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Monday, November 30, 2009

Child-free weekend in Sydney


Hubby turned a significant number in Nov so we swanned off to Sydney to celebrate in style. First stop: dropping Anya off at my parents place :-) We stayed at the Amora hotel which I had never heard of but it was a lovely 5 star hotel in a great location - walking distance to every where we wanted to go. I am obsessed with a good bath - this was lovely and deep!! We walked into the rocks for a browse and then off to Doyles for dinner. Doyles is the most expensive fish and chip place you will eat at - but the view was fabulous - the opera House in front and Harbor Bridge off to the side - it was a lovely balmy night - just perfect! You can just see the Opera House behind the crowd of people that came into my shot of dinner!!!! We strolled around the harbour until it was time to see our movie - An Education at the Dendy. It was an excellent watch - a well told story and the lead Carey Mulligan was superb.


The Strand Arcade

The next day we spent shopping and playing tourists. We had breakfast at the QVB (Queen Victoria Building) where Gordon also tried on a $2,500 Versace suit! Sorry Mr Versace - a little out of our price range :-) We did end up getting a lovely suit from Oxford with birthday money (hurray for family). The christmas decorations were lovely in the CBD!! I didn't get any decent photos of the Swarovski Christmas tree in the QVB but you can see some here - they were stunning. It took 40 hours to construct with 72 people - impressive! We had such a fabulous time away doing our own thing, missed the little one a smidge but thoroughly enjoyed our adult only time. Excuse the poor quality of my mobile phone pictures!!!

Obsessed Fan Gets Tattoo of Nicki Minaj on Her Back

This is insane. I would just like to ask her one question: How has Nicki Minaj positively affected or inspired her to do something so drastic, considering she doesn't even know her?

Tiger Woods Blogs About His Accident

He said this was a private matter...boy please! What makes you think you're exempt from gettin' clowned?

As you all know, I had a single-car accident earlier this week, and sustained some injuries. I have some cuts, bruising and right now I'm pretty sore.

This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me. I'm human and I'm not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again.
This is a private matter and I want to keep it that way. Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible.

The only person responsible for the accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false.

This incident has been stressful and very difficult for Elin, our family and me. I appreciate all the concern and well wishes that we have received. But, I would also ask for some understanding that my family and I deserve some privacy no matter how intrusive some people can be.

Single Black Lee Male

I'm not too sure what to make of this Courtney Lee character. Last year, with the Magic, she seemed like a nice lady who was down to play some tough defense and maybe make a three-pointer or miss an alley-oop layup on occasion.

But this year, there is something different. For instance, now she plays with the New Jersey Nets. That's not the difference I was talking about, necessarily. Check this out.

I know what you're thinking. No, that isn't Kenyon Martin from 2000 to 2004. It's just a case of one human (Courtney Lee) trying to be another human (Kenyon Martin) who was trying to be another human (Method Man). A real Kirk Lazarus situation.

Feels like an identity crisis starring John Cusack and Ray Liotta. Last season, peeps were like, "check out Courtney Lee, he's pretty legit." And he was sorta legit. He was a down-to-earth tucked-in shirt bro with a lady's name.

Now he is all headbandy and goateed, and I'm kinda thinking maybe he wants to be an enforcer like Kenyon Martin. Or maybe he wants to shoot bad jumpshots like Kenyon Martin. It's possible he wants to reinvent himself as a good defender who thinks he's an elite defender like Kenyon Martin. Maybe he just likes holding backboards like Kenyon Martin.

That's all well and good. Maybe he'll be the number one draft pick some time. I don't know. But I do know that there is one thing that I just can't accept from Courtney Lee, and that is a comically bad tattoo of a rapper's lips on his neck.

Be careful, Courtney Lee.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grace Designs on Madeit newsletter

This was a lovely surprise in my inbox today! My African Violet headband featured on today's email from madeit.com.au It's the Aussie equivalent of Etsy :-) Visit my store here. More about my lovely weekend adventures tomorrow.

Amazon Women Breastfeeding A Monkey

Indigenous women breastfeeding photos Woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) in the Amazon rain forest. Strangely, it was common for indigenous women in the Amazon to feed the young monkey whose mother has died. Often during the hunt, the mother monkey to take his son was murdered. Amazon natives often adopting the young monkeys as pets, then the women will be breast-feeding a baby monkey who killed their parents.

