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Monday, July 20, 2009

Jerry Maguire moment....

I had a bit of a Jerry Maguire moment on the weekend, well... sort of... I didn't scream, "show me the money" or tell my husband he completes me....but I had a big think about why I have my blog!! My reasons have changed over time but the main conclusion I came too was that I love to share information, a bit of what I do and my life. What I don't want my blog to be, is purely about my little enterprises! I thought about what I have to offer and share, apart from the cool photos I find on the net and things I make... Floristry and Event Management are my thing, along with crafting and Motherhood... So apart from my current Macro Monday and Friday Favourite posts I hope to share tips and tricks from my industries and give you a more interesting read. They may only be once a week or fortnightly posts, but quality over quantity don't you think! Ahhh, that feels better!

(The first and last time you will see a Photo of Tom Cruise on my blog!)