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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Edible Icing Sheets

Aren't these wonderful? I had to leave these images with you for the weekend - they are edible icing sheets from Ticings as seen on Amy Atlas blog! Unfortunately the postage to Australia costs almost as much as the sheets if not more... so you might have to use Cakes Around Town - an aussie company that actually make custom printables - which is perfect for tying a theme together if you are clever at the design part. Have a great weekend.

Começam os treinos, começam as partidas

Nate Robinson parece ter escolhido Shaq como o alvo predilecto das suas partidas, como podem ver aqui. E aqui. E também aqui.

Friday Favourites - PiloSale on Etsy

Some lovely finds on Pilosale's etsy store. Yes the neutral tones got me... All items are handmade (of course) in Toronto, Canada in a coach house behind Heather's Victorian home... You get that sense just from looking at the photos - I can just imagine it!

Fabulous vintage nurse apron

Lovely bird mobile

Gorgeous sewing kit - a nice idea for a Christmas gift!

Wayne Brady & Mike Tyson Spoof Bobby Brown's "Every Little Step" Video

Yesterday, Funny Or Die posted this video of Mike Tyson and Wayne Brady's spoof of Bobby Brown's "Every Little Step."  Check it out.

I could NOT take my eyes off of Mike, ROFL.  Dude could come with some combos in the ring but that baby is rhythm-less, LOL.  Looks like they had fun!!

NJ Student Kills Himself After Release of Sex Video

This is a sad situation, I feel horrible for this young man and his family.  Tyler Clementi, an 18 year old Rutgers student jumped from the George Washington bridge after his roommate, Dharun Ravi (18) and friend, Molly Wei (18)  released a sex video of him and another man on the internet.  Check the video below.

Before jumping, Clementi posted a status on FB that read "Jumping off the gw bridge sorry".  I will never understand how people think it's okay to do something like this.  Not only should you be concerned about what it would do to them, but does it ever cross their minds that these people could click and kill EVERYBODY (including them for doing something so cruel)? There are several lives ruined because Ravi thought it would be funny to broadcast something personal.  I wonder would he have done this if Tyler wasn't homosexual?  Days before his roommate jumped to his death Ravi updated Twitter saying "Roommate asked for the room till midnight, I went into Molly's room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay."  Why would he think that was funny?  Both Ravi and Wei have been arrested and charged with invasion of privacy and could face up to 5 years in jail.

I hate to see cases like this, it's hard enough for young people in the LGBT community without others adding to their pain and hardships.  After hearing of another gay teen that killed himself after being teased about his sexuality, Dan Savage and his husband started a campaign called "It Gets Better."  This campaign helps encourage young people that their struggle and pain does get easier to deal with.  Check MORE DISH to see a message from Ciara and LaLa for the "It Gets Better" campaign.


Boletim de Avaliação - Pacific Division - Clippers

Los Angeles Clippers

Não é fácil ser fã dos Clippers. São uma das constantes desilusões da NBA, passando as últimas duas décadas entre ter uma equipa má que fica nos últimos lugares da liga e ter uma equipa boa que fica sempre aquém do potencial. Este ano, mais uma vez, parecem ter o potencial para conseguir muito mais vitórias que em 2009-2010 (tiveram 29 apenas).
A maior aquisição para esta época é a estreia do nº1 do draft de 2009, Blake Griffin, que não jogou a época passada por lesão.

Entradas / Saídas
Tinham espaço salarial para um contrato máximo e entraram na corrida por Lebron, mas acabaram o período de free agency sem conseguir atrair um dos grandes nomes.
Saíram Steve Blake, Drew Gooden e Travis Outlaw e entraram Al-Farouq Aminu (escolha no draft), Eric Bledsoe (escolha no draft), Ryan Gomes, Randy Foye e Brian Cook.

Com Griffin recuperado e Kaman vindo de uma grande época, têm um dos melhores frontcourts da Conferência Oeste. E, com Aminu, têm ainda outro ressaltador poderoso a vir do banco.

