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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ziggy - Sock and Glove... getting some love

Ziggy is getting some well deserved love from his owner! Big smooches, all teeth... mmmm

Drake/Young Money BET Awards Performance

Embarrassing to say the LEAST. I hope BET put Wayne in his place after that horrific performance. In case you missed it (and be glad you did, otherwise you would've been like the rest of us - hiding our faces in our hands)here it is.

Side note: Weezy always calls himself a goblin. Whats a goblin? Wikipedia definition: A goblin is an evil, crabby, and mischievous creature described as a grotesquely disfigured or gnome-like phantom, that may range in height from that of a dwarf to that of a human. YOU KNOW WHAT?! HE'S ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! HE IS A GOBLIN!!


Its Official: Drake Signs With Young Money/Universal

Did we not already know this?? DUH!

UPDATE: 12 MJ Fans Have Now Committed Suidcide

Wow, I'm really speechless. That man impacted some so much that they felt life was unbearable without the King of Pop. A total of 12 fans have committed suicide because of the death of Michael Jackson. Seriously people we are all hurt and saddened to the point of speechlessness…however DON’T SELF DESTRUCT! Michael Jackson believed in world peace and would've never wanted this.

As many as 50 callers seeking help from suicide prevention hotline Lifeline Australia have told counsellors that Jackson’’s death on June 26 has left them distressed.

NEW Letoya Luckett "She Ain't Got"

Here's Miss Letoya's new joint called "She Ain't Got" off of her upcoming album Lady Love due out August 25th. Enjoy, and remember, FEEDBACK!!

I Can't Get Enough of Them!!

Michelle Obama is the realest. Loves her!!

4 Soldiers Killed As We Finally End our War in Iraq

We still have Afghanistan to deal with, but at least they are finally pulling the troops out of Iraq. And now that we're done with them, I have to ask...what did we really accomplish over there? I will never short the brave men and women that fought for our country, they're not at fault. I'm wondering what our government was thinking? We went over there for oil? Soooo, where is it...Anyway, here's a report from Yahoo on the end of the Iraq war:

BAGHDAD – Four U.S. soldiers were killed in combat shortly before the American military completed a withdrawal from Iraq's cities, and the prime minister assured Iraqis that government forces taking control of urban areas on Tuesday were more than capable of protecting the country.

Nouri al-Maliki said in a televised address that "those who think that Iraqis are not able to protect their country and that the withdrawal of foreign forces will create a security vacuum are committing a big mistake."

The streets of Baghdad were relatively quiet, as the Iraqi government named June 30 National Sovereignty Day and declared it a public holiday.

The withdrawal that was completed on Monday was part of a U.S.-Iraqi security pact and marks the first major step toward withdrawing all American forces from the country by Dec. 31, 2011. President Barack Obama has said all combat troops will be gone by the end of August 2010.

In the attack Monday against U.S. forces, the military said the four soldiers who were killed served with the Multi-National Division-Baghdad but did not provide further details pending notification of their families. It said they died as a "result of combat related injuries."

Various Marketing Opportunities for Tyler Hansbrough

As the President and CEO of a growing marketing firm, I've got to pay attention to what others in my field are doing. In order for me to make Blowtorch Consulting as big as I dream, I need to be able to incorporate what the competition is doing, but take it to a higher level. Right now, I'm clearly the most innovative marketer around, but I'm not as well known as some of the bigger managers/agents but people are pretty impressed with my status.

One guy who I admire a lot is Jeff Schwartz over at Excel Sports Management. I've really been impressed with his Tyler Hansbrough campaign. Hansbrough is going to be pretty marketable, especially because he's in Indiana. He fits their demographic perfectly. Let's take a look at the package they've put together.
JC Penney Spokesman

This just makes sense. I like that they're playing up his style-averse fashion choices as a kind of style. And since the market share of JC Penney among all other Indiana clothiers is nearing 85%, this could be a very lucrative deal. I see them offering Hansbrough his own big and tall clothing line that's heavy on pleated pants and untailored button-downs. This could be huge.

Brough Hats

I'm on board with this initiative as well. I like the Brough/bro interplay because not only is it his name, but the people who are the biggest Tyler Hansbrough fans are real bros. They wear these hats anyways, so why not sell them something endorsed by their favorite player.

