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Monday, January 31, 2011

What Is The Internet?

This happened in January of 1994.  Only 17 years ago were people so puzzled by thing I am on almost all the time. It's just an unreal thing to watch and also a reason to laugh at Bryant Gumbel.  More stuff to come later today. 


Randy Foye Playing Surprisingly Well in Place of Eric Gordon

With Eric Gordon out for the next few weeks, Los Angeles Clippers guard Randy Foye has stepped into the starting line up and played much better than expected. In the four games since Gordon went down, Foye is averaging 19 points, 2.3 three-pointers, 3.5 assists, and 2 steals.

The Breakdown
While we're still not convinced that he can keep up this level of production for long, Foye is looking like a great short term addition right now. Since stepping into the starting five, he's been filling it up like a top 50 player. Grab him while he's hot, but remember his value will plummet once Gordon returns in late February. Foye's available in over 90% of leagues.

6. The Maurkice Pouncey Effect

Even though his coach Mike Tomlin doesn't rule Pouncey
out, I think it's safe to say he will not be playing.
I am going to try to fit this in before the day ends.  We had a ton of traffic this month, and I want to thank all of you. Hopefully, we will continue to grow and become better for you guys. Seriously, if there is something you would like to see, or something done differently, email me at tritscca@uwec.edu  We will get a SNO Tap email up sometime soon.

To me, this is the most important story of the Super Bowl. I might be biased because I am former offensive lineman, but I know games are won and lost in the trenches. Maurkice Pouncey not being able to play in the Super Bowl is a critical injury for a team already missing a ton from that unit.  If the Steelers had Jay Cutler or Matt Schaub at quarterback, they wouldn't be playing in the Super Bowl

The Steelers' offensive line gets more bail outs than an American car company. Ben Roethlisberger's mobility saves this team from being a nonfactor in the NFL. Big Ben makes his line look much better than what they actually have playing.  The Packers need to find a way to actually bring Roethlisberger down instead of letting him extend plays like he so often does on third down situations. All I know is the front seven should be licking their chops.

The Freezer also known as B.J. Raji has been improving every week it seems. He demands double teams, and I could definitely see the Steelers having problems calling out those double teams. Communication is key with an offensive line, and sometimes with rotating parts, it's hard to understand the calls early on in the game even at a professional level. Legursky isn't the only one who has to worry, the tackles, Jonathan Scott and Flozell Adams also should be shaking in their boots.  Aaron Schatz of Football Outsiders said on the BS Report, "Scott played great against the New York Jets, and that is amazing because he sucks." Well then. Scott will deal with Erik Walden or Frank Zombo while his buddy Flozell will have deal with Clay Matthews.

Anyone who follows football knows Adams' history. The guy always seems to get about two or three penalties a game. I really hope the refs keep their eye on him because I guranatee you he will have some obvious holds. One Las Vegas prop bets should be "How many times does Charlie Tritschler yell out Sir! when they miss a Flozell Adams' hold?, 4.5 times maybe(I understand they can't get em all).  But with all that being said, Adams could be the goat of this game. If they decide to double Raji then that leaves Matthews alone with Adams unless they keep Heath Miller, the Tight End or the backfield as protection therefore limiting Big Ben's opitions.

Pouncey became the bright spot for the Steelers' offensive line netting second-team All Pro selection.  Now, he is out for Sunday's game, the Steelers are looking for answers because they know the Packers will be coming at them like a train. The question is will they find a way to stay on the track?


Um jogo de números?

Com esta recente polémica em torno da performance de Kobe em crunch time, os números e as estatísticas avançadas estão na ordem do dia. Podem as estatísticas representar fielmente e explicar tudo o que se passa em campo?

Nos últimos 10, 15 anos, a NBA protagonizou uma revolução no registo e processamento da informação. Uma nova geração de general managers (como Daryl Morey, dos Rockets) procurou novas formas de analisar o jogo e novas formas de retirar o melhor rendimento possível dos seus atletas. Nas palavras de Leslie Alexander, dono dos Houston Rockets, "queria alguém que fizesse mais do que olhar para os jogadores da maneira normal. Quer dizer, eu nem sei se estamos a jogar da maneira certa."

É claro para toda a gente que as estatísticas clássicas não contam toda a verdade sobre o que acontece em campo. Um jogador pode ter um impacto determinante num jogo e isso não se traduzir nos números normais (pontos, assistências, ressaltos, etc). Com este desejo de informação, as equipas (e os jornalistas e os comentadores), procuram cada vez mais e mais dados que expliquem o jogo e lhes permitam saber exactamente o que cada jogador contribui e onde cada equipa pode ter vantagem sobre a outra. Informação é poder.

