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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Joakim Doesn't Like Jordan...Or Bloggers

Just a day after the story broke about Joakim Noah's comments that he "hated Michael Jordan", it seems that he has found another avenue for his disdain. Namely, people like me. People that write blogs. How so you might ask? Well, in a story in Sunday's Charlotte Observer Noah had some interesting things to say about mock drafts, and where they had him projected. A sampling:

"I think mock drafts are a complete joke," Noah said when told several mock drafts link him to the Charlotte Bobcats. "I heard a couple of guys who make the mock drafts are kids in basements. You read what these guys say, and they have no idea what they're talking about."

Ah, classy Joakim, classy. Just bring out the tired old "Kid in the basement" stereotype. Terribly original of you. As for his assertation that bloggers do not have any idea what they are talking about, that is completely foolish. In today's age of free flowing information it is very simple for even the most casual fan to peruse every NBA team's roster, depth chart, and salary cap numbers and be able to form an educated opinion of a team's needs. I can also tell you with a great degree of certainty that most any of the "kids" doing mock drafts could inform Noah of one salient fact: that he blew a chance at the #1 spot by not leaving last year, and that by staying in he exposed his lack of a jumpshot and lack of consistency on the offensive end of the floor. But hey, what do I know, I'm just a kid with no idea what I'm talking about.