Indiana Jersey Promotion

I'm kind of on the fence with this move. Yeah, it gets Hansbrough's name out there, but there's also no real monetization for Tyler's camp. I can't imagine more than 75 people are going to want a Hansbrough Pacers jersey, so they might be giving these away to the only people who would buy them.

Tyler Hansbrough Wax Statue

Now this is the real legendmaker. What other rookie already has a wax statue? That's baller status right there. This is going to be something that Blowtorch Consulting comes back to again and again. There are so many opportunities here. You can charge for pictures taken. You can send it on tour. You can rent it out to nightclubs as a promotion. The possibilities are endless, and the attention to detail is simply stunning. It almost looks real.

Needless to say, the Hansbrough campaign is pretty impressive and I can see Blowtorch Consulting using some of these ideas as we continue to grow. I really like the multifaceted approach they're taking, and the way they're using unusual products to increase their visibility (a tenet of Blowtorch Consulting's business plan). Well done, Jeff Schwartz. I hope we can work together some day.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Yao Ming to Exercise Medical Tests

Yao Ming’s broken left foot has been a really bad news for the Houston Rockets team and fans. The fear that Yao won't play for the next season (or maybe even longer) grows as the NBA draft approaching.

"The realization has hit them that this is grave," one NBA general manager said.

Daryl Morey, Houston Rockets general manager won't give any comment on Monday and a Rockets spokesman said they will not have further comment until Yao Ming undergoes additional medical tests.

Yao Ming NBA cool wallpaper
Yao Ming NBA best wallpaper
Yao Ming dunks cool pic

Genevieve Bennett

London based artist Genevieve Bennett does some really amazing work! Above is some of her wall paper and a 3-D leather wall panel, pure genius. I could curl up in the chair with a good book right about now.

{images: www.GenevieveBennett.com)

O basquetebol de regresso à RTP

Quem me conhece sabe bem o que sinto por estar fora do basquetebol activo. O trabalho na A.B.L. e na minha escola (CJAR) é gratificante mas sabe a pouco para quem investiu toda uma vida na modalidade.
Com o regresso da RTP ao basquetebol ,nos Jogos da Lusofonia ,vou voltar a comentar na televisão , tentando explicar o jogo a quem o não conhece bem.
Jogos em Almada (Masculinos) entre os dias 14 e 19 de Julho.

Clinic ABL 2009 no Lumiar

Esta semana vou participar no Clinic da A.B.Lisboa.
Uma boa oportunidade para explicar o que temos vindo a fazer com as selecções Distritais.
No final vou entregar um CD com o Playbook das selecções e o material abordado no Clinic. Como venho fazendo faz muitos anos não guardo nada para mim. Sei que quanto mais dou aos outros mais aprendo...

Proposed Nicknames for All 60 Draftees

1. Blake “Gingerballs” Griffin
2. Hasheem “The Meme” Thabeet
3. James “Beardo” Harden
4. Tyreke “Jowls” Evans
5. Ricky “RubiBro” Rubio
6. “Jolly” Jonny Flynn
7. Stephen “Steve” Curry
8. Jordan “Dru” Hill
9. Demar “Dee Dee” DeRozan
10. Brandon “Ken” Jennings
11. Terrence “Scary Terry” Williams
12. Gerald “Male Pattern Baldness” Henderson
13. Tyler “Crunk Juice” Hansbrough
14. Earl “Jeepers Creepers” Clark
15. Austin “Ol’ Shatterbones” Daye
16. James “Joseph” Johnson
17. Jrue “Halitosis” Holiday
18. Ty “Clam Chowder” Lawson
19. Jeff “Fa” Teague
20. Eric “Mustard” Maynor
21. Darrin “Rick” Collison
22. Victor “The Beekeeper” Claver
23. Omri “Omribus” Casspi
24. BJ “Logs” Mullens
25. Rodrigue “Crayfish” Beaubois
26. Taj “Worst in the First” Gibson
27. DeMarre “Of the Marre” Carroll
28. “Squire” Wayne Ellington
29. Toney “Martin” Douglas
30. “Sister” Christian Eyenga
31. Jeff “Teddy” Pendergraph
32. Jermaine “Bespoke” Taylor
33. “Diamond” Dante Cunningham
34. Sergio “Cool” Llull
35. DaJuan “The Juan” Summers
36. Sam “Meat Lovers” Young
37. “Deadleg” DeJuan Blair
38. Jon Brockman aka “Bron Jockman”
39. Jonas “Bookshelves” Jerebko
40. Derrick “Murphy” Brown
41. Jodie “Fats” Meeks
42. Patrick “The” Beverly
43. Marcus “The Clawhammer” Thornton
44. Chase “Whoops!” Budinger
45. Nick Calathes aka “Nicky Lisp”
46. “Gorgeous” Danny Green
47. Henk “Cheese Biscuit” Norel
48. Taylor “Robin Lopez” Griffin
49. Sergey “The Noble Homo” Gladyr
50. Goran “Dark Chief” Suton
51. “Detective” Jack McClinton
52. AJ Price aka “General Cornballer III”
53. Nando De Colo aka “8 ½”
54. Robert “Bobby” Vaden
55. “Peppermint” Patty Mills
56. Ahmad “Paying Nividends” Nivins
57. Emir “The Smear” Preldzic
58. Lester Hudson aka “Jenny from the Block”
59. Chinemelu “Cranberry” Elonu
60. Robert Dozier aka “Twitchy”

