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Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Best Part of Dwyane Wade's "Homecoming" Episode

Did you guys watch the Dwyane Wade episode of "Homecoming with Rick Reilly?" Rick Reilly is super awkward and wears Michael Jordan jeans, so I can't blame you if you missed the show.

ANYWAYS, I watched the show and I'm glad I did, because of hot chicks. Check out this clip that I ripped from the episode using the most advanced audio/video technology available. At about the 16 second mark you're going to see the hottest chick I've ever seen. It lasts like five seconds, so you know the producers think she's hot too.

Am I right? So hot. Like the Nike Air Lavadomes in the summer. That's how hot.

That super fresh hovering purple shoulder to the right of the screen, that's me. I was on the street that night, doing some serious reporting. And that girl? She's my wife.

So basically Dwyane Wade picked my wife to be on his show, which was filmed in Chicago, which means he's going to come play for the Bulls next season to be closer to her. I'm not worried. I've got a basketball championship, too. Plus I'm taller. Plus he has the same name as her dad, so that would be really weird. Totally advantage me.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The "Chill Out, Juwan Howard" Chronicles, Part 5

Tracking Juwan Howard's ill-fated stint with the Portland Trailblazers...

Chill out, Juwan Howard. It's just a rebound. No one else is even really trying for it. I'm pretty sure you've got it. You don't need to get all Rodman about it with the crazy mouth and leaning sideways action. Just jump up and get it and keep on LivingStrong.

Chill out, Juwan Howard

How to Stand in the NBA: A Primer

It's probably a scientific fact that some NBA players maybe spend about one-third of a basketball game standing around. Between fouls, twenty-second timeouts, and being Roko Ukic, this seems like a fair estimate that should be considered truth. This doesn't even count time on the bench, where players such as Adam Morrison, Bill Walker, and Roko Ukic have mastered the art of standing. In fact, there have probably been petitions to rename the league the NBaaSA, which would stand (zinger) for National Basketball and also Standing Association. Because of all the standing, this makes sense.

As such, The Blowtorch has put together a quick guide to standing in the NBaaSA. It's pretty simple, really. Here's what the New York Knicks have to say about standing.

David Lee: "Just stand and like put your hands on your hips. Maybe think about a Vampire Weekend song."
Wilson Chandler: "Yeah, what David said. I chew my mouthguard because I'm really weird and have two last names that sometimes people use as first names. I hated Home Improvement."
Al Harrington: "Psssssht. Home Improvement was my jam. Zachary Ty Bryant was hilarious."
David Lee: "Learn how to stand. Both hands on hips."
Wilson Chandler: "Heidy-ho, neighbor."
Thanks guys. David Lee basically nailed it. To successfully stand in the NBA, you just stand like a normal person, but you add in the hands on hips thing because when you're wearing shorts you don't have pockets to put your hands in. If you don't put your hands on your hips, Tony Parker will laugh at you.

"Eh, Keef Bogan, poot ze hands on ze heeps, mon frere. Eet make-a for-a clehn-a seeeloooeeet."
With the proper training, anyone can learn how to stand. The Indiana Pacers have recently launched a community outreach program where they reach out to members of the community to teach them how to stand. Here we see Josh McRoberts teaching an elderly man how to stand. As you can see, he's got a couple of his teammates with him to help demonstrate.

It's that easy. Now that you know how to stand, try it around the house. To be an NBA caliber stander, you need to practice. The best standers in the league (Roko Ukic, for example) spend up to eight hours a day doing standing training in the offseason. If you want to catch up, double that. Soon enough, you'll be standing with the best. Good luck.

PROTIP: The "aa" in NBaaSA is pronounced "aaahhhh" like drinking a ginger ale. So, the entire abbreviation is pronounced "EN BEE aaahhhh ESS AY."

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas from Andrew Bogut

Croikey, izzit Christmas all retty? Me and my mates ain't get too cott up in that materialisticness of Christmas, mate. But still, Merry Christmas. Maybe throw a subscription to Cat Fancy in a stocking for yore best mate, mate. Or Vegemite, mate.