Sobre esta temática das estatísticas e das formas avançadas de analisar o jogo, deixo-vos aqui três bons artigos:

- Um clássico do género, este artigo de Michael Lewis no New York Times, sobre a importância fundamental dum jogador aparentemente banal: Shane Battier, the no stats All Star.

- do blogue brasileiro Bola Presa, um extenso artigo sobre a importância dos números: A revolução será calculada.

- Também do New York Times, do seu blogue da NBA, Off The Dribble: Kendrick Perkins, the some stats All Star.

Boas leituras.

Kinect Gone Wrong...

I feel SO bad for laughing but that was FUNNY, LOL. Poor lil baby didn't even see it coming. I know he felt like pure SH*T after.

Porcelain Jewellery by MaaP Studio

Gorgeous contemporary porcelain jewellery from MaaPstudio. The above piece was featured along with my headband in the lovely Treasury yesterday.

Pieces are made from parian porcelain clay and inspired by nature - just my thing. I don't know if I could trust myself with a porcelain ring! I love these though.

You would certainly be wearing something unique sporting one of these lovely designs!

Monica Launches Nail Polish Line With Orly

One of my besties loves Orly polish... Since I'm no longer wearing acrylic on my nails, I'm anxious to see what polish actually lasts on natural nails.  Just like I support Monica in her music, I'll be purchasing this polish when it becomes available.  I'll keep you posted!

Best Packers Memory

For one of my classes I had to do a short statement on what my favorite Packer memory is. What's better than the Favre's game after his father Irvin passed away?

Here goes:

In my life there have been some good memories and bad memories of Wisconsin’s beloved Green Bay Packers. My first memory of the Green Bay Packers is the loss to the Dallas Cowboys in the 1995 (season) NFC Championship game. That would be considered a negative memory. I don’t remember the score exactly but I know it was a tough loss.

Then shortly after that, the Packers won Super Bowl XXXI over Drew Bledsoe and the New England Patriots. That is one of the better memories but not the best.

Obviously, I could take the easy route and call last weekend’s victory over the Chicago Bears in the NFC Championship game (I don't really remember the score of that game either because of reasons I can not disclose) a great memory, but that is not the best in my opinion.

My favorite memory of the Green Bay Packers was Brett Favre’s game was in the 2003 season in which Brett Favre played the day after his father Irvin passed away. The Packers went on the road to face my Oakland Raiders and there was controversy about whether or not Favre would play. Well, he did start and he played probably the best game I’ve ever seen played personally. He had four touchdown passes in the first half and ended up with a nearly perfect passer rating of 154.9.

Even if it was against my favorite team, that was easily best performance I’ve ever seen from anyone in any sport. Just the sheer emotion of Favre and the way he performed in lieu of his father’s death made it a great memory.


Fashion Trends Spring Summer 2011

Luxury luxzry maxi dressesssssssssssss! I am in love!

Christian Louboutin spring summer 2011 collection

Fendi sunglasses
Spring and summer ! my favorite time of the year! There´s lots of faschion accents this season! Lots of colors!Flowy maxi dresses, wode legged pants, girly prints,,ruffles, florals,,bringht pinks and corals, yellows,blues! I am so excited!!!!Textures are from,silk,sheer to cotton! amazing! luv luv!

Weight Room Behaviors

I have recently gotten back in the swing of things in the weight room after a long period of laziness. Since I've started lifting again, I realized how much I hate going into the weight room. Not because I do not like to lift (I do), but all the other people in the weight room grind my gears. The stuff they do just either makes me laugh or make me pist off. Here are some examples (in no particular order of how much they grind my gears):

1. The lifters who look like they are on speed: These guys are the lifters who never let their muscles take a break. They'll finish one set on one machine, then sprint directly to the next machine and immediatly begin doing their next exercise. Slow the fuck down for heaven's sake. They are always on at least 3 different machines at one time. What especially grinds my gears is that if you try and step in to get some work in on one of the machines they are working on they'll say to you, "Sorry bro, I'm using that machine." Pick an exercise to do and stick with it until you are ready to move to the next one.