Como small forward (aquela posição que procuravam preencher na free agency) estará Ryan Gomes, que, não sendo o grande free agent que desejavam, fez uma boa época em Minnesota (10.9 pts, 4.6 res) e é uma boa adição.

Baron Davis já não é o base de outrora, mas ainda é um dos melhores bases da Conferência Oeste. Terá no entanto de melhorar a selecção e percentagem de lançamento. Eric Gordon foi uma das surpresas do ano anterior e é actualmente o elemento mais fiável do backcourt dos Clippers. Volta da selecção dos Estados Unidos motivado, com a medalha de Ouro no Campeonato do Mundo da FIBA.

Aqui encontramos uma curiosa colecção de jogadores que nunca (ou ainda não) atingiram o potencial que lhes era apontado: Randy Foye, DeAndre Jordan, Brian Cook. Parece o banco ideal para fazer jus ao historial dos Clippers, mas não o banco ideal para atacar os lugares de playoff. Esta era a área que mais precisavam de reforçar e pouco fizeram.

Contrataram Vinnie Del Negro que, depois de ter sido contratado por Chicago sem nenhuma experiência anterior de treinador (e posteriormente despedido), tem aqui a sua segunda equipa na NBA. Colocar os Clippers a jogar bem e a competir na forte Conferência Oeste? Ai está um grande desafio para um treinador ainda inexperiente.

Os Clippers têm um 5 inicial bom, embora 4 desses jogadores já lá estivessem o ano anterior, por isso, não melhoraram muito esta offseason. Para aspirar a lutar pelos playoffs, têm de conseguir manter-se longe das lesões (uma praga que parece persegui-los).
E, mesmo assim, com o banco pouco reforçado, poderá não ser suficiente.

Nota: 9

(próximo: Pacific Division - Los Angeles Lakers)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nate McMillan Plans to Use Rudy Fernandez Off the Bench

Blazers coach Nate McMillan told The Oregonian that he intends to use Rudy Fernandez as a rotation player off the bench.

The Breakdown
Rostering Fernandez this season seems like a big risk for fantasy owners. He told McMillan that he wants to return to Europe. The Blazers aren't letting him out of his contract, so he'll be forced to suit up for Portland this season. But Fernandez's displeasure could turn into a lack of effort on the court. Stay away from him in standard leagues. Deep leaguers should consider taking a gamble on him late as it could pay off if Fernandez puts his feelings aside and gives his full effort.

Magic's Jason Williams to Undergo Knee Surgery

Orlando Magic point guard Jason Williams is scheduled to have arthroscopic knee surgery on Thursday, which will sideline him 4 weeks.

The Breakdown
This ensures that Chris Duhon gets the minutes behind starter Jameer Nelson to begin the season. Williams may have to work his way back into the rotation when he returns, but this is something only owners in very deep leagues should follow.

My Creative Space - Finished projects and a cardboard village

Way back in July I posted a sneak peak at this ruffled beauty... this is what it became... a scarf! Not a skirt as everyone guessed.

Trialling a few hair pieces with bows! This is in lovely ivory Thai silk. I use a lot of wedding fabric off cuts from this lovely lady.

Anya and I made tiaras out of pipe cleaners - they went down a treat... I may have taken mine off to answer the door!

The most basic of cardboard villages was set up on our dining table - inspired by Ruby's little theatre. I didn't go to as much trouble as Ruby but it was enjoyed all the same - we left it up for 24 hrs then it got 'moved' - hello recycling.

No village is complete without a train for the locals to catch. Bob the builder waiting patiently on the platform. Seriously Anya LOVED this project... she got so excited about what we could make from different cardboard objects.... if you are wondering what everyone else is up to today - visit Kirsty's.

Naomi Campbell posa para editorial da revista Interview de outubro: "Não sou um ser humano perfeito."

Naomi Campbell poses for Interview Magazine October 2010's editorial: "I'm not a perfect human being."

Interview Magazine October 2010 - Naomi Campbell

Sempre polêmica, a supermodelo Naomi Campbell foi soltou o verbo para a revista Interview. Eis alguns trechos marcantes:

"Eu cometo muitos erros. Muitos erros. Então fico nervosa quando as pessoas falam algo sobre eu ser um exemplo, porque eu não sei se eu tenho sido um grande exemplo. Eu não acho que tenha sido um exemplo em alguns aspectos da minha vida."

