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Friday, January 14, 2011

What The "....."?!

Dear FB Friends, Followers, and Stalkers,

I really didn't think this would create such a problem for some of you guys.

Some of you were amused, some were annoyed, some were confused, but a great many of you wondered (quite frequently in my email inbox, I might add): "What's up with the "......" posts?"

The most common belief was that it was a silent way of posting about the MIAMI HEAT, which it wasn't. (Seriously, why would I relegate describing the greatness of the most exciting team assembled in recent basketball history to a bunch of dots. C'mon! Though I will still refrain from posting until after the season because I found it exhausting.)

In actuality, it had everything to do with working on the "Monica" film and focusing the creative energies on that until it's finished to make its December 2011 release date. The trailer for the film is almost finished, so it's crunch time for that part of the project. Animation is very labor-intensive, and posting "........." was a simple way to stay tethered to the Social Network without having to go into deep conversation.

So you may be wondering 'why not just stay off of Facebook altogether if you need to focus, Mr. Dot Post?!' Well, first, where's the fun in that? Second, FB is how I stay in contact with many collaborators, so I can't shut it off completely. Still, the interesting thing about this unintended Social Network experiment was that when I typed "........" I really meant ".........". It was very entertaining to see how some of you interpreted and perceived the different posts and for that, I thank you.

I will be back to posting nonsense soon enough after I'm done knocking out this trailer. Until then, I'll try and make my "......" posts more palatable for you. Thanks to all of you who've sent kind messages. I really appreciate them. But if you're one of the very few that were that annoyed by ".......", just "hide" them. Mark Zuckerberg did tell one of his peons to code that into FB specifically for that use, y'know. I won't even be mad at you. Though if you do hide me, you may be mad at yourself for missing out on all the future fun.

I Don't Care What Samuel L. Jackson Says...Mace Windu Went Out Like A Punk,


(P.S.- Follow me on Twitter @RobCabrera if you really need to hear some current nonsense from me in 140 characters or less.)