Filipino Inmates Pay Tribute to MJ by Song and Dance

AMAZING. The impact Michael Jackson had on the world is breathtaking.

BET Awards: To Sum It Up

Look, there are way too many flaws to point out about that show, but I refuse to degrade BET like that. True, at times the show was a bit embarassing. But in retrospect, they literally had two days to get this show together so you gotta hand it to them for pulling it off, especially with all of the last minute special surprise guests. So instead of tearing it apart, here's an easy breakdown:










Soulja Boy - KILLED IT


Mary Mary - DOPE


Janet Jackson Speaks at BET Awards

I was totally shocked to see Janet come out on stage towards the end of the show. Now I understand why the show was so unorganized. I would've pulled out all stops too if I would've thought there was a chance she would show up. Besides the heart warming performances from Jamie and Ne-Yo, this had me tears.

Joe Jackson At the BET Awards

Don't you think its a bit soon for Joe Jackson to be parading around? Yo real talk, I think we are mourning harder than he is. I just thought it was strange how he kept cheesing like nothing just happened. And in the video he's talkin' about him and Michael were very close...does he realize that we've seen the movie? Who you tryna fool? Anyway, RIP Michael Jackson.

Skank Robbers

There's so much to post about, being the BET awards came on last night. I wasn't quite sure where to start (trying to be positive about the awards show) so if you didn't catch it last night, Jamie Foxx previewed a "movie" starring Martin Lawrence as Sheneneh, and himself as Wanda!! If you watched Martin and In Living Color back in the day you already know what I'm talkin about!! Not sure if this is a real project, but it definitely should be. This would be a refreshing comedy.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

MACRO Monday - Peony Roses

Peony Roses are stunning - they are used a lot in wedding flowers and can't you see why? The white ones are gorgeous too. I miss the days of having flowers ALL over my house, even in the bathroom. I have been under the weather all weekend... I hate being sick and I am not a good patient nor good at resting. So it may be a little quiet around here this week.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Os espanhois não dormem...

A 15 de Junho escrevi neste blogue algo que me preocupa como treinador: o facto de quem de direito andar distraído com o jovem Isaias Insaly , o atleta com maior potencial da geração de 95. Disse também que os espanhóis não dormem. A prova está nas noticias que nos chegam hoje e que dão conta que : Rafael Freire Luz , El Hadji Malick Fall (Unicaja) e Vanessa Ble Doukole (CB Islas Canarias) adquiriram a nacionalidade espanhola por decisão do Conselho de Ministros.
Rafa Freire nasceu em São Paulo (Brasil), Hadji Malick Fall en Yeumbeul (Senegal), mede 2.10 m e Doukole Vanessa Ble, é proveniente de Treichville/Abidjan (Costa de Marfil). A concessão da nacionalidade espanhola por decreto a desportistas de alto nível é algo frequente no país vizinho. Em 2008 conseguiram oito atletas e 2009 já obtiveram o mesmo estatuto seis .