2. The grunters/screamers: This is a situation to me where there is some degree of gear grindness. The grunters do not really piss me off more than they do make me giggle. The screamers now, thats another story. This goes for the coaches and the lifters. I am not one of those guys who needs to be screamed at to get me to do my lift. Just let me do my lift, so I do not understand why some guys need to be screamed at. As for the lifters, ok ya we all know you are there lifting 300 pounds on the bench press. I don't need to hear you proclaim to the world that you are lifting 300 pounds.

3. The "I don't lift legs" guys: You can tell who these guys are. Big upper bodies, with small chicken legs. I know what some of these guys' mentality is: to look good for girls. If thats what you lift for, then may God have mercy on your soul. You should lift to help keep you in shape and to improve your health. Show your legs some love when you lift. That way, you won't look so unproportional when I see you walking down the street.

4. The people who are in there forever, but don't really do anything: One of our contributors to Snotap is one of these guys, Mitchy. These people don't grind my gears but it just makes me laugh. They just walk around and just bs with everyone in there, but don't really do any lifting. Nothing was funnier than working out in the summer with Eric at the YMCA and doing our shooting exercises and then lifting and having Mitchy follow us around. Eric would get so mad and I would just laugh at Mitch and Eric because they would be going at each other. One of the highlights of my working out experiences.

I'm sure there are tons of other behaviors that can be stated, but I'll leave that up to the other contributors and readers to make comments on behaviors that they think are funny. I can't wait until I make my first million, so I can open up my own weight room and basketball court that only my friends and I can use. That way I don't have to deal with all these other people and their antics.


Durant v. Griffin: Who Ya' Got?!

 One of our readers Adam asked me on Facebook: "You are the GM of a NBA team. Who would you rather build your team around, Kevin Durant or Blake Griffin? I'm saying Durant, just curious as to your thoughts..." So I decided to break it down to the very core. 

                                        Shooting- ADV: Durant
This is probably the easiest one for Durant to win. Right now, Griffin is excellent underneath the basket but he hasn't mastered that 12 to 18 foot jumper that guys like Kevin Garnett and Tim Duncan mastered throughout the years. When Griffin gets that jumper down, look out. He will be near unstoppable, but today, Durant can do it from all places on the court. 

Passing- ADV: Griffin 
This has been heavily discussed on the blog in the past couple weeks. Durant needs to work on his court version, no question about it. Griffin isn't that much better than KD, but he creates a ton of problems when the Clippers throw it down into the post. I expect Griffin's assist numbers to grow as he gets better because teams will start to double team.   

Rebounding- ADV: Griffin
A runaway category for Griffin.  He averaging near 13 rebounds a game as a rookie. He is currently 4th in the NBA right now.  Durant does get his rebounds, but in my opinion, he doesn't crash the boards enough. I would like to see more from Durant in terms of rebounding. 

Match Up Problems- ADV: Durant
While Griffin is physically a monster, Durant creates so many problems as a shooting guard and a small forward at 6'9. The Thunder can run a smaller lineup with KD at the wing, or supersize the lineup.  Honestly, you can play Durant at every five positions, but Griff can only play the four or five.  

Scoring- ADV: Durant 
He squeaks by in this one. Griffin scores in bunches, but not like Durant can. It really happens because Durant is a decent three point shooter plus he can slash. Griffin is really all about the alley oops, dunks, and the layups inside. But as I said earlier, Griff needs to get better from the outside.  

Defense- ADV: Durant 
This one might surprise you, but if you looked at advanced statistics using opponents PER 48 minute production, Durant takes it. When KD is playing his natural 2 and 3 position, the opponents are averaging 13.2 and 12.2. At Griffin's spots, his counterparts are 14.5 and 18.3. I actually would have guessed the opposite, but statistically, KD has it.   \

Late Game Situations- ADV: Durant 
Once again, it comes down to all the spaces that Durant can score from on the court. He hit a game-winner a couple of nights ago against New York, and I am not sure if Griffin has a winner under his belt.  Not to mention, I would rather have a wing guy taking the final shot then throwing it down to the post, but that's just me.  

In three years, all of this could change but today, the answer is Durant. Both players are going to continue to grow, and take their game to an impossible level. You want to know a scary thought?  What if Griffin after his rookie contract is up decides to take his talents back to Oklahoma City. Westbrook-Durant-Griffin would be a dynasty for years to come. 


Mary Harvey Talks To "The Breakfast Club"

This one here just wont stop, LOL. Check here to listen to Mary Harvey go in (SOME MORE) about Steve.

BTW... I love "The Breakfast Club", they make a great team.  Oh and Mary might wanna reconsider fooling with Marjorie.  For some reason, I don't think she's one you wanna fool with. Marjorie is now suing Mary after the release of the YouTube videos. Like I said, this is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.

