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Thursday, June 3, 2010

RIP Golden Girl Rue McClanahan

Golden Girl, Rue McClanahan (Blanch)died today of a massive stroke at the age of 76. If you're a Golden Girls fan then you already know how hilarious this woman was. She played the hot crotch southern chick in the house and boy did she play it well. Rue and Betty White (Rose) were the only two Golden Girls left, Estelle Getty (Sophia) passed away in 08 and Beatrice Arthur (Dorothy) passed last year.

When asked about the death of her co-stars Betty White told RadarOnline "It hurts more than I ever thought it would, if that’s even possible.” She spoke highly of her friend saying "Rue was a close and dear friend. I treasured our relationship." If these ladies were as close off set as they were on the show I know they had a ball together. They were pure comedy, I watch Golden Girl marathons religiously. I love the episode when Sophia called Blanch a human mattress, I holla'd laughing at that one LOL. RIP Rue McClanahan

Source: RadarOnline