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Friday, April 30, 2010

Como chegar ao sucesso...

Um artigo do PlanetaBasket leva-me a pensar que o grande Michael Jordan teve a "sorte " de nunca ter tido "treinadores" que ao mínimo erro enviam os jogadores para o banco...

"Falhei mais de 9.000 cestos e perdi quase 300 jogos. Em 26 finais de jogos fiquei encarregue de fazer o lançamento que nos daria a vitória... e falhei. Tenho uma história repleta de falhanços e fracassos na minha vida. E é exactamente por isso que sou um sucesso”·
Michael Jordan

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Friday Favourites - Pretty in Pink

Some pretty images from me to you to enjoy this lovely Friday! I love these 3 photos because, #1 - reminds me of when I was a child seeing my mum doing this sugar decoration around the rim of her special 'visitors' glasses and thinking it was breathtakingly beautiful :-) #2 - Camellias as so fluffy and flowers always inspire me in my hair accessories. I wish I could bottle the sensation of their velvety petals... #3 - this girl loves feathers!!!! Whispy, pretty and oh so lovely to feel. Have a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One for hubby....

...the typeface snob! This made me laugh out loud!

My Creative Space - Mixed bag

Yes I am still here, no sign of baby yet :-( I finished off a few more goodies for Shop Handmade - they were all VERY girly and inspired by the ballet. The funny thing is I don't really wear girly stuff like this - but I do like making it.

Anya and I decorated a 'train' (aka nappy box) and then made some paper doily bunting - so simple yet effective!

See what everyone else is up to today....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hydrangea cookies - Miette

I seem to start the week off with a post /photos that guides the rest of my blog posts for that week! There are so many stunning images across the net that I just adore browsing blog and photography sites when I have a few minutes each evening. I had to include these hydrangea cookies from Miette.


Their rose cookies look very similar to my felt rose headbands too :-) Aren't they lovely!!! I am pretty sure I came across Miette via Design Sponge :-)

Vejam até ao fim...

Jogo final do campeonatoLiga Adriática, neste caso Croatas (Cibona) vs Sérvios (Partizan).

Monday, April 26, 2010

Etsy Purchase - Piper and Paisley Hat

I have survived 3 winters in Canberra without a hat!!! I don't really own a decent jacket either - go figure??!! But back to the hat... I found this delightful Etsy shop Piper and Paisley through someone who hearted my Etsy store (I always check out their other favourites)... and purchased the above hat!! Isn't it gorgeous - it is made from wool, very comfy and I can't wait to wear it.

I was also eyeing off this hat with the leaves but I always seem to go back to the clean lines! Now to start the jacket search...but probably not on Etsy?!? Not sure I am that brave? Why I didn't buy a jacket at the end of last winter is beyond me?! It was on my radar but sadly, didn't eventuate...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Stock for Shop Handmade

Since I stopped my part-time 'work' for Handmade Market/Shop in preparation to have baby #2, I have been enjoying getting my creative mojo back on and have actually had time to make a few things to stock the shop with my own designs!!

I am trialling a new wool blend felt and love it - the blue is the sweetest colour! I made these delightful hydrangea headbands and rose clips for the shop among other things. These are my new favourite felt creations! The rose clips are similar to my old ones but just bigger and on a bigger clip!

These aren't available in either of my on-line stores at the moment as I doubt I will have time to make any more for a little while! I will definitely be listing them post baby once I have gotten into the groove of 2 kids and have a moment spare.... :-)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Resultados eleições

Resultados Candidatos a delegados em representação dos treinadores:

1. Paulo Alexandre Pinto Martins da Neta (Lic.FPB 3934) – 87 votos
2. José Manuel Guerreiro Martins Salgueiro (Lic.FPB 48) – 61 votos
3. Mário Jacinto Ferreira da Silva (Lic.FPB 381) – 42 votos
4. Pedro Emanuel Ançã Almeida Cura (Lic.FPB 5526) – 41 votos
5. José Ricardo Neves Rodrigues (Lic.FPB 746) – 32 votos
6. João Manuel Gaspar Ribeiro (Lic.FPB 6116) – 29 votos
José Gervásio Pedroso Martins Leite (Lic.FPB 1253) – 29 votos
8. Carlos Manuel Alves Caetano (Lic.FPB 4389) – 25 votos
9. Miguel Nuno Cruz Brito Pereira (Lic.FPB 613) – 21 votos

Encerradas as Mesas de Voto, procedemos à divulgação dos resultados globais provisórios, com excepção dos votos apurados nas Mesas das Associações de Bragança e São Miguel.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Shop Handmade - Rosalind's pick of the month

Shop Handmade staffers are submitting their 'pick of the month' items on sale in the shop to showcase on the shop handmade blog! Mine is there today! This delightful cushion above from Red Stitch Designs!

I could only choose one item which is very difficult because Red Stitch's work is AMAZING! I had to show you this one too. Lovely - don't you agree.

Friday Favourites - Sophie Conran

I found Sophie Conran through Cox and Cox. She makes lovely dishes and I love WHITE! The lovely product shots drew me in too. The wood grain and speckled eggs in that second photo are divine!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some great craft market ideas and links

Things on the market front have been a little quiet with all the excitement of the Shop opening and now handmade living. announced - but we are as excited as ever about our upcoming "Winter Warmer" market on June 5th!


If you are a first time stall holder or maybe even a seasoned stall holder, this article from Made on the Left has some great tips!