"Já aconteceu de certos estilistas não terem usado modelos de cor nos seus desfiles. Christy (Turlington) e Linda (Evangelista) disse a eles: 'Se você não chamar a Naomi, pode nos esquecer.' Meus amigos e colegas me defendem. Isso não acontece na moda."

"Nenhuma de nós liga para essa denominação 'supermodelo'... Mas o que nós gostávamos mesmo era de estar juntas... Tinhamos nossos quartos uns perto dos outros - parecia um dormitório em pleno tour."

"Olha, eu sou controversa. Mas não como se as pessoas não me conhecessem... Se elas queriam trabalhar comigo, jóia. Mas se não quiserem, ótimo também."

"Senti que eu era quem estava sendo julgada. Vi a coisa toda se tornar um circo mediático. Aquilo não era meu julgamento. Era sim dele. Mas todos associaram aquilo com a minha imagem." (Ela foi testemunha no julgamento do ex-presidente da Libéria Charles Taylor. Ele é acusado de vender diamantes para comprar armamentos que municiaram um grupo rebelde de Serra Leoa, que lutou em uma sangrenta guerra civil. Naomi foi questionada sobre um incidente envolvendo Taylor, que teria lhe presenteado com diamantes depois de um jantar com Nelson Mandela em 1997. Ela disse que não sabia quem lhe mandou as pedras, quais ela chamou de 'pedrinhas feias e sujas')

"Eu não vou mergulhar em auto-piedade e deixar de viver a minha vida. Sempre haverão momentos dificeis para todos, não importa qual profissão você tenha. Você tem é que continuar trabalhando e não desistir."

Interview Magazine October 2010 - Naomi Campbell

Always controversial, the supermodel Naomi Campbell spoke to Interview Magazine. Check out the highlights:

"I make many mistakes. Many mistakes. So I always get nervous when people speak about something that sounds like a role model, because I don’t know if I’ve been a great role model myself. I don’t think I have in certain aspects of my life."

"There were certain designers who hadn’t used models of color in their shows, and Christy (Turlington) and Linda (Evangelista) said to them, ‘If you don’t take Naomi, then you don’t get us.’ My friends and comrades stuck up for me. That doesn’t happen in fashion."

"None of us actually cared about this word supermodel. . . But what we did like was being together. . . We would all have our rooms next to one another—it was like a dorm on tour."

"Look, I’m controversial. It’s not that people don't know who I am. . .if people want to work with me. If they don't, they don't."

"I felt like I was on trial myself (at The Hague). I just saw the whole thing become like a complete media circus. This was not my trial. This was his trial. But anyone looking at it would think it was about me." ([Taylor is accused of selling diamonds for arms in his backing of a Sierra Leone rebel group who were fighting in that country’s long-running and very bloody civil war—hence the term blood diamond. Campbell was questioned about an alleged incident involving Taylor sending her rough diamonds following their meeting at a dinner hosted by Nelson Mandela in 1997. Campbell has denied knowing who sent her the unidentified stones, which she referred to as “dirty looking pebbles.”)

"I’m not going to wallow in self-pity and not live my life. There are always going to be some falls in life for everybody, no matter what career you have. You have to roll with the punches and keep going."

Fotógrafos/Shot by: Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott
Estilista/Stylist: Karl Templer

*Via: Fashion Copious e Interview Magazine

Interview Magazine October 2010 - Naomi Campbell Interview Magazine October 2010 - Naomi Campbell
Interview Magazine October 2010 - Naomi Campbell
Interview Magazine October 2010 - Naomi Campbel Interview Magazine October 2010 - Naomi Campbell

New Music Video: Ciara "Speechless"

I love this song!! The video was cool for what it was, really simple. This chick's body is ridiculous. What do y'all think about it?

