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Friday, July 31, 2009

Robert Pattinson Picture

robert pattinsonMen named full-Robert Thomas Pattinson is born in London, England on 13 May 1986. Although the star has had a lot of film, but a new career Robert really climb when he titled TWILIGHT movie star who is actually adapted from a novel with the same title.

Initially, Robert is only workers in the back of a theater screen named Barnes Theater Company. From here, the interest in the role of Robert in the art start to appear. He was then trying to learn this field with the taking of formal education in the field of arts role.

The luck seems to take sides on this man. Not long after a talent agency view talent inside Robet and invites himself had a role in the production of drama Tess of the D'URBERVILLES.

Stage of the theater, Robert began to enter into the world of television with the adjuvant in several films including NIBELUNGS OF THE RING, THE AIRMAN haunted, and THE BAD MOTHER'S Handbook.

Year 2007, Robert got the role as Cedric Diggory in the big screen movie HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENICIAN. This is a film and then make him a hero in the movie TWILIGHT about vampir a good heart.

robert pattinson cool
After a rumor about a range of proximity Robert with Kristen Stewart, finally in mid-June 2009, they formed a middle note in a relationship special. Say, Stewart is committed relationship with a girlfriend decided earlier, in order to establish a relationship with Robert.

Ryan Anderson Confuses Fruit

Oh. My. Gosh. Look at the size of that owange. That is the biggest owange I have evow seen. I am going to eat that owange SO fast and it's going to be SO good. Wyan weally wikes owanges. Thank my wucky staws foah this enoahmous owange.
Oh, owange. I am so happy to eat you. You will be sweet and dewicious in Wyan's bewwy. If I didn't eat you, owange, I would want to mawwy you and maybe go see the new Hawwy Pottah movie togevah. You make me so happy, owange. I am sowwy to eat you, but you awa a big yummy owange so I must.

GWOSS! GWAPEFWUIT! YOU AWEN'T AN OWANGE AT ALL! HOWA DAWA YOU! You awa too souwa! I fought we wewe fwiends! You twicked me, gwapefwuit. I will NEVEWA eat a gwapefwuit again because you awa SO mean. You taste wike souwa poops. Gwoss. You awa the wowst fwuit evewah.

WHOA!! Eminem Dissed the Sh** Out of Mariah Carey!

Wow...I must admit, I was on Mariah's side for at first, but you can't make this shit up. He WENT IN, and he gave too many details. I have the feeling he's gonna be releasing some of these "details" very soon. The track is called "Warning Shot" for a reason. There's too much to repeat, just listen...

Side note: I wonder how Nick's gonna respond to this??

Rihanna Upset Over Chris Brown's Apology Video

RIHANNA is in shock after her ex-boyfriend CHRIS BROWN released a public video apologising for his fight with the singer in February (09). The Kiss Kiss hitmaker pleaded guilty to attacking Rihanna in June (09) and was sentenced to five years supervised probation and community service. He was also ordered to stay away from the Umbrella hitmaker. He kept tightlipped about the incident after he was advised to not speak out by his attorney, but earlier this month (Jul09) he released a two-minute video on TMZ.com expressing his "deepest regret" for his actions.
But Rihanna has been left reeling at the public statement because it has led to more publicity about the fall-out.
A source tells Britain's Now magazine, "She's in total shock. It was like he gave her another blow, albeit one of a different kind. All she knows is that it's in the news again and that's the one thing she didn't want. She's been trying to put it behind her and move on as fast as possible.
"They spoke earlier last week and Chris made no mention of any public statement then. She wishes he'd given her at least a heads-up about it. But that's Chris, always thinking of himself first and forgetting how this would impact on her."

(Source: ContactMusic)

MY FAV SONG!! Jeremih - I'm a Star

This video is MAD WEAK. Poor choice considering this song is gonna be the end of the summer banger.

