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Friday, September 24, 2010

Some AWESOME reads!

I get all of my books from Amazon. I think their business model is brilliant.. Their books are a fraction of a cost than bookstores and they are shipped to your door. There is nothing worse than finishing one book in a series and needing the next novel NOW! Amazon did not turn a profit for their first few years in business because they were offering books at such a low cost.. I love walking into Indigo or Chapters, looking at all of the prices and then going to Amazon.ca and ordering everything for half of the price!!! I just ordered "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest" for $16 and it was $36 at Indigo.. If you spend over $40 you get FREE SHIPPING as well! What could be better? When you shop on Amazon they also learn what type of books/movies/games you like and recommend books for you! They call it the "Andrea Store" or whoever you may be. I LOVE AMAZON!

Here are some of my favorite reads as of late...

Known as the "Millennium Series", written by author "Stieg Larsson" - these suspenseful novels will keep you captivated!!! I admit the first book was a bit difficult to get into.. But once you get to the middle of the book- hold on!!! I can't recommend these enough!!! I finished all three in about 2.5 months and was sad to see the adventures of Lisbeth Salander be put to rest. Stieg Larsson died of a massive heart attack before his time and the manuscripts for these three books were found after he died.. I bet he could have never guessed how popular these books were to become! With the third movie being made in Sweden and Hollywood set to start filming its own version in summer 2011. Give these a try!
What a charming read! Set post WWII this book is a series of letters back and forth depicting life during the war in a witty, lighter and intriguing way. I've fallen in love with the main character Juliet Ashton and her witty letters. I've laughed and cried with this book. :)
The true story of a impoverished, irresponsible upbringing for a family of six and the daughter who lived to write about it. This book is so captivating, heartbreaking and astonishing I often think about it. A MUST READ!
The story of Aminata Diallo- the West African village girl abducted from her home at 11 years old and sent to live as a slave in South Carolina. A story of perseverance, inspiration and heart wrenching truth. Follow Aminata from her village to a horrific slave boat, and an entire life of struggle. I could not put this book down.
Set in Mumbai, India between 1947 and 1977 during the turmoil of "The Emergency" this book is about four characters with varied backgrounds and profound stories. One of my favs!
One of my favorite books of all time! If you haven't seen the movie- DON'T! READ THE BOOK! I love the abstract concept. What a fantastically written book and interesting story.
I love Jodi Picoult books because they are such an easy read and have controversial, captivating story lines. "Plain Truth" is my favorite about an Amish girl accused of murder
I loved Twilight. What a great escape from reality and what an addiction! But I think I like "The Host" even more.. I loved the concept and storyline.. One of my all time favorite reads!!!
A true story about one of the worst child abuse cases in the United States. Heart wrenching and raw. I read this in one day and think of it often. Dave Pelzer was "the child called IT" who's mother abused and tortured him with everything from starving him to making him sleep on the concrete in the garage and called him "IT".. Not only did he survive his childhood.. You can also read his following books "The Lost Boy", "A Man Named Dave".. A true survivors story and inspiration to all!