Here are some other blog posts on the subject. It may seem that everyone touches on similar themes but there is bound to be plenty of gems from each article:

That should keep you busy for a while... now back to making all that lovely market stock!!!

My Creative Space - Dessert Bar

I was actually VERY busy creating this last Thursday (bar the pom pom's & circle garlands) but couldn't share it in 'my creative space' as I didn't want to spoil the surprise.... you can read all about it and see more photos here.

I didn't make these delightful cookies or cupcakes either - Elizabeth of pARTy cakes did but I just had to show you the close up photos of them.

I did make these simple food signs that reflected the shop branding and helped tie the theme together (with a little help from clever hubby).

I also made some Almond Crescent biscuits which I am glad I didn't taste before I took them as they were way more chewy than they usually are - typical when you want them to be just right! Being a bit of a perfectionist, had I tasted them I probably would have left them at home... a silly pride thing really.

Lastly I made myself these hair pins to wear on the night!

1 week to go.... I am hoping to not be creative spacing with you next week in the nicest possible way but holding a new bub instead! We'll see!! See what everyone else is up to here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Save the Date & Chandelier #10

I am loving these save the date keys - what a cute idea... could be used for anything really, not just weddings! Photographed by Olivia Leigh, this wedding has so many very cool props in it because it was shot at Architectural Artifacts!

Since there was a cool chandelier shot, I thought I would include this as #10 in my Chandelier series!! These mirrors also made me smile because my Grandmother has an old hand held mirror and it reminded me of her.

{Images - courtesy of Olivia Leigh}

No próximo Sábado dia 24 de Abril, clubes, jogadores, juízes e treinadores vão a votos para escolher os seus representantes (Delegados) na Assembleia Geral da Federação Portuguesa de Basquetebol, num acto eleitoral que decorrerá nas 21 associações distritais e regionais da modalidade, entre as 10:00 e as 18:00 horas.

Consultem os cadernos eleitorais:

Monday, April 19, 2010

Notebook love...

I love to write lists and I love a good notebook! These gorgeous books are from Oh Joy. These designs make me want to do some paper-cuts, hand-carved stamps and fabric printing!!!! Stationery makes me a bit giddy!

I am collecting a few nice leather notebooks to write journals for Anya and the new bub. I started Anya's when she was a baby - it is filled with random facts about myself, things about her, my thoughts, dreams and feelings for each other. It was something I wanted to do so she could 'know' me on a deeper level. I intend on handing them over when she is either a teenager or at some age she would actually appreciate them! I hope I can keep up with two books for two kids!!!

How awesome is this envelope?! How would you LOVE to receive some snail mail in that gorgeous package? Yes please...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Handcarved Doily Stamp


I love doily's and I love the stamps that Geninne creates out of rubbers - so we have a winning combination! Geninne is one clever lady. She has a tutorial on her site of how she carves her rubbers and the materials she uses. I tried to order something recently from the online store she recommended but of course they didn't ship to Oz - booo. I haven't been able to find rubbers big enough but I really could just purchase a regular size and have a go at something little! Enough whinging and back to the simple beauty of this lovely piece of art!

We took Anya out for lunch on Sunday as a special pre-baby treat. She loved it! It's nice when eating out can be a novelty, we don't do it often as a family. I hope you had a lovely weekend!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

CHUCK-The Intersketch

I really should be working on my animated show right now, but THIS show is so awesome that it has compelled me to blow off work in order to draw this sketch! The moral of my procrastination?

Watch CHUCK...it will make you HAPPY! (I promise.)

Mondays 8PM EST/ 7PM Central (or whenever else it's shown in your area- check local listings.)


Shop Handmade Launch - White Dessert Bar

With some inspiration from Amy Atlas I created my very first dessert bar for the Shop Handmade VIP launch! The white dessert bar (with a touch of 'Shop Handmade' blue) was laden with delicious goodies for our guests to enjoy with a glass of bubbly!

The super talented Elizabeth of pARTy cakes created our delightful 'Shop Handmade' gingerbread biscuits, adorable vanilla cupcakes and the 'cappuccino' mud cakes which could be mistaken for a real coffee! The details were exquisite, thank you Elizabeth - they were a huge hit. The to-die-for New York Cheesecake was from Flute bakery.

Unfortunately I could not find white macaroons in Canberra so had to settle for meringues! Guests enjoyed some old favourites like milk-bottles and marshmallows and some divine organic vanilla bean flecked chocolates from Lindsay and Edmunds along with home-baked almond crescent biscuits! Even our drinks got dressed up for the night with cute 'shop girl' tags made by fellow dessert-bar-enthusiast, Tania who assisted me with the lovely details.

Last but not least, the simply beautiful letter-pressed invitations from Poppy Letterpress which set the tone for the whole evening... in one word....delicious! I made the cute little food signs from Business card sheets, printed at home, using a tent fold to allow them to stand with ease.


I thoroughly enjoyed planning and executing my first dessert bar even while almost 9 months pregnant!!! Now the launch is over I have been secretly dreaming up lovely birthday themes for my daughters party in October. I know - 6 months away... but with the birth of our second child any day now it gives me something creative to look forward to on those long nights that I know are coming! You can enjoy more photos here and here.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shop Handmade Launch

Well the photos of my dessert bar will have to wait until Monday so I have time over the weekend to put a nice collection together. Until then, here are some more lovely photos of Shop Handmade!

PS: I forgot to mention I sold a headband last night too! yay