Rocsi In Tears As She Talks About Her Battle With Anorexia

I bet all those A-holes on Twitter feel like dirt after doggin' her all week about her elf ears. Men (and hatin' ass women) don't realize the damage they do to a woman's self-esteem when they take the time to point out every single imperfection that we all possess. True enough, I don't care for Rocsi, but I wouldn't waste the precious time God has given me to tear another woman down. We as women need to remember that when we are being attacked by the devils of the world to stand strong, and know that the Lord will fight our battles for us. There's no use in responding to ignorance because REVENGE IS HIS, and what God will bring on the haters has NOTHING...NOTHING on what we could ever do to them. AMEN!!

New Listing in my Etsy shop today

Worn singularly or as a set - these gorgeous ivory camellia's are perfect for weddings or special occasions! Know anyone getting married?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Friday favourites - Moda

I'm a bit slow it seems, as I didn't discover Moda's fabulous blog with so many awesome tutorials till recently!!! They even give you printer friendly versions (note to self - "GOLD"). They also have a flickr pool where you can upload your completed Moda projects. There are so many great little online communities for sewers, new and experienced alike. Another is SewMamaSew where you can get the skinny on pattern reviews and help out your fellow sewers! Nice.

Kanye's Trippin...Says He's the New King of Pop

Damn man! Your crown was gonna come homie, but you need to let the REAL King of Pop's legacy live a while before you try and snatch that title. I guess he wasn't lyin' on the remix...HE GOTTA BIG EGOOOO....

"There's nobody who can match me in sales and in respect so it only makes sense for me to take over Michael's crown and become the new King" says Kanye.

"First there was Elvis [Presley], then there was Michael, now in the 21st century it's Kanye's time to rule. I have nothing but respect for Michael but someone needs to pick up where he left off and there's nobody better than me to do that. I am the new King of Pop."

Furthermore, Kanye reportedly has reached out to the Jackson family to obtain official permission to use the title but so far received no response from them. It is believed that the family is still mourning over Michael's death.

Stephon Marbury - Suspicious Activity Part 2

Is it me or is he looking more and more suspect? In this video, Stephon is dancing to Michael Jackson's "I'm a Do Me" with cream on his face....hmmm, SPEC FLU maybe?

Joe Jackson Confirms Omer is MJ's Other Son

There were rumors that the young man sitting next to Latoya at MJ's funeral was Mike's love child but no one could confirm. Although it was quite obvious, Joe Jackson (aka Lucifer) confirmed that he is indeed MJ's son. The young man's name is Omer. Who the mother is, I haven't the slightest idea.

Luke Ridnour Misses the Point

Mo Williams: This new commercial is going to be insane.

Rashard Lewis: For real, we look tight.

Kevin Durant: Yeah.

Rashard Lewis: Who else they got comin'?

Mo Williams: I don't know. You know, Kev?

Kevin Durant: No.

Rashard Lewis: I think Iggy coming. And I heard Luke Ridnour was coming, but that can't be true.

Mo Williams: Who is Luke Ridnour?

Rashard Lewis: He play for the Sonics.

Kevin Durant: No.

Rashard Lewis: Oh, right. He play for the Thunder.

Kevin Durant: No.

(door opens)

Mo Williams: Iggy! What up?!

Andre Iguodala: (grimaces)

Rashard Lewis: You bring anybody with you?

Andre Iguodala: (grimaces)

(door opens, knocks over Connect Four game)

Luke Ridnour: Hey, guys. Did I do that?

Mo Williams: Who dat?

Kevin Durant: Ridnour.


Luke Ridnour: Awwww, not again. They said "dress like the early 90s." They specifically said EARLY 90s. Why does this always happen to me?


Andre Iguodala: (grimaces)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oil Prospecting with Joakim Noah

At Joakim Noah's house...
Trez Kerbz: I have boredom, Joakim Noah. There is boredom in me.

Joakim Noah: For real, son. Let's do something then.

Trez Kerbz: Like what?

Joakim Noah: Let's get some oil, son.

