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Saturday, April 30, 2011

what is love quotes and sayings

what is love quotes and sayings

what is love quotes and sayings what is love quotes and sayings what is love quotes and sayings

what is love quotes and sayings what is love quotes and sayings what is love quotes and sayings

As we struggle to make sense of things, life looks on in repose. ~Author Unknown

To say yes, you have to sweat and roll up your sleeves and plunge both hands into life up to the elbows. It is easy to say no. ~Jean Anouilh

The designated hitter rule is like letting someone else take Wilt Chamberlain's free throws. ~Rick Wise, 1974

All know the way; few actually walk it. ~Bodhidharma

Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday. ~Author Unknown

The only jobs for which no man is qualified are human incubators and wet nurse. Likewise, the only job for which no woman is or can be qualified is sperm donor. ~Wilma Scott Heide

I conceive that the land belongs to a vast family of which many are dead, few are living, and countless numbers are still unborn. ~A Chieftan from Nigeria

The ear of jealousy heareth all things. ~The Bible (Apocrypha), Wisdom of Solomon 1:10

I have seen the future and it is very much like the present - only longer. ~Kehlog Albran

Libraries are the one American institution you shouldn't rip off. ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams

A ball player's got to be kept hungry to become a big-leaguer. That's why no boy from a rich family ever made the big leagues. ~Joe DiMaggio, quoted in New York Times, 30 April 1961

All of us encounter, at least once in our life, some individual who utters words that make us think forever. There are men whose phrases are oracles; who can condense in one sentence the secrets of life; who blurt out an aphorism that forms a character, or illustrates an existence. ~Benjamin Disraeli

Optimism is the foundation of courage. ~Nicholas Murray Butler

Here is my advice as we begin the century that will lead to 2081. First, guard the freedom of ideas at all costs. Be alert that dictators have always played on the natural human tendency to blame others and to oversimplify. And don't regard yourself as a guardian of freedom unless you respect and preserve the rights of people you disagree with to free, public, unhampered expression. ~Gerard K. O'Neill, 2081

Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows. ~Edmund Burke

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk. ~Joaquin de Setanti

As iron is eaten by rust, so are the envious consumed by envy. ~Antisthenes

Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth." Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my path." For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals. ~Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet, 1923

This was one of those perfect New England days in late summer where the spirit of autumn takes a first stealing flight, like a spy, through the ripening country-side, and, with feigned sympathy for those who droop with August heat, puts her cool cloak of bracing air about leaf and flower and human shoulders. ~Sarah Orne Jewett