Most Added: January 25-31

  1. Ryan Anderson (10.8 points, 2.1 three-pointers, 4.9 rebounds, 80.7% FT%): Anderson tops this list for the second consecutive week. He's continued to play very well, with last night's 23-point, 16-rebound performance the latest in a string of solid games. Anderson is worth an add in all formats, though now he's available in just a handful of leagues.
  2. Marcin Gortat (6.7 points, 6 rebounds, 1 block, 56.8% FG%): Gortat is really starting to heat up and he's putting together the best games of his career. He has five double-doubles in his last seven games and, amazingly, he's putting up those numbers in just 25 minutes a game.. This is the type of production we expected from Marcin when Phoenix acquired him and any team needing a big man should grab him quickly. He's available in about two-thirds of leagues.
  3. Tracy McGrady (7.4 points, 3.4 rebounds, 3.2 assists): With his move into the starting line up, McGrady became a must add in standard formats. On most nights, T-Mac is flirting with a triple-double, which makes him a great addition to any fantasy squad. We're still worried that he may sustain an injury, but you can easily drop him should he get hurt. He's unowned in about two-thirds of leagues.
  4. Carlos Delfino (12.2 points, 2.2 three-pointers, 1.3 steals): After missing much of the season, Delfino finally returned and he's starting to put together some strong performances. Carlos is averaging 17 points in his last three games, which has caused fantasy owners to quickly add him. In addition to the scoring, he's hitting shots from downtown and giving team managers production across the board. Delfino is a must own and he's available in about two-thirds of leagues.
  5. Anthony Morrow (12.6 points, 1.8 three-pointers, 90.9% FT%): Like Delfino, Morrow has recently returned from injury and he's putting together some solid outings. Morrow, though, is mainly a contributor in points and three-pointers. Teams in need of an additional scorer should give Morrow a look. He's available in about two-thirds of leagues.

DOY: Ronnie Brewer

It's funny we were watching this game as well as the Bucks-Nets game and somehow we missed this dunk from Ronnie Brewer. He destroys Josh McRoberts, I also love the color guy's response to all of it. If you didn't hear, the Indiana Pacers fired their coach as their record is shit since Reggie Miller left.

Nicki Minaj On Saturday Night Live

Moment For Life

Right Thru Me

Okay...that was funny as hell, LMBO!

I didn't think Nicki was gonna pull it off when she first got up, but she did her thang.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

7. The Balanced Question

Consider this the start of the 'SNO Tap Super Bowl Coverage'.  I am going to be writing one article each day devoted to the Super Bowl. We decided not to jump the gun last week because this is the true week that matters. The first six will be various topics regarding the Super Bowl, and I will finish off Saturday with a cumulative post about what it means to be here with my prediction included. I assume I am not the only who will be writing about the big game so strap in and sit down, it should be a fun week here on the Tap.

Chad Clifton has the toughest assignment
of the year dealing with James Harrison
One of the discussions this weekend between us was if the Packers should even to attempt to run the ball?  There were compelling arguments for each side, yet I still haven't come to a conclusion. I wrote off the Packers' rushing attack last week saying they had no chance with the powerful Chicago Bears' rush defense.  But my reverse jinx magic came in handy as the Pack proved me wrong by being fairly successful with James Starks rushing for 74 yards plus about 40 yards from Aaron Rodgers. I am starting to believe that Brandon Jackson might be worse than I believed. I see how Starks hits the hole, and it's like Ryan Grant.  When a team uses a zone blocking rush scheme, they can ill-afford to have a dancer like Jackson in the backfield.

If we use the analogy of supermodels to rush defenses... the Bears are like Marisa Miller and the Pittsburgh Steelers are Brooklyn Decker, both top notch. The Steelers have only allowed 62.5 yards a game to teams, which is one of the lowest in NFL history.  Premier running backs like Michael Turner, Chris Johnson, and Ray Rice didn't even gain 50 yards on the ground against the Steelers. The highest yardage they allowed was 87 to the Law Firm when the Patriots got the best of them.