Trez Kerbz: a) Why would we get oil? And b) How are we going to get oil?

Joakim Noah: You kidding? Oil is like gold, but, like a liquid.

Trez Kerbz: Liquid gold.

Joakim Noah: Word, son. We need to get that oil, son.

Trez Kerbz: Sure. How?

Joakim Noah: Yo, throw that ice pick in the ground.

Trez Kerbz: Why do you have an ice pick?

Joakim Noah: Why do only certain birds eat certain bird seed? Why did old-time sailors think manatees were mermaids? Why we hangin' out? You ask too many questions, man.

Trez Kerbz: Whatever. So, you think I just throw this ice pick in the ground and we'll get some oil?

Joakim Noah: Word. Get a bag though.

Trez Kerbz: Why?

Joakim Noah: For the oil, son.

Trez Kerbz: Right. (throws ice pick, oil starts spurting)

Joakim Noah: YEAH, SON!

Trez Kerbz: I cannot believe that worked. (copious amounts of oil continue to spurt)


Is That Kevin Federline??

GEEZ LUHWEEEZ!!! I guess that's daddy fat!! LOL

Michael Jackson...Rest in Peace

There are so many rumors running wild about MJ, not to mention the whole doctor "killing him" fiasco. While some reports are factual, I refuse to report ANY OF IT. That man is the reason I fell in love with music. I grew up with him, had every album, every poster, every magazine that featured him. I used to kiss this one particular poster I had of him that I posted right above my bed every night before I went to sleep. After all of the joy he brought in my young life, there's no way that I can let him go out like that. Other blog sites and news & media sources are reporting it because it brings them views and ratings. I have too much respect for that man and his family to do so. Let those fools make a circus out of this, his real fans already know what time it is. REST IN PEACE KING.

DJ Hughley Breaks Down During CNN's Black in America Interview

I had no idea that DL Hughley was a former gang member. Looking at what an exceptional black man he is you would've never thought that. Just goes to show with dedication and commitment anything's possible. He credits his former teacher for encouraging him to be better, who made an appearance with him on the CNN special. REAL BLACK MEN STAND UP.

Real Housewives of ATL Season 2 Sneak Peek

So, the new season of the Real Housewives of Atlanta premieres tomorrow at 10pm on Bravo, and here's what I'm seeing thus far:

1. Kim is STILL a gold digging white girl that believes she has a second chance at a singing career. (I can't believe she's gonna put herself through that humiliation again)
2. NeNe's still my favorite. But still frontin' like she got money. (Girl, you and your husband got busted out, give it up)
3. Kandi is the new addition. Can't say anything about her until the show starts.
4. Lisa seems to still be the only real one. She debuts her clothing line and competes with Sheree. (But don't think we forgot about Keith Sweat bustin' your ass out about you not taking care of the two kids you have with him)
5. And Sheree...ugh, hot mess. When will she get it through her head that we are on to her. Just like NeNe, she got busted out too. The documents have surfaced that she filed for bankruptcy, her clothing line went under, and she was kicked out of her house for non payment. Who you tryna fool???

Ahh yes! Another drama-filled season of wanna be wenches!! Can't wait! Remember, the new season premieres tomorrow (Thursday, July 30th) at 10pm on Bravo.

Is This Shaq's Back-Up Plan?

Shaq made an appearance last night on WWE's Monday Night Raw as a "special guest host". Towards the end he steps in the ring with a larger than life white man who goes by the name of The Big Show. Are we seeing a preview of Shaq's back up plan after he gives up basketball? It's only a matter of time before the 37 year old taps out of the NBA. But I gotta give it to him, he looks like he's slimmed down a bit. He actually looks better than he has in a long time!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tyson Chandler NBA Player Pictures

Tyson Chandler lob dunks best picture
Tyson Chandler lob dunks best picture
Tyson Chandler lob dunks best picture