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson

Não sou grande apreciador de Michael Jackson mas junto um video em sua homenagem.
Magic Johnson também aparece no filme "Remember the Time"

A Michael Jackson Tribute Post


O treino de Blake Griffin

O Justin é campeão e MVP

Ao longo dos anos quase sempre recrutei bons e baratos jogadores norte americanos.
O pequeno Justin Bailey que um dia marcou 60 pontos à Ovarense ficou na memória de todos nós .
Tem dado a volta ao mundo e agora acaba de se sagrar campeão e MVP da Nova Zelândia (Waikato Pistons).

Found Item: The Minnesota Timberwolves Draft Board

During last night's draft, a lot of people were getting a kick out of the Timberwolves drafting every point guard they could during the first round. It was so funny, in fact, that I coined* the name TimberLOLves to describe the foibles of new GM David Kahn. But then I got my hands on what I am told was their only drafting resource. Then things made sense. Have a look:

*Another coined term from last night: Ricky RubiBro, which is going to be huge.

Future Phoenix Suns Draft Picks

Jim Duncan
-------------Billy Ripken
Conrad Rubio

Daniel Artest
LaRon James

WTF? Hurricane Chris Performs "Halle Berry" for Louisiana House of Reps

This is truly a WHAT THE F**K moment!! I don't get how he even got this opportunity, talk about AWKWARD!! LOL

Friday Throwback - MJ Dedication

Seems fit to only tribute a throwback joint to the ONE AND ONLY King of Pop. Butterflies is my favorite song from him after Rock With You. I know you and James Brown are having a ball!! RIP

Side Fact: Did ya'll know Floetry wrote this song?

RIP Farrah Fawcett, An American Beauty

I got so caught up in the loss of MiJack that I forgot to honor the beautiful Miss Farrah Fawcett. She was truly an American beauty and a TV icon. Forever known as the feather-haired ass-kicking Jill Munroe of “Charlie’s Angels,” Farrah Fawcett lost her battle with cancer yesterday at the age of 62. A few days before her passing, her long time companion, Ryan O'Neal was in preparation to marry her. The two share a son, Redmond O'Neal who is currently serving time for possession of heroin.

I feel kinda bad for her and her family. Her remembrance was shaded yesterday by the loss of Michael Jackson. If this doesn't serve as a serious example of appreciating your loved ones, I don't know what will. Thank God for those that you have around you, life too short. But we will not forget Farrah, RIP Beauty!!

Artist Spotlight - C. Renegade (SC)

C.Renegade is one Karolina South's most known unknowns. Ren is young, only 20 years old, yet rapping since the tender age of 8, the music business is nothing new to him. The Lowcountry raised Ren and has been his home since birth. Ren believes that Karolina South can unite and take over the rap industry because the talent is here to back it up. He is CAROLINA RENEGADE!

Contact and Booking Info
(803) 943-1634
c.renegade@gmail.com (send drop scripts)




Celebs React to Michael Jackson's Death

Twitter has become the best outlet for celebrities to release their feelings and statements. Here's some celeb reactions via Twitter to the loss of Michael Jackson:

Miley Cyrus: Michael Jackson was my inspiration. love and blessings

Demi Moore: I am greatly saddened for the loss of both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Especially for their children!

Ashlee Simpson-Wentz: Tmz please be wrong. Everyone have hope.

Star Jones: Death comes to all. But great achievements build a monument." He IS and WAS the greatest entertainer of all times...Peace to you brother.

John Mayer: I think we'll mourn his loss as well as the loss of ourselves as children listening to Thriller on the record player. Dazed in the studio. A major strand of our cultural DNA has left us. RIP MJ.

MC Hammer: I have no words.. I loved Michael Jackson.. RIP..

Lindsay Lohan: NO OMG ... sending my love and prayers out to Michael and his family ... i feel sick..

Marlon Wayans: My prayers, my love, my heart goes out to michael jackson and the entire jackson family. I pray so hard for them. I'm crushed! Please pray.

Pete Wentz: Prayers and thoughts with michael jackson ... I haven't hope in so long that news isn't true.