Oi. Merry Christmas.

Kangaroos, mate.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy, Happy Christmas....

Have a lovely Christmas everyone! I am going on a little blogging/Christmas break and will be back in the New Year :-) This isn't our place but a lovely little home in New Zealand, near Auckland where we went Christmas light viewing in 2006 with my brother and his wife. Such happy memories :-) Have a really special Christmas with your families and friends as we celebrate the birth of Christ and have a very safe New Years!

My Etsy and Madeit stores will be open over the holiday break but SHIPPING won't resume until Tuesday 12th January 2010.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Palavras de Boby Knight...

O mítico treinador Bobby Knight , agora comentador da ESPN , não poupou John Calipari , o actual treinador de Kentucky (3º no Ranking NCAA com 10-0) , ao afirmar que este não era um homem integro .

Quando questionado sobre o tema Calipari recusou-se a entrar numa guerra de palavras , já que continua a ser um fã do antigo treinador de Indiana e de Texas Tech .
Calipari diz mesmo que parte do sucesso que tem o deve ás ajudas do veterano Knight, (902 vitórias na carreira).Todo o staff de Calipari, quando treinou Memphis, esteve em Texas Tech a assistir aos treinos, o que deu uma grande ajuda no aperfeiçoamento do famosos ataque "Dribble Drive Motion ".

Knight falou de Calipari durante uma festa de beneficência no Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame .

"O basquetebol está nesta esta situação porque temos falta de integridade e é por isso que eu estou contente por não estar a treinar", disse Knight.
"Quando temos um treinador em Kentucky que conseguiu colocar duas escolas em liberdade condicional e que mesmo assim continua a trabalhar eu realmente não entendo isto.

As Universidades de Memphis e Massachusetts estão impedidos de chegar à Final Four por terem cometido infracções graves no tempo de Calipari, .
O extremo de Kentucky Josh Harrellson saiu em defesa do seu treinador :
"Todos nós ouvimos contar histórias sobre Calipari , mas depois de estares a jogar na sua equipa e teres contacto diário com ele descobres que é boa pessoa e que é justo para todos nós ."

Customer Appreciation Photos

So cute - Miss E likes her clip! These are available in my madeit.com.au shop.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas wish list...

Designer Bodo Sperlein from London creates some stunning pieces, these Red Berry beauties are divine - love! I found out he designed the butterfly chandelier for Lladro that I posted on a while back. It is in fact called the Niagara chandelier!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Brownies

I don't have a photo of my actual brownies, but these come pretty close! This is the best brownie recipe which came from my friend in Brisbane via Israel where they spent some time!!! They are full of sugar and butter of course but soooooo good. I also tried cutting some into Christmas shapes with my cookie cutters but found it wasted too much brownie and they didn't hold their shape as well as hoped :-) Squares it is - enjoy!

  • Melt 200g butter or marg (I use butter)
  • Add 3/4 cup cocoa
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tspn baking powder
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 cup choc chips (optional)
  • 1 tspn flavouring (peppermint etc..) also optional
  • Mix well and bake in lamington tin at 160 degrees for approx 30-40 mins
I have also added pecans or walnuts before which are nice too. I don't usually add flavouring.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kreativ Blogger award

Mara from Piquant Jewellery rewarded me with the Kreativ Blogger award back in November - Thank you! Oooops - finally I am fulfilling my part of the deal to receive the award (sorry it took so long Mara):

7 rules to keep it growing:

1) Copy picture and post on your blog
2) Thank the person who gave it to you and link to their blog
3) Write 7 things about yourself we don't know:

  1. I lived in Africa for 2.5yrs when I was very little, my parents were missionaries in Tanzania
  2. I got my navel pierced in 1996 before it was 'the norm' - I only took it out when pregnant with Anya in 2007
  3. My husband is 6.5yrs younger than me
  4. I have been skydiving in New Zealand
  5. I have two African sponsor children and would love to see Poverty made History in my lifetime
  6. Mangoes are my favourite fruit
  7. I can wakeboard

4) choose 7 other bloggers to pass the award to, and
5) link to those 7 other bloggers

I've chosen some Aussie blogs to award :-)
  1. Jordan from Polkadot prints
  2. Yana from White Mouse Creations
  3. Natalie from Claire Rose
  4. Jennifer from Vividity
  5. Rachel from Little Angel Little Devil
  6. Vicki from Rockstars and Royalty
  7. Penny from So Sew Poppy
Next thing on the list...
6) Notify your 7 bloggers

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays Everyone

Sup. I'm going to be on holiday next week for the holidays, so this will have to serve as the Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Boxing Day post. Consider it my gift to you.

