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Thursday, March 3, 2011

BYU Is A Roosterblock

I said earlier this week that Brandon Davies, the former BYU forward better have done something egregious to get him kicked off the team.  I also promised to send Chuck Sheen to Provo if it wasn't worth the suspension. Well look's who is sending Mr. Sheen.

Davies got busted for having premarital sex with his girlfriend. Obviously, most people with the mind of a sixteen to twenty-five year old thinks this utterly ridiculous.  Granted, every father with a daughter high school age or younger thinks this is the best school in America, and will immediately be applying their own child to go there.  I have a tough time with this too. If I could chart the conversations I have with close friends, it goes sixty to seventy percent about sports, twenty-five percent about something regarding sex, and maybe five percent regarding school.

Every single college kid always has sex on the brain, check that... every male college kid has sex on the brain. There is research proving me right, I don't feel like showing you but we all know males are sexually charged.  Sure, a coach could have a rule where they do not want their players to have sex during the season, or drinking, but a whole Honor Code banning them against ever doing it throughout their time at BYU is just a hard concept to think about if you are not Mormon or do not go to school there.

Also NYC Barstool made such a valid point about Jimmer Fredette and his girlfriend, it's hard for me to believe that the Jimmer is pure. It's like saying Justin Bieber is pure, you know there is no way in the entire world these guys are clean. Tim Tebow might be the only one I believe, but he is even trending water. Another person to add to that list from the other side was Britney Spears at age sixteen which we all know was a complete farce. Basically, I never believe when nationally known people say they are clean unless they are A.C. Green.

While she did not have sex on the Real World New Orleans I, Julie from BYU went completely nuts in the Nola. She had been caged up at BYU, and just went buckwild so there is precedence from both sexes. I am just saying if you keep these locks on people who are Mormon or not, it's hard to believe people will not rebel.  I understand these are the rules put in front of them, but if you are not a Mormon, why you would want to go to this school.
