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Friday, June 22, 2007

Jason Taylor Disapproves Of Your Moves

For the second time this week a defensive lineman has spoken against his team's starting QB. First it was Tommie Harris saying he wanted Donovan McNabb instead of Rex Grossman, and now Jason Taylor of the Dolphins has had some none too flattering words to say about Trent Green in the upcoming Sports Illustrated:

"This is off the record—oh, what the hell, it's on the record: He'd better not get hit. One big hit, and he could be scrambled eggs."

Taylor has of course gone on to say that the quote was taken out of context, but how exactly do you take a quote like that out context? Was it a misunderstanding during a wide ranging discussion of breakfast foods? It is not as if this is the first time Taylor has spoken against one of his teammates in the media. On draft day he had the following to say about the selection of Ted Ginn by the Dolphins:

"You notice the commissioner kind of paused before he read the name," Taylor says. "Like even he couldn't believe it."

To recap, Jason Taylor has now gone on record criticizing Randy Mueller's two biggest moves of the offseason. That is not exactly the kind of support a GM wants from his most prominent player.