That game stands out like a snorlax amongst a group of smokeshows. When the Patriots offense went Charlie Sheen crazy on the Steel Curtain, they spread the field using four and five wide sets to expose their average secondary.  Don't get me wrong, Troy Polomalu is a monster, but I really don't consider him part of their secondary. He plays like a rover like Charles Woodson so it's hard to really include him with the others. The others include Bryant McFadden who takes lessons from Jerry Azumah on how to get burned.  Ike Taylor makes big plays, but gets hurt by being overtly aggressive looking for the game changing play.  I do like Ryan Clark, although he likes to dish out the big hits more so than playing smart football at times. Trust me, I want McCarthy to get greedy a couple times and hit them over the top with a couple longballs.

Notice I said a couple times because I worry Mike McCarthy will start dialing up the twenty plus yard plays on every down instead of trying to run the football, and the slant routes that work very nicely for this football team.  At the end of the day, this is a good problem for the Packers. Against a team like the Steelers, I am thankful the Packers are a pass-first offense.  


O tempo não volta para trás...

Mas aproveitemos a oportunidade para recordar o melhor clutch player de todos:

Finally, Marquette Gets One

In the second half of the Marquette game, it appeared the Warriors were doing their usual thing.  They didn't look as crisp as they did in the first half, and seemed to be on their way to another swoon. My buddy Mach texted me around 10 minute mark in the second half, "Cuse is winning by 9, calling it now."

Usually I try to quench Mach's negativity, but my hangover prevented me from coming up with something logical. Not to mention, I couldn't blame him for feeling negative after how many late game collapses we have already witness this season. But Marquette pulled it together with some clutch shooting to ensure the home victory. 
Crowder might have the brightest future on
the Marquette roster.

Jae Crowder deserved the game ball for his play on Saturday afternoon with 25 points 7 rebounds and became a zone breaker for the Warriors sneaking behind the zone for the easy bucket.  Crowder is easily the front runner for Newcomer of the Year in the Big East. Even though he is only 6'6, Crowder is tough inside and can step out for the three making him a real problem for opposing teams.  In my opinion, he is more physical version of Lazar Hayward. I don't think he is a better shooter than Zar, but I do like that he hangs out more around the block then the three-point line like Zar would.

The incredible thing about Marquette's win was Darius Johnson-Odom ran into foul trouble plus they received no help from their bench.  Vander Blue looked horrendous yesterday making consistent ill-advised decisions, and I wonder if his minutes will decrease. I am not looking that much into it because Blue is a freshman therefore you expect some growing pains. At least he isn't the Orange's Fab Melo who is the most overrated freshman in this year's class. Marquette found a way to get points without bench help or DJO, which both speak volumes to me.

Remember last week when I said Marquette needed to rediscover Jimmy Butler in late game situations?  They did exactly that on Saturday. Butler made one of the toughest three-pointers I have seen all season, and hit a back-breaking three in the deep corner.  Each shot I felt good about because I trust Jimmy more than anyone on Marquette.  He knows how to hit big shots, and lives in the moment. Hopefully, this is only the beginning.


Grace Designs in Valentines Treasury

My fun sparkly Valentines headband featured in this gorgeous Etsy treasury today by Winchester Lambourne!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Afinal, Kobe é clutch ou não?

A questão surgiu nos comentários do post anterior e é a discussão mais acesa na blogosfera NBAiana por estes dias: Kobe é um bom clutch player ou não?

Tudo começou com um artigo de Henry Abbott, no True Hoop. Em "The truth about Kobe in crunch time", Abbott defende que Kobe, apesar da percepção geral, não é um bom jogador nos minutos finais dos jogos. No início da época, os general managers das 30 equipas responderam ao questionário anual e 79% responderam "Kobe Bryant" à pergunta "Que jogador gostaria de ter a fazer o último lançamento no final dum jogo renhido?"
Esta é também a opinião generalizada entre a maioria dos fãs da NBA. Mas Abbott discorda. Para ele, "há zero chances de Kobe ser o rei do crunch time." Em toda a sua carreira, Bryant lançou 115 lançamentos nos últimos 24 segundos de jogos em que os Lakers estavam empatados ou a perder por dois ou menos pontos. Converteu 36 desses lançamentos e falhou nos outros 79, para uma percentagem de concretização de 31%. Para Abbott, "só nos highlights do Youtube e na mitologia da NBA é que Kobe é o melhor marcador nos momentos finais."