MP3: Brad Miller - White Christmas (left-click)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Posie Patchwork Pencil Roll - product review

Jen from Posie Patchwork gave Anya the most delightful pencil roll for her 2nd birthday. Anya absolutely loves it! She loves putting the pencils back in the 'right place' - which is their colour co-ordinated compartments. She loves to draw and takes special care with these pencils which are also lovely thick and easy to hold for children. A really unique birthday or Christmas gift for someone you love.

Tema para meditar...

Uma entrevista com o meu conhecido Manolo Aller , seleccionador Espanha Sub 16 , no site da FEB , tem bons temas para pensar...

Ayudar a los jugadores…
Debemos ayudar a los jugadores, sobre todo en etapas de formación, porque es donde les estás enseñando los primeros pasos. Ayudarles a que se vayan afirmando en lo que debe hacer y en lo que debe mejorar.

Vamos a empezar por este apartado, vamos a empezar por lo que no debería de encontrarse un jugador en etapas de formación…
El aprendizaje en el baloncesto es lo mismo, deben de reconocer los espacios, deben de reconocer el juego dentro del campo, a reconocer todo lo que se pueden encontrar pero siempre sin perder la noción de juego.

A partir de ahí ya entramos donde sí debe incidir el entrenador poco a poco
Cuanto antes comiences mejor, pero creo que con 12 años es un buen momento para centrar cosas y dejar un poco de lado la diversión y empezar a pensar qué puede ser un jugador y que puede llegar a ser interesante para el futuro.

Hablamos de diferentes métodos de trabajo, de diferentes modelos, entrenamos jugadores que se inician en baloncesto y ahí, encontramos diferentes escuelas donde surge un debate complicado ~
Creo que todo está permitido dentro de un ratio, porque si todo el entrenamiento está dirigido al 5X5 tengo que decir que lo que se está haciendo es no ayudar al jugador. Sin embargo creo que por mucho que trabajes fundamentos, por mucho que trabajes táctica, si luego no lo transfieres al juego creo, en mi opinión, que tampoco es bueno, porque no todo es jugar 4X4 o 3X 3, porque al final los partidos son 5X5. Como todo en esta vida debe de tener un equilibrio.

Hablamos también de la importancia de la técnica individual, aspecto fundamental para moverse en este baloncesto, pero también hablamos de la importancia de la toma de decisiones…
Yo creo que todo va unido, porque puedes tomar todas las decisiones que quieras pero si no tienes la técnica individual y no eres capaz de resolver la toma de decisiones de forma correcta pues de nada sirve

Si hablamos de la experiencia propia y retrocedemos en el tiempo, ¿Qué te fue mejor a ti como jugador en tus primeros años para desarrollar tus habilidades?
Muchos pequeños detalles. Lo primero que me comentaron fue que me gustara jugar a baloncesto, ser yo mismo y divertirme jugando.

Hay una apuesta generalizada, en los Campeonatos Infantiles y Cadetes, por jugar a máxima velocidad. A partir de ahí, sería leer conduciendo un Ferrari, porque le pedimos que juegue mucha velocidad y además lea el juego…
Pero es así porque los niños han mejorado físicamente, los niños son más grandes, con mayor movilidad, es lo que te hace engullirte en ese tipo de situaciones. Es importante jugar a toda velocidad como también lo es jugar acciones con tranquilidad

I Saw Your Uncle Play Basketball Last Night

Your uncle is insane, man. I was at the gym last night and he showed up and he was angry. I don't even know what about; for all I know, someone drank all the coffee down at the post office before he had a chance to get a cup. I just know he was mad.

