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Monday, November 30, 2009

Child-free weekend in Sydney


Hubby turned a significant number in Nov so we swanned off to Sydney to celebrate in style. First stop: dropping Anya off at my parents place :-) We stayed at the Amora hotel which I had never heard of but it was a lovely 5 star hotel in a great location - walking distance to every where we wanted to go. I am obsessed with a good bath - this was lovely and deep!! We walked into the rocks for a browse and then off to Doyles for dinner. Doyles is the most expensive fish and chip place you will eat at - but the view was fabulous - the opera House in front and Harbor Bridge off to the side - it was a lovely balmy night - just perfect! You can just see the Opera House behind the crowd of people that came into my shot of dinner!!!! We strolled around the harbour until it was time to see our movie - An Education at the Dendy. It was an excellent watch - a well told story and the lead Carey Mulligan was superb.


The Strand Arcade

The next day we spent shopping and playing tourists. We had breakfast at the QVB (Queen Victoria Building) where Gordon also tried on a $2,500 Versace suit! Sorry Mr Versace - a little out of our price range :-) We did end up getting a lovely suit from Oxford with birthday money (hurray for family). The christmas decorations were lovely in the CBD!! I didn't get any decent photos of the Swarovski Christmas tree in the QVB but you can see some here - they were stunning. It took 40 hours to construct with 72 people - impressive! We had such a fabulous time away doing our own thing, missed the little one a smidge but thoroughly enjoyed our adult only time. Excuse the poor quality of my mobile phone pictures!!!