Zach Lowe, do blogue Point Forward da Sports Illustrated, respondeu ao artigo e defende que os números de Abbott estão correctos, mas isso não quer dizer que o jogador dos Lakers seja mau nos momentos finais. Na verdade, Kobe está na média (e não nos podemos esquecer que esta média não é de todos os jogadores da NBA, mas antes uma média dos melhores jogadores, pois só estes é que têm a bola nas mãos nestes momentos). A verdade, segundo Lowe, é que todos os jogadores baixam a percentagem nestas situações. Há várias razões que o explicam: as defesas esforçam-se mais e fazem tudo para não sofrer um cesto (não é o mesmo sofrer um cesto aos 24 minutos do jogo, onde ainda há mais 24 para jogar, e nos últimos segundos, onde já não há tempo para recuperar. É uma situaçao de tudo ou nada), os árbitros permitem mais contactos (pelo que se torna mais difícil marcar), os jogadores estão mais cansados, os ataques das equipas são mais previsíveis, recorrendo muitas vezes a jogadas de isolamento e, muitas vezes, também não há tempo para procurar uma situação de lançamento mais favorável e têm de lançar pressionados ou em desvantagem. Por isso, Kobe não é mau. É apenas, como todos os outros, pior nessas situações do que no resto do jogo.

Em que ficamos? Kobe é um bom clutch player ou não? Pois bem, na verdade, ambos têm razão.
De facto, ele lança quase sempre, o que o torna mais previsível e facilita o trabalho da defesa. E dar a vitória à equipa não tem de ser sempre marcar o último cesto. Pode ser fazer uma assistência a um companheiro livre (lembram-se de Michael Jordan a assistir para John Paxson e Steve Kerr nas Finais, quando toda a defesa caía em cima dele?). Sim, Kobe podia ser melhor nessas situações de final de jogo, se não insistisse sempre em querer decidir o jogo sozinho. O próprio Phil Jackson já afirmou mais que uma vez que gostava que Kobe confiasse mais nos seus colegas e tivesse um jogo mais colectivo nesses momentos. Para o Zen Master, o triângulo ofensivo é para continuar a ser executado sempre.

E sim, Kobe tem piores percentagens em crunch time do que no resto do tempo. Não podemos negar os números. Mas temos de saber contextualizá-los. Um lançamento nos últimos segundos não é o mesmo que um no resto do jogo. Há factores físicos, mentais e conjunturais que tornam esses lançamentos muito mais difíceis que qualquer outros. Por isso, podemos compilar as todas as estatísticas que quisermos desses minutos, mas estas não dizem a verdade toda. E a lógica que usamos para analisar o resto do jogo não se aplica em crunch time. Se durante um jogo, uma percentagem de 31% é francamente má, em lançamentos de final de jogo é aceitável. Mais: é do melhor que qualquer jogador consegue.

Kobe é clutch? Se compararmos com os números dos primeiros 45 minutos dum jogo, não. Mas não é disso que estamos a falar aqui. Aqui estamos a falar dos últimos minutos. Aqueles onde mesmo os melhores de todos não conseguem fazer melhor. Aqueles onde, se até os melhores pioram, imaginem o que os outros fariam. Sim, ter a bola nas mãos de Kobe não é uma vitória garantida. Mas é a melhor hipótese que podes ter.

NBA's Fight Night

KG appears to hit Channing Fyre in the crown jewels when he goes up with the shot.  It didn't seem like much on the replays, but as all males know, one little hit is can be brutal.

Marvin Williams is a punk.  Who hits the guy from behind, and why do you mess with Shawne Williams?  Have you seen his rap sheet?  Dude is crazy.  The commentator is wondering why they would fight... I tell you why thanks to my friend Simmons... Women or Gambling.  


