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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

C'mon Clinton, This is Embarrassing

I am not sure what is more disturbing about the interview Clinton Portis gave concerning Mike Vick and the dog fighting controversy: the comments made by Portis or the laughter of Chris Samuels during the interview. Some lowlights from the comments made by Portis:

"I don’t know if he was fighting dogs or not but it’s his property, it’s his dog. If that’s what he wants to do, do it. You know? "

"You take somebody that’s doing positive in the community. You take a positive role model and put them behind bars for no reason, you know. Over a dog fight?"

"It’s prevalent in life. I’m from Laurel, Mississippi. I know a lot of backroads that’s got a dog fight if you want to go see it, you know?"

Grief. Of course the Redskins tried to cover Portis' tail, releasing the following statement later in the day:

"In the recent interview I gave concerning dog fighting, I want to make it clear I do not take part in dog fighting or condone dog fighting in any manner."

Actually Clinton, you did condone dog fighting. In fact, you said if people want to do it that they should. That sure sounds like condoning something to me. Calling someone a positive role model, even if they engage in brutal acts against animals, sure sounds a lot like condoning those types of behavior to me. As a Redskins fan I must admit that I am suprised by Portis' statements, especially since he has shown himself to be so media savvy in the past. Also as a result of his comments, I have to say I am going to be rooting a little bit harder for Ladell Betts to get a larger share of the Skins' carries next season.