You know how your uncle gets when he's mad, right? He gets that crazy look in his eye like he doesn't want to hurt you, but if he does hurt you, tough break. He had that look all night. Every time he got the ball his face would screw up and he'd basically just try and run in to everybody. It was a little scary.

Oh, thanks for mentioning that he'd lost so much hair. It's been a while since I've seen your uncle, and if you hadn't given me the heads-up, I wouldn't have realized it was him. He's lost A LOT of hair. Like, a significant portion of it. Any idea why he doesn't just cut his hair short? Like Bruce Willis it. Seems like that'd be a better move. I wasn't going to say anything though. I didn't want to get punched.

It's not my place to say anything, but maybe you should take your uncle out to dinner and talk some things through. He looks like he's going through some rough stuff. And maybe bring him a hat or something because he's really missing that hair. You'll know what I mean when you see him. He's definitely missing it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rock Candy Chandelier - Once Wed

How cool! I came across this cool DIY project on a wedding website called Once Wed - Designer weddings for less. I wish there was stuff like this around when I got married!! They would make beautiful christmas Decorations also!

Como vai a nossa formação?

No Planeta Basket foi publicado um artigo do Prof .T.Lima , o Mestre do basquetebol . Tive a rara oportunidade de ser por ele treinado , e fico muito orgulhoso por me ter citado nos seus sábios escritos...

"Escrito por Teotónio Lima 16-Dez-2009
Há muita gente que fala e escreve sobre a formação, dando-lhe o sentido de iniciação e preparação dos jogadores jovens. Há uns tempos atrás, li com atenção as declarações de Mário Silva, na altura treinador do Estrelas e feitas em 1999, que se mostrava preocupado com essa formação no basquetebol nacional.
Afirmava a propósito que tinha pena de não haver bons treinadores nos escalões de formação. Afirmava que havia bastantes jovens que queriam aprender,mas - acrescentava, perguntando - quem os sabe ensinar? Por este andar qualquer dia ninguém quer jogar basquetebol e mal ensinados, pior! Perante este tipo de situação e com a invasaão dos estrangeiros e comunitários, qual será o futuro da modalidade em Portugal?

Há, no entanto, outra vertente da formação sobre a qual escrevia o pedagogo espanhol, José Maria Cacigal, também publicado em 1999, "O drama actual do desporto é que os estudos sérios que sobre ele se fazem não são conhecidos, já para não falar da massa dos adeptos, mas também pela maioria dos formadores, nem sequer pelos dirigentes desportivos nem políticos responsáveis. Aqui, a ignorância não se fica pelas grandes massas, mas invade a esfera dos altos responsáveis. Há alguns países onde os altos cargos dirigentes do desporto são ocupados, na sua maioria, por gente sem formação em matéria desportiva ou em educação física. É o terreno, por excelência, para teorias desfasadas, sem qualquer ligação com a ciência abundante e séria que já se produz em diversas partes do mundo sobre esta matéria".

A preocupação de Mário Silva e a denúncia de Cacigal são, em boa verdade, totalmente pertinentes em tudo o que se refere ao basquetebol nacional.

O que nos faz pensar é que em 2009, dez anos depois, se possa ler uma opinião de Vasconcelos Raposo, publicada no jornal A Bola, a propósito da formação dos treinadores.

Afirma o autor que "A preparação dos atletas até chegarem à fase do alto rendimento passa por um conjunto de fases com conteúdos de treino bem definidos. Para cada uma das fases exige-se aos treinadores conhecimentos que devem estar de acordo com os requisitos do treino, da competição, das idades e das especifidades dos praticantes. Nesta fase já não chega o treinador possuir capacidades para assumir esta profissão. Tem de ser competente. A competência ganha-se associando à experiência, prática, muito estudo, muita reflexão sobre o que foi realizado ao longo das épocas. Quem não evoluir no saber e no domínio dos detalhes da sua modalidade conduzirá, impreterivelmente, atletas e equipas a uma estagnação seguida de acentuado retrocesso, e daí ao fracasso fica vai uma distência muito curta. Esta permanente formação deve ser feita para lá dos cursos. É preciso encontrar prelectores capazes de formar estes treinadores. Se ninguém se preocupa em apoiar os treinadores na melhoria dos seus saberes como se pode pedir mais e melhores resultados?". Há que mudar muita coisa nas formas de treinar e dirigir o Desporto Nacional! A mudança exige formação insiste Vasconcelos Raposo, que continua no seu artigo "formar para transformar" publicado naquele jornal em 2003.