Performance Enhancers for the Portland Trailblazers

One of the things that I'm always telling Matt Moore is how I want every NBA player to completely maximize their potential. Clearly, this will never happen. However, thanks to certain shadowy connections I have made, I have procured the following items for the Portland Trailblazers basketball team. They have the pieces to challenge the Lakers and Spurs in the West, so I thought that giving them a little extra help would raise the level of the league just a touch. Here is what I acquired:
Robot Legs
For: Greg Oden
Advantages: Supports brittle bones that have been ravaged by osteoporosis. Improves lateral quickness. Improves jumping quickness. Looks awesome.
Disadvantages: The only thing heavier than his actual legs.
Hook for a Hand
For: Lamarcus Aldridge
Advantages: Aids in grabbing tough rebounds. Frightens opposing players. Looks awesome.
Disadvantages: Occasionally falls off of arm stump. Turns player in to a monster.

Shoe Lifts
For: Jerryd Bayless
Advantages: Makes player appear taller, therefore allowing him to play shooting guard.
Disadvantages: Kind of sissy.
For: Brandon Roy
Advantages: Just seems like he'd like nunchucks.
Disadvantages: None.
Muscle Milk
For: Nicolas Batum
Advantages: Adds muscle. Tastes like milk.
Disadvantages: For bros.

Espanha Sub18 Femininos

The Dream Says He Will No Longer Record

NOOOOO!! The Dream says that his next album, Love King will be his last album as a recording artist. He says that he will continue to write and produce for other artists, but as far as being an artist himself, its a wrap.

"I am engaged and 'Love King' IS going to be my LAST album!" he tweeted on July 23. His next album is due out sometime by the end of this year.

Reggie Bush and Kim Kardashian Call It Quits

I hate to be negative but...CONGRATULATIONS REGGIE!! You finally see the light! I know it was hard coming out from under that Armenian spell, but you did it and we're so proud of you!! Anyway, here's the "official" report from Access Hollywood:

Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush have called it quits, a rep for the reality star confirmed to Access Hollywood.

Kim, 28, began dating the 24-year-old NFL star in April 2007.

According to a source close to the former couple, the split was a “mutual decision.”

In June, Kim hit her blog to dispel rumors the two were set to walk down the aisle.“Nobody cheated. This was just a case of conflicting schedules and their lives going in different directions,” the source told Access.

França Sub 20 Femininos

Como não encontro filmes das Sub 20 junto um das Seniores que também ganharam. Dá para ter um ideia do basket actual em França.

Alfamega Discusses Snitching Rumors, Talks About T.I.

Alfamega is trying to do damage control, but I still don't know. The evidence suggesting he was a snitch is pretty strong. He really goes into detail about everything, in my opinion, he's saying too much. I understand you wanting to clear your name but bruh, keep it to a minimum. He also said that T.I. "made himself look good", whatever that means. Its obvious that he's a little perturbed with TIP.

Grécia (Sub 20 Masculinos)

Monday, July 27, 2009

In Bloom - Keeping Flowers Fresh

One of the tricks to keeping flowers fresh is buying them as fresh as possible, clean water/vessel and trimming the stems.
  1. Just like visiting the farmers market to get the freshest produce available, treat flowers in the same way and try and reduce the storage/handling time they have endured before eventually hitting a vase near you!
  2. Clean your vases regularly or before use, you can use bleach to kill bacteria but bicarb, Enjo cloth etc.. would be more environmentally friendly.
  3. Trimming the stems on an angle gives them a bigger chance of water intake and using a florists knife is ultimately better than scissors (large pocket/paring knife might do the trick). Scissors pinch the stems which reduces water intake - but use what you have!
  4. A teaspoon of sugar not only helps the medicine go down, but it can help prolong flower life too!
These are all simple things, yet you would be surprised how little care flowers get then everyone whines because they don't last as long! Enjoy your fresh cut flowers for longer.

Santos da casa não fazem milagres...

Ao viajar na internet encontrei um artigo meu publicado no site
A companhia é boa : John Calipari, Tom Izzo, Wance Valberge, Pat Summit, Rick Pitino entre muitos outros.

