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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Could I Survive BYU's Honor Code?

As I got home from learning about the frontiers of the 19th century, I saw that BYU forward Brandon Davies, the team's leading rebounder and third leading scorer got dismissed for violating the BYU honor code.  Let me tell you right now, Davies better have done something pretty stupid for this to happen because this team is a number one seed, contender to get to the Final Four, and if this is due to someone swearing I might have to send Chuck Sheen to Provo. Let's take a look at the honor code being discussed.

1.) Be honest:  Simple enough for most people, I think I could do that one but what if your girlfriend asks you 'does this make me look fat?' Do you tell her yes and explain I am just following the Honor Code. How about if you ate someone else's leftovers on accident? Honesty is usually a good policy, but it can get you into trouble. 

2.) Live a chaste and virtuous life: This in polite terms means you will not have any sort of sex while you are at BYU and you will have high moral standards. Obviously, nobody at BYU has been to Picklefest in Eau Claire where both of these get thrown out the window by 11 am.  

3.) Obey the law and all campus policies: Now, I have friends who do not stay out of trouble, but most of them do. This is probably the simplest rule of the nine.  Just don't be an idiot, and don't cheat on tests, there ya go.     

4.) Use clean language: This might be the hardest one. I curse like a sailor at times, especially when I have had a few cocktails in me. Sometimes it just rolls off the tongue, not even thinking about it.  Can I just tell people on campus to use earmuffs? Because Vince Vaughan taught me if I say earmuffs, I can say whatever I want.

5.)  Respect others: If BYU took a look at my apartment, we would break this code in about an hour. It's not like we hate each other, it's just we like to give each other shit all the time. That's what guys my age do.

6.) Abstain from alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, and substance abuse: Well seeing as I have already had four cups of coffee in the first hour of waking up, this one would also be hard for me. I honestly think I could go without boozing, but that as well would be pretty damn hard. I wonder where they keep their flasks.  

7.) Participate regularly in church services: This is a layup really. If you don't booze it up on the weekends, it's not hard to go to church on Sunday. 

8.) Observe the Dress and Grooming Standards: Some people would have a problem with this, I myself would not. I always try to look nice when I go to class because if I dress lazy, I tend to doze off... can't explain why it happens. Mike, my SnoTap writer would struggle as he tweeted a week ago he had to wear jeans for the first time this semester.

9.) Encourage others in their commitment to comply to Honor Code: This makes no sense, do you have regular meetings with people saying are you honoring the Code? Does Ty Detmer come back and talk about the Code? I need answers

BYU will miss Davies, but it will not affect their seeding. I remember Kenyon Martin who was Cincinnati's best player going down for the number one Bearcats during the Conference USA tournament and still got a top seed.
