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Sunday, August 5, 2007

"i think this guy is looking for you"

It's time again to recap the week at WTB in terms of Google Analytics. The top searches that brought people to the site all pertained to football players that had negative press during the week:

OJ Simpson
Brady Quinn
Ron Mexico
Vince Young

Sadly, Jamie Kotsay and the Snorg girl continue to fall off drastically as the weeks go on. This week did see two more searches for the classic "how to spot ghosts", which delighted me more than I can say. Now on to some of this week's best searches:

"i got a vick pitbull"
"how to make it to the d league"
"what is sis boom bah cheerleader"

While those are all good searches in their own right, the undisputed winner of this week's "WTB Search Of The Week Award" goes to...

"i think this guy is looking for you"

This one is just a little...weird. Who searches something like that? Are those song lyrics I don't know? My question would be, who is the searcher, the guy who is looking for someone or the person being looked for? The two possibilities hold such different outcomes. On the one hand, the searcher could be a dumb serial killer who is googling trying to figure out how to stalk people best. On the other, the searcher is a frightened person who is living every single day in fear of "this guy". Either way...they came to WTB. So welcome dumb serial killer or frightened person. I hope you like sports.

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