The Most Boring Player in the NBA

Facts about Andre Miller:
  • Every day for lunch eats white bread, hard-boiled eggs, and American cheese.
  • Favorite television program: Antique Roadshow
  • Favorite actor: Ben Kingsley
  • Favorite actress: Angela Landsbury
  • Takes lukewarm baths; refuses to use shower.
  • Drives a silver1996 Chevrolet Lumina.
  • Owns 16 pairs of Champion cotton shorts with pockets (aka "Dad shorts") in various shades of grey, black, and blue.
  • Has two dogs, a yellow lab named "Rick" and a beagle named "Tom."
  • Favorite color: grey-ish
  • Favorite musician: Seals and Croft
  • Favorite movie: The Good Shepherd
  • Weekends are generally spent doing yardwork, reading the newspaper, and doing yardwork.
  • Once took a roadtrip by car to Yellowstone National Park to "see what all the fuss is about." Upon return, declared the park "too sprawly."
  • Favorite food: porridge
  • Favorite store: Kohl's
  • After a night out on the town his rookie year, remarked that clubs are "too loud" and has yet to return.
  • Next movie on NetFlix queue: Grey Gardens
  • As a child, met Magic Johnson and told his parents he wasn't impressed because he was "too smiley."

Monday Morning Humor: Girl Dances to Beyonce, Then...

I fell off my couch when I saw this!! She was dancing to Beyonce's Single Ladies, then suddenly...

R.I.P. Vernon Forrest

Former two-division world champion Vernon Forrest was shot and killed Saturday night during an attempted robbery in Atlanta, police said Sunday. Lt. Keith Meadows told the radio station that Forrest was shot seven or eight times -- at least once in the head -- as he chased at least two men who had tried to steal his Jaguar as he put air in its tires at an Atlanta gas station. Forrest had a gun and confronted the men, who fatally wounded him with two semi-automatic weapons, according to police. R.I.P.

HATE CRIME: Maryland Barbershop Vandalized With Racist Graffiti

I think we all knew that the small percentage of ignorant, racist idiots would surface and start acting a fool as soon as we elected out first black President. A Maryland barbershop was buglarized and vandalized over the weekend. The black owned shop was soaked with gasoline and had spray painted racist graffiti all over the walls. They said that same shop was burglarized two weeks prior to this incident. When will this end?

AWW! Stephon Marbury Starts Crying on Webcam

How precious...he must be going through something the way he was busting out tears. The former Knicks player, now Celtics player started getting seriously emotional while listening to Kirk Franklin's Lean on Me. That is an emotional song though. Don't worry Stephon, that song gets me too!! But why he chose to let those emotions loose on camera, I don't know.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

MACRO Monday

MMMmmm, so proud of Friday afternoon's efforts! I made these from scratch. The pastry tasted soooo good. They are Donna Hay's - Pear and Rhubarb pies. Very sweet! They are on page 160 of the Modern Classics Book 2 if you are interested.

I hope you had a sweet weekend, we did - spent half of it in Canberra the other half in Sydney! Gordon has a conference in town, so I am enjoying a few days with my folks and little (almost bigger than me) brother.

Friday, July 24, 2009

DAMN!! NAS Ordered to Pay Kelis $55,000 a Month in Child Support

That seems extremely unfair, considering I know NAS doesn't have money like that. They must have taken into account the horrible adultery and abuse he brought on Ms. Milkshake. I hear that can make a difference. A judge decided Nas has to pay Kelis $55,000 a month in combined spousal and child support, plus the mortgage on their L.A. residence. Nas also has to pay Kelis for the baby nurse, prenatal expenses and medical insurance.

The rapper also has to pay $35,000 to his worst nightmare - Kelis' lawyer, disso-queen Laura Wasser.

DAMN! SHE GOT THAT ASS!! Fellas let this be an example of the results from a woman scorned.

