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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Sharks Get A Makeover

Yesterday the San Jose Sharks sought to rectify a problem that had always bothered me personally. The problem? If your team's name is the Sharks, shouldn't you have a much meaner logo than this?

I've always thought so anyway, especially since the slternate logo is even weaker;

I am honestly not very scared by either of those logos. Especially when your team's main color is teal, you really need to bring your A-game so far as striking fear in the hearts of your opponents through your logo. So what does the new Sharks logo look like? Well, take a look at both the standard and the two new alternate logos right here;

Do you see the differences in the two main logos? The new shark has a menacing orange eye, has sharper angled fins, a more menacing posture, and the stick in the logo is now being shattered instead of merely bent. Much better if you ask me.

The real difference though, is in the alternate fin logo. Look at the original one. A gray fin, hell it could be a dolphin for all we know, wading through trainquil white and teal water inside a soothing circle. WEAK. Look at that sexy new fin logo. A black fin, cutting through choppy waves that splash up in the air, set against an orange sky, inside an angular diamond shape. NICE. Whoever did the redesign on these logos deserves a raise, pronto.

Ballhype: hype it up!