Editorial da Vogue Rússia de outubro com a modelo Natasha Poly

Editorial | Vogue Russia October 2010 feat. Natasha Poly

Vogue Russia October 2010 - The Brightest

Nome do editorial/Editorial's name: The Brightest
Fotógrafo/Shot by: Terry Richardson

*Via: Zimbio

Vogue Russia October 2010 - The Brightest

Vogue Russia October 2010 - The Brightest Vogue Russia October 2010 - The Brightest
Vogue Russia October 2010 - The Brightest Vogue Russia October 2010 - The Brightest
Vogue Russia October 2010 - The Brightest Vogue Russia October 2010 - The Brightest

Eddie Long Accuser Speaks

WOWWWWWWWW, after hearing this young man speak... I am TOTALLY convinced that Bitchup Eddie Long is a PEDOPHILE!! That young man was NOT making that ish up, why would he? Who wants to be known as "the boy that got touched by the Bishop?" This is a sad situation and it's only going to get worse before it gets better. I was shocked to see how many people were in the congregation cheering Eddie Long on, allowing him to continue hurting these young men.

He should really be ashamed of himself, getting in front of the church (with that horrible hair piece), using the bible to deny what he did.  He needs to admit to what he's done and sit his Soul Glo head azz down somewhere. I watched that BS speech of him denying the allegations and the whole time all I could think was "he's lying" and......

soul glo Pictures, Images and Photos


7 Year Old Memphis Rapper, Lil Peanut On Ellen

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! He's so very cute and most importantly, very respectful. Every time he addressed Ellen it was with "yes/no ma'am." I'm jealous, I need to be kickin it with Lil Peanut, dude is chillin with Ellen (I love her) LOL. It's funny that Ellen asked him about his fans, I hear he has the lil girls mesmerized. My sister told me that last year, Lil Peanut was performing this very song at a family gathering we had (no he's not related to us) and my little cuzzin was looking in amazement LOL. Anywho, I wish him all the luck in the world.  He represented Memphis VERY WELL, I'm very proud of him.  Check MORE DISH to see Lil Peanut in a commercial for a Memphis car lot as "Lil Goody." It's pure daggone comedy, LOL!

I laugh everytime I see this commercial, I don't care if it's 3 in the morning. "Big Goody" is too much, LOL.

Boletim de Avaliação - Pacific Division - Warriors

Golden State Warriors

A última movimentação, dias antes do training camp começar, foi o despedimento do treinador Don Nelson e a promoção do treinador-adjunto Keith Smart para treinador principal, por isso talvez este ano os Warriors comecem a defender.

Entradas / Saídas
Foi das equipas que mais movimentações fez: saíram Anthony Morrow, Anthony Tolliver, CJ Watson, Anthony Randolph, Kelenna Azubuike, Ronny Turiaf, Corey Maggette, Devean George e Chris Hunter e entraram Ekpe Udoh (escolha no draft deste ano), David Lee, Louis Amundson, Dan Gadzuric, Charlie Bell, Rodney Carney, Dorrel Wright e Jeremy Lin.

Trocaram uma mão cheia de jogadores jovens e com potencial por jogadores mais velhos e mais estabelecidos na liga, o que deverá melhorar um dos principais problemas da equipa: a falta de consistência e irregularidade.

O jogo interior está mais forte, com a troca de uma esperança e um trabalhador (Randolph e Turiaf) por uma certeza e outro trabalhador (Lee e Amundson). Se Andris Biedrins tiver uma época sem lesões e voltar ao nível de há 2 anos atrás, o frontcourt de Lee e Biedrins vai assegurar melhor defesa e mais ressaltos.
Udoh é um extremo atlético que deve integrar-se bem no jogo rápido dos Warriors e providenciar mais defesa também. No entanto lesionou-se no pulso e só voltará a jogar daqui a 4 a 6 meses, pelo que não será um elemento a contar para esta época.

Perderam Corey Maggette e com a saída de Morrow perderam um grande atirador (entrou outro atirador, Wright, mas não tão bom) e a posição de small forward parece a mais fraca do 5 inicial.