Questlove, The Roots: Im am devastated over this but we all have memories. i just hope that he will get due justice in all the press memorials and whatnot. i know he was mired in controversy the last decade of his life but i think its time we let him rest in peace and learn to separate the ART and the ARTIST. --that is the MJ i will forever remember.

Solange: My fifth birthday party was M.J. themed, I insisted.My mother found a lookalike to come sing happy birthday and I KNEW he wasn't MY Michael
Thank you Michael Jackson for being my FIRST of many! My mother took me to my FIRST concert, I was only two years old. I fell in love.

Denise Richards: this is just so sad !! I can't believe it! Shocking ..

Ice T: Rest In Peace Mike. People can say what they want but you were 100% original. WE will always love , miss & remember your GREATNESS.

Wyclef Jean "music god. he made me believe that all things are possible and through positive music he will live forever."

Ashton Kutcher: I plea to the press to respect his wishes of maintaining the anonymity of his children. Rip Sending love and light to family and friend but especially his kids.

Jordin Sparks: Omg I'm bawling right now. Michael....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Blake Griffin 2009 NBA Draft No.1 Pick

LA Clippers began Thursday night’s draft with the obvious choice: Blake Griffin. The 20 year old Griffin was the consensus college basketball player of the year after leading the nation with 14.4 rebounds per game while averaging 22.7 points last season for Oklahoma Sooners. Clippers would take Blake Griffin with the top pick just hours after they won the 2009 NBA Draft lottery last month, and never considered changing their minds.

The 2009 NBA Draft followed a day of big deal in the NBA: Shaquille O’Neal will join LeBron James' Cleveland Cavaliers and Vince Carter to play for Orlando Magic.

Blake Griffin best wallpaper
Blake Griffin Sooners best wallpaper
Blake Griffin best dunks wallpaper

SAMPLE SALE till June 30

Just wanting to get rid of some of my earlier felt samples from my Etsy store...

Magic Acquired Nets Guard Vince Carter

Orlando Magic have brought in All Star New Jersey Nets guard Vince Carter in a 5 player trade. Magic also acquired forward Ryan Anderson, and in return gave NJ Nets Courtney Lee and Rafer Alston and Tony Battie. The Magic Nets trade will allow NJ Nets to clear almost $18 million of cap space for the 2010-11 season and ships the 32 year Vince Carter back to his home state of Florida. Vince Carter now lives in Orlando. He spent almost five years with New Jersey Nets, after coming over in a blockbuster deal from Toronto early in the 2004-05 season.

Vince Carter nets best wallpaper
Vince Carter magic guard best wallpaper
Vince Carter all star best wallpaper

YEEEAAH ORLANDO!! Vince Carter Headed to the Magic!!

Yes!!! Dwight's gonna have a little more help. Eight-time NBA All-Star Vince Carter was traded by the New Jersey Nets to his hometown of Orlando and the Eastern Conference champion Magic on Thursday. With this new edition, along with returning power players Dwight Howard, Jameer Nelson, JJ Reddick, Rashard Lewis, and Turkoglu, they gotta good shot at taking home the title next year!! KICK ROCKS CAVS AND LAKERS!! LOL

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

It's confirmed: Michael Jackson has died at age 50 after being rushed to UCLA Medical Center, NBC News has confirmed.

Los Angeles Fire Department Capt. Steve Ruda told the L.A. Times that Jackson was not breathing when paramedics arrived at his home and CPR was performed.

TMZ.com reported that he may have suffered cardiac arrest.

Side Note: Let us not make this into a 2Pac situation where we refuse to accept his death. Let this man rest in peace and let's celebrate his life and what he did for our culture. He was THE MAN, and to all of those media outlets calling him the "self-proclaimed" King of Pop...watch ya mouth, HE WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE KING OF POP.

Friday Favourites - Di Bella coffee

There is no finer coffee on earth (in my humble opinion) than Di Bella. I am yet to find a coffee shop in Canberra that sells their coffee *sighs*. They had one of the best little cafes in New Farm, Brisbane called Vue with scrumptious food and to die for coffee. I just found out that Di Bella now sell online through Coffee Central. Hurray - I am soooooooooo full of happiness, I wish I had a bigger freezer!! Yes I love my coffee.