Would you believe, Type of Illness Can Known Through Birthday

The following types of disease by date of birth, you can trust or reject the list

1 Organ heads, especially the brain and the digestive tract/gastric
2 Organ vision and gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver
3 ENT organs and circulatory system, especially the heart
4 Organ skeletal and respiratory channels, especially the lungs
5 Organ upper motion, joints and nerves
6 Organ upper motion, joints and nerves
7 Organ skeletal and respiratory tract, especially the lungs - pulmonary
8 circulatory system, especially the heart and ENT
Channel 9 digestive organs especially the liver and vision
10 Gastrointestinal tract particularly the stomach and the head
11 Organ heads especially the brain, liver and organs of vision
12 reproductive system, ENT and organs of vision
13 Organ motion bottom, skeletal and ENT.
14 Organ motion upper and nerves joints and head
15 System-innervation joints, upper limbs and head
17 circulatory system, especially the heart, respiratory system, especially the lungs and ENT
18 Channel digest, especially the liver, the organ of vision and blood circulation sisitem
19 coating digestion, especially the stomach, head.
20 Organ vision and gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver
21 Organ ENT, the organ of vision and circulatory system
22 Organ vision, skeletal and joint system - nerves.
23 Organ vision, ENT and upper limb
24 Joints System, nerves, organ of vision and skeletal
25 Organ vision, respiratory system, especially the lungs and upper limb
26 circulatory system, especially the heart, ENT and organs of vision
27 Organ vision, respiratory system, especially the lungs and liver.
28 Organ of Sight, circulatory system, and digestive system especially stomach
29 Organ vision and liver
30 ENT organs and circulatory system, especially the heart
31 ENT Organ, skeletal, respiratory system, especially the lungs

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Crise financeira...

Ao ler, como o faço regularmente, o blogue Seis25, lembrei-me de um artigo do Jornal A Bola ( Prof.Jenny Candeias ) que faz uns meses transcrevi :
"Com o País atolado em dificuldades, pergunto-me se têm justificação muitas das despesas do desporto amador, particularmente naquela área onde cada vez e mais difícil separar a dimensão lúdica original das exigências próprias de profissionais. Ou seja, o desporto de rendimento praticado por amadores, como é o caso, entre outros, das ginásticas de competição . Poupar é fundamental, porque o que há não dá para tudo. Umas dezenas de euros aqui outras além, muito se gasta com voluntários que cobram por tarefas que, na carolice inicial do desporto amador, não eram remuneradas: dirigentes e juízes, por exemplo. Os primeiros acumulam vencimentos profissionais com os valores que atribuem a um trabalho para o qual se oferecem . Ninguém ignora algumas situações excessivas e espero que, legalmente, venham a ser corrigidas. Mas existem outros cargos que levam muitos euros. Por exemplo, árbitros ou Juízes.
Não sou contra compensações justas, só que não e invulgar assistir a competições de ginástica onde numerosos juízes são convocados para torneios que nem pelo número de praticantes nem pelo nível justificam a despesa. Enquanto isso, o dinheiro não chega para melhorar as condições de treino dos ginastas. Porque não, em tempo de vacas magras, pedir aos juízes que sejam - como já foram - puramente amadores? Se os c1ubes, ou as famílias , custeiam a deslocação e a alimentação dos seus atletas, porque não integrar juízes em cada um dos grupos que se deslocam aos locais da competição e num numero mínimo? Afinal, todos sabemos que cada juiz de ginástica tem raízes nos c1ubes, 0 que não significa falta de isenção , e para alem disso existem até treinadores e treinadoras que pontuam atletas seus e, depois, recebem como juízes.
A isenção, ou falta dela, é um problema de carácter e não de companhia em viagem. Sugiro que se esteja atento ás despesas feitas com o pagamento de ajudas de custo para deslocações e alimentação de juízes nas competições distritais e nacionais e com o numero de pessoas que acompanham equipas nacionais a provas Internacionais Estamos em tempo de apertar o cinto e de ver quem se dedica mesmo ao voluntariado desportivo".

A recente desistência da equipa feminina do Sporting Figueirense da Liga Feminina 2009-2010 dá que pensar , até porque a direcção do Clube, critica a FPB e os custos de arbitragem que os emblemas nacionais têm de suportar para participar nestas competições.

His Turn: Chris Brown is Now Telling All to GMA and 20/20

After ABC cancelled Adam Lambert's appearance on Good Morning America after his traumatizing American Music Awards performance, they decided to replace him with an even better story...Chris Brown's tell-all! I must say I am soooo looking forward to this. I think after he saw hers, he's now ready to tell his REAL side of the story. I predict that he will still own up to what he did, but also reveal what SHE DID to provoke him...

Chris, 20, will do a taped tell-all with Robin Roberts, followed by a rendition of his songs from his new album, reports the New York Post.

“The network is giving a mixed message,” an ABC source tells the newspaper, “that it doesn’t trust someone who shocked with an unpredictable show and a gay kiss, but then it is happy to go ahead with Chris Brown, who was convicted of felony assault.”

ABC insiders say Glambert was ditched from GMA because he proved — after groping a female dancer, kissing a male keyboard player and simulating a sex-act with a male dancer on Sunday night — that he was inappropriate for morning television.

“He was not canceled over a gay kiss,” a source tells the paper. “He showed himself to be unpredictable on live TV.”

Chris — who is currently hawking his new album, Graffiti, while Rihanna promotes her Rated R — taped an interview with GMA’s Robin last weekend.