O jogo exterior está praticamente igual e os Warriors continuam com um problema por resolver no backcourt: é um backcourt pequeno, em que apenas um dos jogadores defende e com dois jogadores semelhantes e que não se complementam. Monta Ellis é exclusivamente um marcador de pontos que precisa de ter sempre a bola na mão para render e Stephen Curry é um base, marcador também, mas com muito mais capacidade de construção que também precisa de ter a bola.

No banco, é onde se nota o lado menos positivo de trocar os jogadores jovens pelos mais estabelecidos: ganharam estabilidade, mas perderam explosividade, velocidade e talento.

Com todas as entradas e saídas, a equipa de Golden State parece ter ficado mais ou menos na mesma: ganhou talento no 5 inicial, mas perdeu talento nos suplentes. Ganhou mais poder no jogo interior, mas perdeu no jogo exterior. Juntaram elementos que ajudarão a melhorar a defesa, mas conseguirão manter o ataque? É uma equipa que parece ter trocado umas forças por outras e a maior incógnita é se o novo treinador consegue colocar a equipa a defender melhor sem perder a eficiência ofensiva de anos anteriores.
O saldo desta offseason é positivo, mas não muito.

Nota: 11

(amanhã: Pacific Division - Los Angeles Clippers)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sixers Starting Line Up Taking Shape

Heading into training camp, Philadelphia 76ers coach Doug Collins has been going with the following as his starters:

Center: Spencer Hawes
Power Forward: Elton Brand
Small Forward: Thaddeus Young
Shooting Guard: Andre Iguodala
Point Guard: Jrue Holiday

The Breakdown
It appears that Evan Turner will have a bench role, but things could change as camp progresses. It was thought that Philly would start Brand at center, but obviously coach Collins doesn't want to give up so much size and is going with Hawes in the middle. If Hawes sticks in the starting line up, this increases his value going into the season.

We'll have to see how Turner is used throughout the preseason to get a better idea of what we can expect from him this season. Coming off the bench, though, is a clear blow to his fantasy value because it will be tough for him to get big minutes behind talented players like Iguodala and Young.

Competition Heats Up for Pacers Starting Power Forward Spot

With training camp underway, the competition for a the starting power forward spot in Indiana is heating up.

The Breakdown
Heading into camp, Tyler Hansbrough is the favorite to earn the starting role. He'll have to prove, though, that he's over the vertigo and ear problems he's dealt with over the last few months. Josh McRoberts, Solomon Jones, and Jeff Foster are also vying for that starting gig.

This is an interesting situation to watch as the man who comes out on top could get big minutes and be a nice fantasy contributor this year. With Hansbrough's injury problems last season, it may be a good idea to pick up Josh McRoberts in deeper leagues just in case Tyler sustains another injury. While Foster and Jones are in the mix, the likely starter will be either Hansbrough or McRoberts.

Byron Scott Plans to Use J.J. Hickson Alongside Antawn Jamison

Cavaliers coach Byron Scott told the Cleveland Plain Dealer that he intends to use Antawn Jamison at small forward more often in order to get J.J. Hickson more playing time at power forward.

The Breakdown
This report basically confirms that Cleveland will turn to Hickson for many of the minutes vacated by the departure of LeBron James. It's not a certainty that Hickson will be the opening day starter, but he should see an increase in minutes compared to last season. Hickson remains a great sleeper pick heading into the season.

Novamente a zona de Jim Boeheim...

Jim Boeheim


Did you know Madeit.com.au has a sister site called Craftumi? Here is a blurb from Madeit explaining what it is all about if you don't know already!

We are very excited to announce the arrival of madeit.com.au's new sister site Craftumi.com.au

Craftumi.com.au is for the buying and selling of supplies and equipment used in the creation of art and craft projects.

You can find new supplies and used equipment from crafters as well as commercial wholesalers.

Craftumi is the perfect place to find supplies for your next art or craft project from painting to scrapbooking, card making to jewellery making.

Craftumi is owned and operated by the same people as madeit.com.au. If you have any questions please email us at support@craftumi.com.au Visit www.craftumi.com.au for all your craft supplies.

How do you pronounce craftumi?
Craftumi was inspired by origami
Pronounce craftumi - craft-u-mee

Anyway, I hope to sell some hair making supplies on here too! Just finding time to photograph and list them!!