Max B's Manager Disses Hell Rell, And Says Nigga Every 5 Secs

Lemme say this: I don't give two shits if you grew up around black people, date black people, or if your best friend is black...If you are white, DON'T LET THAT WORD COME OUT CHA MOUTH! PERIOD! You gets no pass just because you're around blacks all day bitch. Somebody seriously needs to whoop her ass bloody so she can get a small taste of what we went through while being a called a nigger. And all of those clowns that's around her needs their asses severely whooped as well. Good job letting that white girl call you a nigga...slaves.

Nevermind all the rest of that shit thats on video. I hope three massive elephants storm into their studio and empty 300 pounds of shit so that they'll never be able to return again! KICK ROCKS!!

A History of Bad Trades Throughout History

Lamar Odom trades the lives of many Trojans for a large horse, explaining "Hey guys, free horse!"

Dick Rowe chooses to sign Brian Poole and The Tremeloes to a record contract, rather than The Beatles.


I offer Danny Solecki a Jamal Mashburn/Dino Radja card package for a Grant Hill rookie card. He accepts.


Cuba Gooding, Jr. willfully utters the line "Hey Michael! I'm wearing your underwear!" and receives several thousand dollars from Hanes. In return, he loses his dignity.


The Cleveland Cavaliers acquire Shaquille O'Neal.



Hey real quick, I want to let ya'll know that your opinion truly counts! I post a lot of new music and videos for a reason; these artists and their representatives need feedback! You all are the ones who's opinions matter to them, they wanna hear what you have to say about their music! I know most of ya'll like to browse through the blog, which is cool :). But if you can please take the time to leave a comment. They check regularly to see what you're saying! Thanks loves!!


Shaq Traded to the Cavs for Two

Phoenix Suns have agreed to trade Shaq to the Cavs for two Cavs players on Wednesday, according to some media reports. The Cavs were looking for frontcourt support for LeBron James after losing from Magic in the Eastern Conference finals this season. Cavs will send Ben Wallace and Sasha Pavlovic, the 46th pick in Thursday’s draft and cash to the Suns for Shaq. James has agreed the Shaq trade, especially because it should give his overmatched frontline a chance to compete with Dwight Howard in the playoffs.

Shaquille O'Neal Suns Center picture
shaquille o'neal suns best wallpaper
shaquille o'neal suns center wallpaper

Shaq Gets Traded to the Cavs

Well well! Looks like nobody wants the big man anymore! See this is what happens when they start getting washed up, the league starts passing them around. The Phoenix Suns traded Mr. O'Neal to the Cleveland Cavaliers for Ben Wallace and Sasha Pavlovic. I don't really see him being much of a help to Lebron, King James will probably continue to carry that team by himself.

Artist Spotlight - TrapStar (SC)

Success is achieved not only by luck, but by hard work. The harder you work the more you achieve. Greenville, South Carolina recording artist, TrapStar, is no stranger to hard work. He was raised by a single mother for a majority of his childhood. His struggle was evident as he frequently changed residences and his mother worked numerous jobs to make ends meet. The first of his mothers three children, music has always been apart of his life.

Like most of todays troubled youth, TrapStar was no stranger to the troubles of street life and fast living. While his mother was away working to provide a decent lifestyle, he grew up with his uncles who were knee deep in the neighborhood street life. Living in the infamous district 25, known for drugs & crime, he had his fair share of a lifestyle that eventually led to a run in or two with the law. Seeing his uncle get 30 years for murder really slowed him down. Teachers always told him he was too smart for his own good. So instead of writing reports he started writing the reality in which he lived to pass time in high school. Upon competing in and winning numerous talent shows (one judged by Ludacris), he decided to take the hobby seriously. He started making songs in local studios and decided to put together an album.

In October 2000, he released his first project, Street Mathmatics. After releasing the project the hard work began, which was selling the units he duplicated himself. Without local radio airplay, distribution, or promotional material he went on to sell over 1,000 copies. Not bad considering circumstances and the fact he manufactured his own CDs. With the profits from Street Mathmatics, he purchased some home studio equipment and began the grind most know as rap.

