a dream." So, there you have it. That's J.O. in a nutshell. Young, gifted, and determined. If you don't remember anything else about him, never forget that J.O. IS THE FUTURE!

Contact Info:

Cell: 864-590-1300
E-Mail: jamalotijele@yahoo.com