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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Macro Monday - Pansy

Teeny Tiny pansy from my Mum's garden. Beautifully rich in colour and so delicate, about the size of my pinky actually. I would love to try a little felt pansy - they are so cute. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mine was full of family :-) which is extra nice when you don't live in the same city! My hard-working father and husband installed a heat-reflective alsynite (laser light) over the pergola frame. I am so grateful as it means no more standing in the rain to unlock the house with two kids, groceries and over-flowing nappy bag (you get the picture)... it also means Anya has somewhere else to play when it rains etc... I hope your weekend was fab... are you following the Handmade Living book tour?