In 2006, TrapStar, linked up with Big Cat Records in hopes of getting the record deal he was after. The union didn’t last long with TrapStar returning home to continue pushing his own music. Then in 2007, opportunity came knocking again when he was invited to Echo Studios, home of Grand Hustle, to work with some of the artists such as J.R. Get Money & Yung LA. This union proved to be fruitful as TrapStar began building relationships and getting advice from the King of the South, T.I.. And leading into 2008, the future looks brighter than ever. With many appearances already booked for the year, TrapStar hopes to capitalize on his My Space popularity and get the recognition he’s been craving his whole life.

Contact/Booking: ExtraGrind Booking: 864-346-8584


Boy Gets Hit By Car, Then Walks Away!

A little Turkish boy get ran over by a car then got up and walked away like nothing happened! Can you imagine seeing that happen to your child, whether he was OK or not?!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Felt hair clips

I have been making these for the markets and for gifts! They are really sweet and this pink clip looks gorgeous in Lilly's hair (Amanda's daughter). They are from my little hydrangea range. I don't plan on selling them in my Etsy store but will save them for the markets instead.
{image-Amanda Keeys}

Gov. Mark Sanford's Emails to His Mistress

Below are excerpts of e-mails, obtained by The State newspaper in December, between Gov. Mark Sanford's personal e-mail account and Maria, a woman in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The State has removed the woman's full name and other personal details, including her address, e-mail address and children's names.

The woman who South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford had an affair with lives on Republica de la India in the Palermo neighborhood of Argentina.

From Gov. Sanford,
Date: Thursday, July 10, 2008, 12:24 a.m.
“One, tomorrow leave at 5 a.m. for New York and meetings. Will think about you on its streets and wish I was going to be there later in the month when you are there. Tomorrow night back to Philadelphia for the start of the National Governor's Conference through the weekend. Back to Columbia for Tuesday and then on Wednesday, as I think I had told you, taking the family to China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Thailand and then back through Hong Kong on world wind tour. Few days home then to Bahamas for 5 days on a friend’s boat for the last break of the summer. The following weekend have been asked to spend it out in Aspen, Colorado with McCain - which has kicked up the whole VP talk all over again in the press back home ...
Two, mutual feelings .... You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that so fitting with your beauty. I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses, or that I love your tan lines or that I love the curve of your hips, the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of the night’s light - but hey, that would be going into sexual details ...
Three and finally, while all the things above are all too true - at the same time we are in a hopelessly - or as you put it impossible - or how about combine and simply say hopelessly impossible situation of love. How in the world this lightening strike snuck up on us I am still not quite sure. As I have said to you before I certainly had a special feeling about you from the first time we met, but these feelings were contained and I genuinely enjoyed our special friendship and the comparing of all too many personal notes ...
Lastly I also suspect I feel a little vulnerable because this is ground I have never certainly never covered before - so if you have pearls of wisdom on how we figure all this out please let me know... In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul.”
From Maria,
Wednesday, July 9, 2008 8:14 p.m.
“As I told you I shouldn't have done this trip but I would have felt worst if I wouldn't have come because it was too over the date, he is a very nice guy, great heart ... but unfortunately I am not in love with him ... You are my love ... something hard to believe even for myself as it's also a kind of impossible love, not only because of distance but situation. Sometimes you don't choose things, they just happen... I can't redirect my feelings and I am very happy with mine towards you.”
From Gov. Sanford,
Tuesday, July 8, 1:42 a.m.
“Got back an hour ago to civilization and am now in Columbia after what was for me a glorious break from reality down at the farm. No phones ringing and tangible evidence of a day's labors. Though I have started every day by 6 this morning woke at 4:30, I guess since my body knew it was the last day, and I went out and ran the excavator with lights until the sun came up. To me, and I suspect no one else on earth, there is something wonderful about listening to country music playing in the cab, air conditioner running, the hum of a huge diesel engine in the back ground, the tranquillity that comes with being in a virtual wilderness of trees and marsh, the day breaking and vibrant pink coming alive in the morning clouds - and getting to build something with each scoop of dirt.”

Mmmm cake

Lemon and Sour Cream Cake - yummo... I love baking! This is a quick and easy recipe out of some magazine, I got sometime, from somewhere... vague you might say?!! I'm so nice I included the recipe for you, along with my (not so) secret obsession of writing daggy reviews! They are all through my recipe books, a tradition handed down from my ma.