"Se não se comtemplar a formação como podem mudar aqueles que são eles próprios os responsáveis pelo estado do nosso desporto? A formação é uma das tarefas nacionais de maior urgência. É urgente formar treinadores para que assumam de forma clara a sua função de educadores e que entendam que treinam pessoas e não modalidadeds. É urgente formar dirigentes para que entendam o fenómeno desportivo no seu todo e entendam, igualmente, que pelo facto de serem eleitos, por determinados períodos de tempo, não significa que se acelerem as coisas. Há muitas funções de grande nobreza e de grande contributo para o crescimento das equipas e dos clubes que não passam, necessariamente, só e apenas, pelos resultados. Para transformar muitas coisas do nosso desporto é preciso avançar para uma formação muito mais eficaz".

Não podíamos estar mais de acordo com o que transcrevemos das opiniões destes autores.

The "Chill Out, Juwan Howard" Chronicles, Part 4

Tracking Juwan Howard's ill-fated stint with the Portland Trailblazers...

Chill out, Juwan Howard. What are you even trying to do here? This is the most non-committal action you could possibly undertake on a basketball court. Are you blocking a shot or getting blocked or rebounding or what? Make up your mind. Jon Brockman is trying to figure it out and he looks even more dumbfounded than usual. Killer LiveStrong, by the way.

Chill out, Juwan Howard

Preparing a Dallas Mavericks Steak

Yield: 1 Dallas Mavericks Steak

1 horse-shaped steak
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon cumin
14 oz. ginger ale
Coarse kosher salt
Picture of Jamal Mashburn
8 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon finely ground gingersnap cookie dust
3 oz. goose grease

Combine ginger ale, six tablespoons of oil, and goose grease in gallon plastic bag. Add steak. Marinate outside in 100 degree heat, with 89% humidity for 14-16 days. Remove from marinade and place steak on picture of Jamal Mashburn (can substitute Erick Strickland or Martin Muursepp depending on preference) for 24 minutes.

While steak is on picture, heat non-stick skillet and remaining olive oil on high, until smoking. After 24 minutes, remove steak from picture and place on skillet. Place oregano in a small mound on the non-cooked side, and eat half of the gingersnap cookies. After 6-8 minutes, flip steak, keeping the oregano mound intact. Place cumin in a small mound on the side of the steak that is facing up. The mound should be exactly opposite of the oregano mound, making the eyes of the horse. Cook for 6-8 minutes. Eat other half of gingersnap cookies.

Remove from heat and place on massive flatscreen LCD television. Add salt to taste.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Barnyard Birthday fun

What a great idea for a themed birthday party! This was a birthday party for my lovely friend Cilla's niece who turned two. How cute are the animal biscuits especially! I'll have to save this one for down the track :-)

Paging Matt Bonner

Things have been pretty hectic at Blowtorch Consulting the past few months. After I put together the Brandon Jennings proposal, business boomed. And as the business has grown, I've had to sign a lot of non-disclosure agreements. This is the nature of commerce, I suppose.

But we are MAKING THINGS HAPPEN. For instance, last night while shopping for ingredients for a sausage casserole, I found our newest product endorsement.

GINGERBOY COOKIES - "Like gingerbread men, but younger in a not creepy way."

Some people say, "always be closing." I say, "always be brainstorming," which is probably more effective; some doors should remain open. Last night, in a split-second, I stormed my brain for a shortlist of possible Gingerboy endorsers. Here it is with each candidates pros and cons:

Blake Griffin
Pros: Has red hair. Actually marketable. Young, which correlates to the boy part of Gingerboy. Loves nutmeg.
Cons: May not be receptive to endorsing an offbrand cookie as he has other opportunities. Probably would want to change product name to Gingerballs. Hates cloves.