DISRESPECTFUL: DJ Drama's New Mixtape Bill Cosby Spoof

OK now see, when the dreadful day comes that we lose Bill Cosby, he's gonna regret this. Maybe I'm just being a stick in the mud, but the image of Bill Cosby with chains around his neck is just plain disrespectful. Especially considering how much Bill despises the hip hop imagery. You know, Drama can get sued for that, knowing Mr. Cosby...

Mike Vick to be Reinstated After 4 Game Suspension

According to the reports, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has decided to suspend Vick for the first month of the 2009 NFL season. Really, that's about the best that Vick could have hoped for.

Considering the fact that Vick lied about what he was doing, was caught doing it, then spent nearly two years in a federal prison because of it, four games may be light. Especially considering the iron fist that Goodell has pounded into the NFL and its players several times before.

Will Vick find a new team? That has yet to be seen as no team has stepped up and said, "Yes, we have interest in Michael Vick." Well, no NFL team anyway.

The Orlando franchise of the UFL currently holds his rights were he to give up on the NFL (or more likely, have the NFL give up on him) and come play for the UFL.

The UFL doesn't seem to have much of a chance at Vick any longer considering their contract lasts until November 28, long after Vick's NFL suspension would be up. Also, on top of all that, the UFL would only be able to pay a fraction of what Vick would be making in the NFL.

Mariah Carey "Obsessed" Video Remix feat. Gucci Mane

I'm sure it doesn't top the original video. I was personally glad that she went at Eminem. These ignorant fools gotta understand that they can't get away with talking reckless about women like we can't get at them.

Weight Loss Solutions for Eddy Curry

Word on the street is that Eddy Curry is trying to get his groove back. Ostensibly, he wants to "be ready" and "resemble a basketball player" and "attract women." But I'm willing to bet he logged on to the information super highway, went to Google, started Googling "eddy curry is awesome" and saw this:
Then he had the sadness and decided, "I should probably stop being as fat as I am. This will cure the sadness." Because I'm trying to diversify Blowtorch Consulting, I'm willing to offer my help in getting Eddy Curry back in shape. Here are some suggestions.

This would probably be my first suggestion. But since it involves eating less and working out more, let's move on.

Just giving birth is an easy way to drop 7-9 pounds, plus Eddy would continue to lose weight while he nursed the baby. Not to mention, he'd also have a new baby that he can enter in to various pageants, even after only two weeks after birth. I assume he would teach his child how to do a backflip, which would be pretty big points in the talent portion.

In The Machinist, Christian Bale played a man who is very skinny and also chops another man's arm off in a factory accident. It is legendary how much weight Christian Bale lost for this role (most estimate the amount at a lot), then he put on a bunch of muscles and a very growly voice to be Batman. I would probably tell Eddy to not go "full Bale," or else he'll lose his ability to back flips and/or walk.

In just 2 weeks, Eddy Curry could change from a very fat black man to a slightly smaller white man. In most circles, this is called "the Eddie Murphy diet" after his preference for playing every character in more and more depressing movies. However, once again I'd worry that he'd stop being able to do backflips.

I'm not saying that these are the only ways to lose weight (also: methamphetamines, illness, surgery), but they are probably the best. In fact, if Eddy were to incorporate the last three in to his current diet (fats) and exercise (none) routine, he'd probably be able to drop at least 15 pounds before the season started. Good luck, Eddy!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Friday favourites - Swarovski crystals

Mmm, crystals...... Swarovski are lurvely and how fabulous is this cuff (for a mere $610)!!!!!! I would never take it off. I have started using Swarovski's in some of my organza work - they really enhance the quality of a piece. I didn't know they made pearls either, but they do... sure beats the faux pearls I have used in the past. I actually have my Nana's Oroton clutch purse that looks like this cuff but much bigger and sparklier - when I take it out, it is the subject of much bag envy :-) I'll post a photo sometime soon. And I have been on a run of lovely new flower designs too.... more of that soon.