“Chris Brown’s interview was booked way before Adam Lambert took to the stage,” says the ABC insider, “It is to give him a chance to respond to Rihanna’s interview. The possibility of him performing a song will be worked out next week.”
(OK Magazine)

Rihanna: "Send Your Boyfriend Nude Photos"

Rihanna discusses the leaked nude photos incident that happened a few months ago, and says that every woman should send their boyfriends nude photos. I agree. When you're apart, he needs to be entertained, but more so reminded of what he has waiting for him when you reunite.

R&B singer Rihanna was mortified when nude photos of her leaked onto the Internet, but she still thinks every woman should send their boyfriend naked pictures, although it didn’t do her much good in her relationship with rapper Chris Brown.

After getting over her initial embarrassment of seeing her naked photos widely disseminated, The “Russian Roulette” singer said she realized it was no big deal, thanks to support from her family.

When [the leak] happened, I sent my mom flowers first before I called and then she texted me – when the world is against me she’s always there supporting,” she said.

“If you don’t send your boyfriend naked pictures, then I feel bad for him,” she now says.

Although she is comfortable being naked on the net, Rihanna felt she had lost the last remaining shreds of her privacy in the initial aftermath.

The 21-year-old pop star had to cope with the photos being released by an “ex-boyfriend” just a few months after she was assaulted by Brown in February.

“I just felt like my whole privacy was taken before that and then, when that came out, I thought, ‘Oh great, so now there’s nothing they don’t know about me and my private life.’ It was humiliating and it was embarrassing.”
(Celebrity Health and Fitness)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Friday favourites - Element Clay Studio

How divine are these! Element Clay Studio has some truly beautiful things in their Etsy store. As you know I love macro photos and I also love nature and artists who reflect this in their creations and Heather Knight does just that, really really well!! I am also really appreciation clay work at the moment. I'd love one of these tiles on my wall!

  1. Fungi Micro Tile
  2. Split leaf bowl

Love Selling Supermarket in China

A new supermarket that sells only Love and nothing else opened its doors in Beijing last week. The shelves of the unique open market are filled with files of single people in search of a life partner. The files are categorized in accordance with the names, sex, age and income so that customers shopping at the market can conveniently pick whatever they are looking for. Once the customer makes a choice, the staff at the supermarket helps them contact the person.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Amy Butler Barcelona Skirt - pattern review

Finally I have finally finished my Amy Butler Barcelona skirt! I received that pattern back in May and bought my material in July.... here we are November and I wore it today for the first time. Sooo comfortable, I love things that sit on my hips low. This skirt is truly so QUICK and EASY! I will probably make a layered one too (on the pattern cover) but that may take another 6 months ;) If you have the pattern sitting in your cupboard, get it out and make it this weekend! You could definitely do it in an afternoon. If you have any doubts about what an invisible zipper foot looks like (for the invisible zip) then hop on over to Lara's blog Kirin Notebook for a fabulous tutorial on invisible zips (on a pillow - but it's all the same principal). Happy sewing and YAY for finishing projects. PS: If you are new to my blog that is a baby - not beer belly!!! 4.5months along.

The Arrival Mixtape (Carolina Edition) Tracklisting

Please bare with me while we work out the kinks of the links to the mixtape. Everything is guaranteed to be up and running by Friday.

Disc 1

1. DJ Fat Dre speaks
2. TrapStar - Turn Me Up
3. Cream Team feat. DJ E-Sudd - Gotta Stay Fresh
4. Metroslim - Plenty Cash
5. Transfers - Body Roll
6. Will H - Co-Star
7. Rise speaks
8. Rise - Up On Me
9. Tigo B feat. Waka Flocka - We Got It
10. NoMixx Ent - Check My Swag
11. Bancroft - I Rep That Side
12. Hollywood - Something U Ain't Used To
13. Pro Black speaks
14. Pro Black - Carolina Bounce

Disc 2

1. Foster Holmes - LOL (On My Sidekick)
2. Maui - I'm a Ryder
3. Lil Brod feat. Big Maine and Collard Green - Love About Me
4. HustleBoyz - Chocolate Girl
5. Ed E Ruger - Ballin Like a Midget
6. Jo Stunnah - Trapstar
7. Team IRAC - Still On Me
8. Volcanic & Illa Gezey - Just Move
9. King Carter feat. Rico Barrino - She Bad Remix
10. Carlos Cartel feat. Bozo & King Carter - I'm Da Shit
11. T Walker feat. Chedda Chapp - Wonda Y
12. Mel EZ - Planet Carolina
13. Sub-Z - Revelations
14. DJ Fat Dre speaks
15. Continental GT - Don't Know Who to Be
16. DJ Fat Dre speaks
17. Joey Papers - Lets Go (Karolina South)

Miss California Bikini Contest 2009

There really isn't much in this world that I like more than a good old fashion bikini contest, so here are some pictures from the Miss California 2010 Pageant preliminaries. Fashion shows are pretty damn boring so as far as bikini contests go this isn't exactly titillating, I mean there aren't even any thongs or pools of jell-o or water pistols filled with baby oil. I guess pictures of hot women desperate for attention in bikinis and heels are good enough for now.