Hot Streaks: January 16-29

  1. Arron Afflalo (16 points, 2.1 three-pointers, 54.1% FG%, 90.5% FT%): Afflalo is having a career year, but his numbers just keep getting better as the season progresses. Arron has put together his best stretch of play over the last two weeks. He's playing extremely well offensively, yet still providing across-the-board production in virtually every category. He's still unowned in just more than 10% of leagues, so snatch him up if you can.
  2. Ryan Anderson (16 points, 3.4 three-pointers, 6.3 rebounds, 1 block, 88.2% FT%): Anderson has continued to play very well, although he had a sub-par game last night against Chicago. He's still hitting the long ball at a ridiculous rate while contributing in a few categories. At this point, he deserves to be owned in standard formats. Ryan was the most added player last week, but he's still unowned in about 20% of leagues.
  3. Amir Johnson (13.2 points, 7.9 rebounds, 64% FG%, 85.2% FT%): Like Afflalo, Johnson is having himself a career year. Amir, though, has been overlooked by many fantasy owners because most of his value is coming from his strong percentages. He'll be hard to ignore following last night's 24-point, 12-rebound night against Milwaukee. He's been a solid source of rebounds all season, while contributing a handful of blocks and steals as well. Amir is available in nearly 80% of leagues.
  4. Corey Maggette (18.6 points, 5.6 rebounds, 51.9% FG%, 84.6% FT%): Maggette's been up and down all season, but he's putting together a nice stretch that was topped off by last night's 29-point, 11-rebound, 5-assist performance. But with Carlos Delfino's recent return, Chris Douglas-Roberts playing well, and John Salmons close to coming back from injury, it's unknown how long Maggette will see enough minutes to be a regular fantasy contributor. Maggette is worth a speculative pick up, but should be owned by any team's looking to boost their free throw percentages. Corey's unowned in about a third of leagues.
  5. Mike Dunleavy (13.3 points, 2.4 three-pointers, 50.7% FG%, 100% FT%): Dunleavy's on a nice stretch of five games in double figures, including last night's 30 points off of 6 three-pointers. He's also been a decent source of all-around production over the last two weeks. With Brandon Rush expected to miss the next 1-2 weeks with an ankle injury, Dunleavy is worth at least a short term pick up. He's a free agent in about 60% of leagues.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jeff Fisher Rides Out Of Nashville

Just when you think the Tennessee Titans seasons couldn't get any more dysfunctional, they decided to throw a curveball by firing Jeff Fisher. This makes about as much sense as the decision to shut down the internet and not expect people to get mad. Who knew, Egyptian government?!  But this is a horrendous decision, and I hope the Titans enjoy picking in the top 10 in the next five years.

The reason I am so harsh about this decision is because the Titans management still wants to get rid of Vince Young. I am not the biggest VY guy, but keeping Young around will ease the sudden transition. As I tried to figure out the pieces of why the Titans did this, ESPN Adam Schefter brought up a great comparison. Schefter compared it to Tampa Bay's decision a couple years ago by getting rid of Jon Gruden late in January. They got a young coach in Raheem Morris and drafted quarterback Josh Freeman. I am not sure the same result will happen in Nashville.

Likely, the Titans will hire their offensive line coach Mike Munchak and probably bring in the collection of quarterbacks who will be available when the Titans pick at 8 ( Cam Newton, Jake Locker and Ryan Mallet).  I don't believe that any of those guys can be inserted into an NFL lineup and be successful next fall. But who knows, I said the same thing about Freeman when Tampa drafted him.

Fisher will land on his feet in 2012.  With the plethora of good coaches out there, there are only about five coaches safe right now.  I think if one team slips up, they will get screwed.  Fisher is a smart, funny dude who would be great in the booth.  Much better than Dan Fouts, Solomon Wilcots, and others on CBS.


Wiz Khalifa “Roll Up” New Single From The Prince of The City

Wiz Khalifa “Roll Up” [Audio Banger] | XXLmag.com

Here's a link for Yung Khalifa's new single from the upcoming album "Rolling Papers" courtesy of XXLmag.com.

A touch more poppy sounding than some of his older tracks but still good nonetheless. Hear it for yourself.


Why Russell Westbrook is More Valuable than Kevin Durant

As my colleague Eric Nohelty would like to point out, I believe a NBA player's assists per game constitutes as a significant statistic in today's NBA. The list that my colleague Eric Nohelty posted earlier contains the players who average under 3 assists per game. Then, my colleague Eric Nohelty stated that he wouldn't want any of these players on his team in mock gesture of an argument we held last night.

The basic argument stemmed from my proclamation before the season that Russell Westbrook is more valuable (or important which is the same thing). Before the season, Kevin Durant was touted as a phenom the likes of Lebron James and Kobe Bryant. However, although Kevin Durant scores more points than James and Bryant the last two seasons, his assists per game pales in comparison to the two other greats. The amount of touches Durant receives should dictate that he average more assists per game. NBA analysts both on TNT and ESPN have said he needs to improve his court vision and passing. That is my argument against Kevin Durant in terms of assists per game and how he should not be considered in terms of a Lebron James or Kobe Bryant.

Now, for my argument towards Russell Westbook being more valuable than Kevin Durant. Durant averages just about 6 more points per game. He averages slightly under 2 more rebounds per game. Russell Westbrook averages 5.5 assists more than Durant per game. Westbrook also averages more steals and Durant averages more blocks. Durant shoots better from the field and from three significantly. These are the statistics. They are concrete facts.