Faltam 27 dias

Uma nova época da NBA está prestes a começar. Depois de uma das offseasons mais movimentadas (a mais movimentada?) de sempre, as equipas iniciaram os seus treinos esta semana. As trocas estão feitas (embora corram os rumores de mais movimentações importantes antes de começar a época), os free agents estão contratados, os ajustes e retoques nos plantéis estão terminados (ou quase) e é a altura do ano para os discursos optimistas, aquela altura de altas expectativas, em que todas as equipas estão convencidas que esta será uma época melhor que a anterior.

Desde 2ª feira as equipas têm-se apresentado aos meios de comunicação social e, atendendo às declarações aos jornalistas, todas melhoraram o plantel, todas estão melhor que o ano passado e todas vão fazer progressos.

Não quer isto dizer que todas têm o mesmo objectivo. Enquanto algumas definem a conquista do título como objectivo, outras querem chegar mais longe nos playoffs que no ano anterior e para outras chegar aos playoffs já será uma vitória.

Mas terão todas feito as melhores contratações e as mudanças certas para o conseguirem?
No site da NBA, avaliaram a offseason de cada uma das 30 equipas nos Summer Report Cards e, a julgar pelas notas dadas, muitas equipas parecem tê-lo feito. Um dado curioso ressalta: nenhum das 30 equipas recebeu um F (uma negativa, na escala escolar americana). Mas será possível que nenhuma tenha piorado ou errado nas decisões tomadas?

É claro que ainda não se jogou um único minuto da nova época e, no papel, todas as decisões são boas. E, embora concordemos com algumas das notas dadas, outras parecem-nos, no mínimo, muito optimistas.

Por isso, até a época começar (dia 26 de Outubro, marquem nos vossos calendários), vamos fazer um resumo das movimentações e contratações e fazer a nossa avaliação das 30 equipas, divisão a divisão, a começar pela dos actuais campeões.

Amanhã: Boletim de Avaliação da Pacific Division.

The "high waisted" trend in lingerie and swimwear

The 1950's are back with pinup, retro style lingerie and swimwear! I've noticed they are making a major comeback in shop windows and on the red carpet. I really like the high waisted skirts and dress pants.. Lingerie I'm still coming around to along with swim wear but if you have the right figure you sure can rock it... Here are some examples:
I love ruffles! Here are some really cute high waisted "briefs"
Love this with the garter belt
High top is no longer a "control top"
This look is NOT for everyone. I find I can pull off the skirt look but the bikini.lingerie doesn't suit me.
Taylor Swift looks great in it!
I couldn't pull this off personally but Miranda Kerr looks damn good! haha
What do you think of this 50's trend?

Eddie Long Is A Filthy Lil Something....

Since I've been rather busy lately, I haven't had the chance to mention "Bishop" Eddie Long and his sex abuse allegations from 4 different young men.  Well, now that all of my graduation stuff is over with I can sit down and really speak on it.  Let me first say that these pictures and tight azz shirts are suspect as hell with or without anyone accusing him of any daggone thing.  I mean seriously, what's with that madness LOL?  Anywho, on to the allegations.

To make a long story short there are now 4 young men claiming that they were tricked into having sexual relationships by the long time pastor of "New Birth" in Atlanta, GA.   All of the accusers are members of his church and one is a member of his online church in Charlotte, N.C.  Supposedly Long has been using the word of GOD to justify why he likes feeling up other men.  Long spoke out and of course denied the allegations and used stories from the bible to prove his innocence.  Personally, I wish somebody would'a slapped him clean upside his head with the good book.  Matter of fact, they should'a smacked him twice, once with the old testament and once with the new.  I'm all for "innocent until proven guilty" but dude is suspect.  I'll be glad when people stop putting these "men of GOD" above others and thinking that they can do no wrong.  The person that is preaching to you every Sunday can like loving on another man just as much as RuPaul.  Stop putting all your faith in man, leave that for the man upstairs!!!  We'll see how this all turns out, I'll keep you posted.