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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Stay Out Of The Refrigerator!

Robert Griffith has been a safety in the NFL for the past 13 years. Since his contract with the Arizona Cardinals ran out in February the 36 year old Griffith has been expressing his desire to play again for a final shot at a Super Bowl title. While it remains to be seen whether or not Griffith will get an offer from a Super Bowl contender, one thing is certain after Griffith's recent interview: he won't be returning to the Cardinals any time soon. Some of the highlights:

"That's what happened when I signed my deal in '05," Griffith says. "The Fed Ex cost $14.11 or something, and when I got my check, they'd deducted it -- the check was for like $499,985.89, or whatever. That's how they do s--- in Arizona. That's how they run their business!"

"They're all show," he says. "They're a facade. They say, 'We've got the nicest stadium in North America' -- and they do. But everything else is to the penny. When we're not there on Tuesdays, they put a lock on the Gatorade fridge in the locker room."

A lock on the Gatorade fridge? Heaven forbid that one of the members of the training or maintenance staff gets thirsty on a Tuesday. For a team that hasn't had a winning season since 1998, these types of anecdotes are not the kind of things that will help in attracting any new free agents to help out on the field.