Now, why would I choose Russell Westbrook as more valuable than Durant if Durant holds a slight edge in the statistical category? Why would ESPN have Westbrook at 7 and 4 in their MVP watch the last two weeks? Charlie look here. And why would ESPN not have Durant in the top 10 of their NBA MVP watch since the first weekend they released it?

Now obviously this is not a crackpot, glue-sniffing, idiotic argument that my colleagues Eric and Charlie think it is. Maurice Brooks, ESPN NBA analyst is quoted as, "In September, when Kevin Durant was leading team USA to gold at the FIBA World Championship, who'd have thought KD would be the second best player in OKC."

Westbrook carried the Thunder through Durant's unfortunate injury early in the season. With Durant out of the lineup the Thunder went 3-1 with a road win against Boston.

I'll leave you with this little nugget to consider. It should follow the syllogism model of reasoning. Fact #1: Kevin Durant is superior in all major offensive statistics other than assists per game and steals than Russell Westbrook. Fact #2: Kevin Durant is not being considered for MVP at this moment and Russell Westbrook is. My conclusion: assists per game may play a vital role in determining a player's importance.

Classic DOY: Kobe Bryant

Simmons posted this in his column today and it's good enough to share with the rest of you. The top comment is Kobe Bryant baptized Dwight Howard.  Great comment, I agree.  This would be definitely in my top five favorite Kobe dunks of all time. Also Dwight Howard was a BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAANPPPPOOOOLE, sorry for the inside joke.  


The NBA Currently Only Has 58 "Team Players"

According to our very own Bert Boyer, in order to be a "team player" in the NBA you have to average at least 3 assists per game.  So I took the liberty of finding you a list of of all the crappy teammates in the NBA this year.  According to NBA.com in the 2010-2011 season only 58 players average above 3 apg.  Here are the highlights from the list of those guys that just seemingly never learned to share.

Name                         APG
Lamar Odom                2.9
Kevin Durant                2.9
Tayshaun Prince           2.8
Andrei Kirilenko           2.8
Derrek Fischer             2.8
Amar'e Stoudemire       2.7
Rudy Gay                     2.7
Kevin Love                  2.7
Shane Battier               2.4
Grant Hill                     2.4
David West                 2.3
Ron Artest                  2.1
Wesley Matthews        1.9
Landry Fields              1.9
O.J. Mayo                  1.9
Chris Bosh                  1.9
Rashard Lewis            1.8
Andrea Bargnani         1.8
Danilo Gallinari           1.7
Al Jefferson                1.7
Antawn Jamison         1.6
Richard Jefferson       1.4
Dwight Howard         1.2
James Jones              0.6
Zydrunas Ilgauskas    0.4

If these guys don't learn how to share soon they are going to find themselves without a job.  I would never want any of these players on my team.

In case you didn't notice, I think Brett has sniffed a few to many glue bottles in his day.  By my own count (which admittedly may be wrong because I'm not an NBA factbook) 16 of the players on that list are former or current all-stars.  There could even be more because I just went through the list and pulled the big names. If you want to see the full list go here.

Pregnant Wife Tries To ABORT Her Husband's Jumpoff's Child...

You know what...folks need to sit their tails down and get it together.  This story here is like nothing I've heard before. 40 year old Kesha Jones will spend 4 years in jail for trying to trick her husband's jumpoff into aborting their child.  

Kisha Jones tricked seven-months pregnant Monique Hunter into taking pills that would kill her unborn child.

Miss Hunter, 26, went into premature labour but the baby boy survived.

Jones, 40, was also accused of tried to finish him off by sending a toxic liquid to the hospital disguised as breast milk and pretending to be a hospital worker to take the child off a ventilator, but those charges were dropped.

Under a plea bargain deal she will be jailed for four years in February but could be out in as less than two for time served and good behaviour.

Miss Hunter had been dating Jones’ husband Anthony for three years but claimed she did not know he was married.

Both women were pregnant with his children and when Jones found out that her love rival was expecting as well, she flew into a rage and decided to kill her baby, it was said.

A court heard that in October 2009 she used a forged description and computer software to disguise her phone number to call Miss Hunter and tell her to take the stomach ulcer drug cytotec, which is also used to end pregnancies.

Jones persuaded her to go to her local pharmacy near Kings County Hospital where she collected it. Police have not explained how or why the pharmacy gave her the drugs.

If that ain't some CA-RA-ZY mess I'll pay ya.  Let this be a lesson to you OTHER women.  These wives are going above and beyond to keep their spot, SMH. 


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Richa Gangopadhyay Unseen Stills

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