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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Today At The Bee: Go Brian, Go!!!

Four rounds have been completed already at the National Spelling Bee, and only 59 of the original 285 spellers remain. And guess who is among those 59? The three favorites of course, Jonathan Horton, Samir Patel, and Kavya Shivashankar, but also left in the hunt is our man Brian Ajieren. Brian must have heard that we were endorsing him here at WTB, and he has come out strong today. Thus far Brian has demolished the following words (Round 1 is a multiple choice test):

Round 2: honorable
Round 3: satisfice
Round 4: ratiocinate

Way to do it to it Brian. Now, in an interesting bit of fate, Brian is also spelling directly after favorite and media darling Samir Patel. Don't sweat it Brian, it'll just be that much sweeter when you are the one to knock him out in the finals.