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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Texas Schools Battle To Keep History Real

Above is a picture of protesters at a "Don't White-Out Our History" ralley in Austin Texas back in May. The Texas Board of Education has decided that they want to change some things in the Social Studies books used in their school system. They think that Thomas Jefferson doesn't need to be mentioned as much and that students need to know the downside of Title IX and Affirmative Action. But wait, guess what they DO NOT want our children to see. The fact that there was a route through the Atlantic Ocean called "The Atlantic Slave Trade" route in which they transported our ancestors from their homeland to come and live in captivity. They want to downplay history and now call it "The Trans Atlantic Trade" route. So just remove the word "slave" and remove the memory right? NEGATIVE!

I'm extremely heated about this. I don't understand how they can expect people to be okay with them trying to teach children (particulary OUR children) fake history. Why would anybody be okay with this? You cant change history so you shouldn't be able to change how its told. This route, correction... this SLAVE ROUTE was the primary route used in bringing over the majority of slaves brought to America. I would rather them remove the whole section about the route instead of them changing the name and what is taught about it. If you're going to teach it, teach them what it REALLY WAS. Not to make this a black/white issue but personally, I was most interested in reading about my people in school. Not that I liked the realization of what was done to us, but I LOVED the realization of what a strong race of people we were and continue to be. Seeing the way we were treated, how we fought to have rights and how we overcame it all made me so proud as a child. This history is an inspiration for us, or should be at least. I want my babies to know about ALL the things that their ancestors withstood in order for them to simply read a book, drink from a water fountain and just be a free person in this world. Texas needs to get their ish together and quick.

"Know from whence you came. If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go." -- James Author Baldwin