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Friday, March 4, 2011

My Gears are Grinding

I read this little gem written by Charlie's favorite sportswriter, Rick Reilly, and my blood really started boiling.  This type of thing has pissed me off for years but this article was the tipping point.  I can't take it anymore.

There is this idea in people's heads that just because someone has a lot of money they should all of a sudden start making bad business decisions.  Let me fill you in on something Rick.  Paul Allen didn't get his 414 foot yacht that you despise so much by holding his employees hands and skipping through the street singing "If You're Happy and You Know It".  He, and the rest of the owners, made their fortunes by making sound business decisions.  Owning a business isn't about always being the nice guy. 

Should the NFL owners have gone about some things differently?  Should they do a little more in the way of player safety? Yes, I'm not saying they're perfect by any means, but lets not get foolish. Why would any business owner not operate his business in the manner that will make it the most profitable it could possibly be; no matter how much money he/she already has?  And it's not just the NFL owners, people have been making this ludicrous argument for years.

I want to avoid a lockout as much as the next guy, but I'm not foolish enough to blame the owners for wanting their business to make more money.  Why does having a lot of money disqualify you from making smart decisions.  An extra billion dollars is an extra billion dollars; no matter how large your bank account is.

Oh yea, by the way, Rick Reilly's current ESPN contract is paying him $10 million over 5 years.  "Nice to meet you kettle, I'm pot."