Brian Scalabrine
Pros: Has red hair. Kinda chunky, target market will identify with him.
Cons: No one wants to see Brian Scalabrine while they're eating.

Matt Bonner
Pros: Has red hair. No other marketing opportunities, so he would probably jump at this one. Avid baker.
Cons: Often sports a red beard. Possibly Canadian.
After careful consideration, I've decided to target Matt Bonner and his agent, Kenny Grant. Considering the other players Grant represents, I think he'll be pretty intrigued that someone actually is marketing one of his players. That's the Blowtorch Consulting strategy: make people who aren't marketable feel marketable so that they will pay you to market them.

Let's make this happen.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas projects - wreath

Here is a lovely Christmas project for those of you who were sitting around twiddling your thumbs wondering what else you had to do for Christmas!! It's a technique that has done the rounds from headbands to belts etc.. but always comes up trumps. The ruffly felt wreath came from Kristen at Domestifluff via Design Sponge.


KAROLINA SOUTH t-shirts now available for purchase EXCLUSIVELY through KarolinaSouth.com and SheBloggin.com ONLY!

Available Colors: Red/Green/Blue/Black
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**Follow the instructions provided by Paypal to request which color you would like.

Prelude to a Basketball

"Prelude to a Basketball"
- a poetry slam by Baron Davis -

Oh beautiful ball
Orangest of balls
Filled with air
But still it falls

Rounder and roundest
The perfect of spheres
Fear not the basketball
Be of its ears

Channeled and smooth
The ball, it shall bounce
But never again
The ball, I renounce

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Monday Musings - Ultrasound

I have had the pleasure of enjoying a live-in-nanny for an entire week_read_ sister-in-law visiting... but that all ends today when she flies back up north! Here is my 20 week ultrasound pic - I just had to share it because it is so amazing and clear - I love the waving! It cost a fortune - I think I was helping to pay the new machine off. Thank goodness for Medicare in this great country we live in - where I could claim part of the expense back. My sister-in-law babysat Anya while Gordon and I got to go off and have lunch, ultrasound and finish our Christmas shopping! Hurray. We had a lovely weekend too - how about you?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Reactions to Ryan Anderson's Goatee

  • Oh, no. We can't be having that kind of facial hair. Such a nice young man.
  • I bet I looked that good when I had my goatee.
  • Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice.
  • Hmmmm...I'd look superfresh with a goat like that.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Friday favourites - GOOP

My sister-in-law is visiting from out of town and showed me how to make Goop with Anya yesterday! Cornflour and water folks... apparently you can add food colouring or glitter etc.. but I like hosing just the natural products onto the lawn without any extras. Anya had a ball! What an easy, in-expensive activity. Great for tactile stimulation as it is hard and soft all at the same time... Try it and you will know what I mean. Very cool.

Pau Gasol, He Ereses La Cana a Lot

That's what I'm always saying. I scream it a lot. I'm always like, "Pau eres la cana! Yeah!" People don't really get it, but you two get it. You know what I mean. Because if there's anyone who really eres la cana it's Pau Gasol, am I right?

The funny thing is, I don't really speak that much Spanish. And even less Catalan. But I'm pretty sure that when I say "Pau eres la cana," which is A LOT, I'm speaking the truth. That dude LOVES to eres la cana. Loves it. It's basically his favorite thing besides hook shots and making his hands look like deer hooves.

I don't know though. I guess it would make sense that I check in to what it actually means instead of just telling all my friends that Pau Gasol eres la cana. Well, I guess I've already told all my friends, but it couldn't hurt to check it out before I tell them again. Let's see here.

"Peace eras the sugarcane?" That doesn't even make sense. Is this some sort of code? It doesn't even reference Pau Gasol. This is really embarrassing. All this time, when I was yelling "Pau eres la cana," I thought I was just saying something like "Pau, you're a baller," or, "Pau, you're beard is okay." I definitely didn't think I was propagandizing on behalf of the Sugarcane Peace Coalition.

Thanks for nothing, Spain.

Wow..Copenhagen Hookers Giving Free Sex Services During Summit Held

Hookers incorporated in Danish Sex Peke Association offers a free service to the participants a high level conference (summit) Climate Change in Copenhagen which took place beginning 07-18 December 2009.

The offer as a form of protest because the City Government prohibits Copenhagen hotel provides sexual services for participants of the Summit delegates. Susanne Moeller, one of the association board said the move was intended to protest the antiprostitusi initiatives undertaken by the Copenhagen city hall.

The city is to host the UN Climate Summit of the date of 7-18 Desember distribute postcards at hotels Copenhagen that read "Hang in there: Do not Buy Sex".

The message was also sent to 160 hotel managers as their invitation to take steps to avoid meeting the prostitute with the user. Prostitutes, who joined the association in the Danish, immediately reacted to this movement.

Association of the whore instead use the postcard as a duty-free card for those who want to enjoy the services.

"All the delegates who came to Copenhagen for the world climate summit will be able to use the postcard to request payment after on our website," said Moeller.

"We do not expect much of the delegation (to take advantage of this offer), but we want to protest what we think of discrimination," Moeller said, adding that bids can only be used when the UN meeting.

Copenhagen summit aims to develop an international climate agreement to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cushion - with Ink and Spindle fabric

I have never made a cushion cover before but wanted to use my lovely Ink and Spindle fabric (on the left - Bloem in white) for something around my home. I have two old brown suede-like cushions that needed freshening up - so this is the first cover I made. I did use a mis-matched weighted linen (because that is all I had) and it probably should have been the same weight but it turned out ok. I used Lara's tutorial (from I&S) on invisible zips as a quick tut for the cushion cover itself. The plain linen kept catching the little slubs as I sewed a straight line :-( Has anyone else had that problem? I did a quick search on Wiki and it did mention that slubs are actually defects associated with low quality linen (good to know) next time I buy some linen!!

Check Out My New Tattoo

It took me a while to figure out something that I'd want on body for the rest of my life, and I finally decided on this Bulls tattoo. I wanted to get something subtle and unobtrusive to show my support for my favorite basketball team. Plus I can cover it up for job interviews. Definitely not going to regret this.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

All he wants for Christmas

How I would dearly love to send my gorgeous husband to Italy for this course (with me, pregnant belly and 2yr old in tow of course). My husband loves design and typography and we have lots of lovely old books on the subject, some belonging to my grandfather who was a commercial artist. I was fortunate enough to go to Europe in 2000 but didn't make it to Italy. Gordon has never been - so there is plenty of Europe left for both of us to explore... one day.

Asian/Pacific Islands Basketball is Confusing

I like watching all kinds of basketball. Or as the Spanish might say baloncesto. I feel like I can relate to basketball at any level. Yes, I much prefer the NBA to anything else, but I'm always down to chill out on a college, high school, or international game.

But I have never watched a FIBA Asia game ever. In fact, I just found out it was called FIBA Asia because of Google and their website, which a) exists and b) has a theme song that autoplays that is hilarious. That is my entire understanding of FIBA Asia basketball. And judging by some recent photographs, that's probably the most I'll ever comprehend, because holy cow what is going on here?

In FIBA Asia basketball, large women guard small men while the kid from Little Miss Sunshine watches from press row.

In FIBA Asia basketball you can only block shots through the rim.

FIBA Asia basketball is very emotional.

In FIBA Asia basketball, some players have the ability to float parallel to the ground. This is a perfectly legal defensive strategy.

Similarly, in FIBA Asia basketball, some players can make the ball levitate. If you levitate the ball, you can advance it as if you were dribbling. It is not considered traveling because it's magical.

FIBA Asia basketball is heavily influenced by the Harlem Globetrotters.

These are the only known facts about FIBA Asia basketball. I learned them from reading the website, so I'd suggest you check it out then come back here so we can have an in-depth discussion about FIBA Asia basketball. Also, magic. We can talk about magic since that's all you want to talk about these days.